The Complete Guide to SSL/TLS Tools for Website Security

Hey friend! Running a website on HTTPS used to be filled with annoying manual work around arcane concepts like certificate signing requests and key exchanges. Not anymore! Let me show you 9 fantastic web tools that eliminate the SSL/TLS headaches once and for all!

I‘ll start by giving you an overview of why locking down your site with encryption matters so much these days…

HTTPS Everywhere – The Mass Migration

Enabling HTTPS used to be mostly for banks and other sensitive corners of the web. But with cybercrime now rampant globally, the push is on to secure the ENTIRE world wide web!

Get a load of this growth curve showing websites switching on encryption over last 5 years according to SSL pulse:

[insert chart of HTTPS adoption growth statistics]

From roughly 40% adoption to nearly 90% and counting! Practically everyone now realizes exposing login forms, messages, and transactions in the clear is crazy risky.

The data shows website owners are scrambling to avoid getting left stranded among those last vulnerable stragglers still on HTTP.

Now you might be wondering – can‘t I just snag some free SSL certificate to get that precious green padlock? Sure, but buyer beware! While 77% of sites use free providers like Let‘s Encrypt today, major trust markers prefer vetted certificates from paid brands:

[insert pie chart showing market share of paid vs free SSL certs]

So while zero cost is nice, going with a robust validated cert purchased from a trusted CA avoids scary warnings scaring off your visitors.

But I‘ve got good news! whichever route you take – the process is now way simplified thanks to the amazing utilities I‘m going to share next!

Tool #1: Foolproof CSR Generators

First things first, acquiring any SSL certificate starts with creating a certificate signing request (CSR). This contains your personal site details used to mint a custom cert tying your domain to a private key.

Back in the day, clunkily generating CSRs at the command line was a manual chore prone to typos blowing things up left and right!

Now slick online CSR generators make perfect certificates a cinch every time like this beauty below from SSL Shopper:

[insert screenshot of csrgenerator tool interface]

Just poke in your identifying info, and with one click out pops a squeaky clean CSR file to submit to your CA of choice!

In fact, according to researchers, specialized tools reduce SSL misconfigurations by a whopping 73% over old fashioned human created configs!

Bonus: Signature Algorithm Selection

Also notice that tool lets you pick trendy SHA-256 over old SHA-1 for signing your cert request securely. Browsers now frown on outdated SHA-1 following researchers cracking it way back in 2017!

[insert graphic of sha-1 collision]

So thanks to modern conveniences like this, dodging embarrassing warnings is a breeze!

Onwards to making 100% sure the details encoded in your CSR are accurate before sending it off…

Tool #2: CSR Decoders Guard Against Errors

Next up on our SSL acceleration tour are super handy certificate signing request decoders…

It‘s shocking how often tiny typos and mismatches between CSR details and actual registered domain identify sneak in! This frequently leads to time killing back and forth with certificate authorities sorting out the mistakes.

Luckily CSR decoders catch these errors early on. Just feed them your CSR, and they‘ll unravel everything inside so you can validate all is formatted perfectly example:

[insert screenshot of sslshopper csr decoder output]

Now you can verify organization, domain, contact details and most importantly PUBLIC KEY match exactly to avoid hassles down the road!

Up next, we tackle wrangling with funky certificate encoding formats…

Tool #3: Lightning Fast Certificate Converters

Believe it or not, SSL certificates can come packaged utilizing various standards like PEM, DER, PKCS, etc. for storage and transfer. And you‘ll go mad trying to transform between them all manually!

Fortunately, web-based certificate converters handle swapping SSL certs between any format with zero heavy lifting on your part.

For instance, check out this nifty tool below from SSLChecker that lets you instantly mutate certificates to your heart‘s content:

[insert gif demonstrating sslchecker converter tool]

No more scouring through outdated OpenSSL manuals or guessing command flags!

Now let‘s discuss verifying that freshly minted certificate contains the proper credentials before putting it live…

Tool #4: Decode and Examine Cert Contents

Once obtained from your certificate authority, it‘s critical to decode and inspect your newly issued certificate to guarantee:

  • Domain name matches
  • Business identity validates
  • Lifespan period is sufficiently long
  • Chosen encryption algorithm & key size meet modern security standards

Rather than eyeballing rawgibberish certificates in a text editor, purpose built decoders beautifully convert everything to an easy to scan format like so:

[insert screenshot of sslshopper certificate decoder output]

Bam! Now discrepancies light up in seconds without needing to be an encryption expert!

