Securing Your Cookies: An Nginx Guide

Have you ever noticed those pesky little cookies popping up when you browse the web? While they may seem harmless, cookies open up risks like data theft and account hijacking if not properly secured.

By implementing some simple cookie protections in your Nginx server, you can effectively block popular cookie-based attacks. This prevents malicious threats from stealing sensitive user data from your web applications.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll teach you step-by-step how to leverage built-in Nginx tools for "locking down" cookie security.

Why Cookie Security Matters

Before jumping into the Nginx configuration details, let me emphasize why securing your cookies is so critical for web app protection:

✅ Over 30% of all web application attacks target cookie data as an entry point

✅ Cookie-stealing can lead to compromised user accounts, stolen identities, and injection of malware payloads

✅ High-profile sites like Twitter and Yahoo have suffered breaches exposing millions of cookies in the past

Here are two of the most common ways cookies are attacked and exploited:

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks

XSS attacks inject malicious JavaScript into vulnerable web pages…

This scripts can then access cookies and transmit sensitive data like session IDs back to the attacker.

By preventing scripts from reading certain cookies, we close this dangerous loophole in web application security stacks.

Network Sniffing & Man-in-the-Middle

Clever attackers can intercept traffic and steal data in transit over unencrypted connections.

Your unassuming HTTP cookie suddenly becomes readable in clear text when sniffed from the wire.

And man-in-the-middle attacks let hackers manipulate cookie contents before they even reach your servers.

Encrypting transmission channels blocks these network-level threats.

Now that you‘ve seen examples of how cookie attacks play out, let‘s get to the good stuff – configuring robust protections in Nginx…

A Two-Pronged Cookie Security Approach

The two simple cookie attributes below act as multi-layered defenses against both script and network attacks:

HTTPOnly – Stops JavaScript (XSS) cookie access

Secure – Forces encryption (HTTPS) for transmission

When combined, these config flags effectively "lock down" cookies from external threats trying to steal or manipulate their contents.

Nginx provides easy configuration mechanisms for applying HTTPOnly and Secure broadly across your apps.

Let‘s examine how to implement cookie security through two different methods:

1. The add_header Directive (Global)

The add_header directive allows setting cookie flags globally across all HTTP responses:

add_header Set-Cookie "name=value; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure"; 

To enable sitewide, place this line in your nginx.conf file (within main http { } block).

Benefits: Super simple to implement cookie security globally.

2. The proxy_cookie_path Directive (Per-App)

The proxy_cookie_path approach sets security flags exclusively for proxied apps:

proxy_cookie_path / "/; HTTPOnly; Secure";  

Used within individual server { } blocks managing app reverse proxies.

Benefits: More granular controls when you only want certain apps secured.

Now I‘ll show you step-by-step examples for applying both methods in your Nginx configs…

Global Example: Add_Header Method

Securing cookies globally via add_header ensures all cookies set by Nginx are protected by default.

Here is how to configure:

  1. Edit your main Nginx config file at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

  2. Add the following within your http { } block:

http {

  #...existing configs...

  add_header Set-Cookie "name=value; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure";

  #...other configs...

  1. Save changes & reload Nginx with sudo service nginx reload

That‘s it! Both flags will now append to all cookie headers set by your server.

For example, the HTTPOnly and Secure attributes will get merged into response headers dynamically like:

Original:  Set-Cookie: sessionID=1234  
Modified: Set-Cookie: sessionID=1234; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure

Much more resistant to cookie attacks!

Proxy Method: Per-App Implementation

For standalone apps behind a reverse proxy, use the proxy_cookie_path approach instead. This sets security flags exclusively for proxied apps.

Follow these steps to configure cookie protections in a per-app manner:

  1. Edit your Nginx reverse proxy file (commonly ssl.conf or app_proxy.conf)

  2. Add a proxy_cookie_path line within the server { } block managing your app‘s proxy:

server {

  #...other proxy configs...

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;  
    proxy_cookie_path / "/; HttpOnly; Secure";  

  1. Reload Nginx.

Now only apps behind this proxy will receive the cookie security enhancements.

Much more flexible for adding protections on a per-app basis!

Validating Cookie Security Headers

To validate your configs are working properly, you need to inspect the raw Set-Cookie HTTP headers returned by Nginx.

Check that "HttpOnly" and "Secure" flags were actually appended to cookies as expected.

Useful tools:

  • Curl command line – curl -I
  • Browser Dev Tools Network tab
  • Online HTTP header checkers

You should see the flags set directly on response Set-Cookie headers:

Set-Cookie: id=a3fWa; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure

Also consider using a tool like EditThisCookie to visually confirm browser cookies have the attributes applied.

Beyond HTTPOnly & Secure: Additional Hardening Tips

Proper cookie security configuration is a great first step. But there are many other best practices for "hardening" overall web application defenses.

Here are a few bonus hardening tips to apply in addition to the above cookie protections:

Force HTTPS with HSTS

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) forces web browsers to use encrypted HTTPS connections by default. This prevents unencrypted cookie transmission.

add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000" always; 

Remove Information Leakage

Disable any headers, Server tokens etc. that expose tech stack details attackers could leverage in targeting vulnerabilities.

Set Content Security Policy (CSP)

Whitelist trusted sources of content, scripts, stylesheets etc. Block everything else.

Restrict Access

Carefully limit connections to service ports based on client source IP addresses.

For even more comprehensive hardening guidance, review my in-depth Nginx Security Guide.

Now get out there and start securing those cookies, friend! Let me know if you have any other questions.