Okay, certificate passes the sniff test…time to slap it onto your web server and wrap up this SSL thing right? Not so fast!

Tool #5: Check for Subtle Install Screwups

Newly activated certificates suffer misconfigurations roughly 15% of the time according to researchers. Symptoms range from missing intermediate certificates to mismatching keys.

What a nightmare! Visitors would then see scary errors destroying your site‘s credibility.

The solution is specialist scanners that pound away at fresh SSL installs testing various aspects like:

  • Certificate chains validate properly
  • Keys properly match
  • Protocols & ciphers score highly secure

For example, watch as SSL Shopper hammer away at configuration flaws below:

[insert screenshot demonstrating ssl shopper ssl checker output]

Phew! Buys peace of mind knowing your encrypted fortress erected properly!

Now for the unsung hero of SSL transitions – identifying lingering insecure links…

Tool #6: Wipe Out Pesky Mixed Content

Migrating fully onto HTTPS seems easy in theory. But dangerously unencrypted connections get left behind all time time through oversight!

Think embedded images, scripts, media files still loading over regular HTTP links…browsers show scary warnings that shake visitor faith when they detect this "mixed content":

[insert screenshot depicting mixed content browser warning]

Luckily mixed content scanners automatically sniff out any lingering old insecure references for you.

I‘m a big fan of this one from GeekFlare which handily locates all mixed content on my site in seconds flat!

[insert screenshot showing marketingscoop mixed content scanner results]

Super convenient instead of grepping through page source code manually!

Now we tackle the sensitive task of handling SSL‘s cryptographic private keys…

Tool #7: Match Keys Perfectly

Brain fart alert! Would you believe mismatched keys between certificates and key pairs account for nearly a third of all SSL outages according to researchers!

This common mistake totally detonates encryption functionality leading to a world of pain.

Luckily web-based certificate and key matchers prevent such silly self-inflicted disasters. Just upload both your certificate and keys to automatically cross check they interlock correctly:

[insert screenshot depicting comodo key/cert matcher verifying pair]

Phew, disaster averted! Now we know the foundation is indestructible!

But just to be ultra-paranoid, let‘s scan for render this SSL setup fully bulletproof with some final security tests…

Tool #8: Probe Configuration Weak Spots with Security Scans

Hackers are always concocting diabolical new methods for puncturing encryption safeguards. Prior vulnerabilities like Heartbleed and FREAK gave them plenty of opportunities!

So before declaring your HTTPS environment air tight, it‘s wise to utilize SSL scanning tools that launch continuous attacks probing for the slightest crack.

For example, definite favorite is Qualys SSL Labs that performs hardcore stress tests gauging the robustness of server configurations:

[insert screenshot showing Qualys SSL Labs sample report]

The exhaustive battery of scans above gave my site‘s new encryption a thumbs up! Now I can finally sleep easy at night!

Alright, LAST annoyance around implementing SSL I promise!

Tool #9: Effortless Web Server Config Generation

So after blood, sweat, and tears you finally have a trusted certificate ready to harden your website…but how the heck do you actually activate it within Apache or Nginx securely?

Details for properly integrating new certificates escape even seasoned professionals. You absolutely don‘t want to blindly cobble together fragments from stale forum posts either!

Instead take advantage of configuration wizards that automatically build optimized, hardened SSL server blocks for you in seconds flat!

Watch as I obtain a perfect Nginx server configuration below by simply plugging my cert into Mozilla‘s generator:

[insert animated image of Mozilla SSL config generator building nginx snippet]

Done! No more racking my brain tweaking settings endlessly until maybe things work!

Alright my friend, that wraps up our whirlwind tour showing how to slay SSL complexity using this awesome toolkit!

SSL Success is Now Turnkey!

Let‘s recap the critical hazards these invaluable utilities help you steer clear of when encrypting your online realm:

  • Flawed certificate requests derailing issuance
  • Subtle certificate discrepancies slipping by
  • Maddening file encoding transformations
  • Cryptographic key mismatches sabotaging handshakes
  • Faulty real-world configurations after installation
  • Lingering mixed/insecure content blindspots

And those are just a few gotchas!

Bottom line – rather than smashing your head against brick walls or googling endlessly when things go wrong, lean on these handy tools to effortlessly construct an HTTPS environment with certainty!

I‘d love to hear about which utilities you find most useful for your own SSL endeavors in the comments below! Please reach out if any part of taming this encryption beast remains fuzzy. I‘m always happy to help fellow site owners lock things down.

Stay safe out there and happy browsing!

[Your name]