Securing Apache Websites with Industry Standard SSL Encryption

Recent large-scale data breaches impacting billions of users have demonstrated the crucial need for encrypted HTTPS connections to protect sensitive personal information. Fortunately, the process for activating SSL certificates on the widely used Apache web server is straightforward, especially with the emergence of free certificates from trusted certificate authorities.

This comprehensive 2800 word guide will walk through the full details on configuring Apache for encryption with SSL, troubleshooting common issues, and deployment best practices utilized by security professionals to maximize privacy and security for website visitors.

The Growing Need for HTTPS Encryption

Over the last 5 years adoption of HTTPS has rapidly increased, with over 90% of traffic on the web now encrypted compared to just 45% in 2014 according to Google Transparency Report data. This growth is driven by increased security awareness after major breaches, shifting consumer expectations, search engine preferences for HTTPS sites, and free trusted certificates removing cost barriers.

Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption utilized in HTTPS connections protects important sensitive user information like:

  • Login credentials
  • Financial data
  • Personal communications
  • Sensitive documents

TLS provides two key security capabilities through asymmetric public key infrastructure:

Encryption – Data scrambled into cipher text secured by a session key shared only with the server to prevent eavesdropping

Authentication – Public key certificates verify the identity of the website domain to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks

Let‘s delve into the specifics on how to set up TLS-based encryption by installing and configuring SSL certificates on Apache deployments.

Prerequisites for Apache SSL Operation

In order to handle SSL traffic, Apache needs to be compiled and configured with the appropriate encryption modules:

OpenSSL Library – Low level cryptographic libraries containing the implementation of TLS and cipher suites for creating secure tunnels. This should be compiled into Apache for optimal efficiency and crypto operations.

mod_ssl Module – Enables native Apache support for encrypted HTTPS connections. This module connects Apache to OpenSSL. Use the --enable-ssl flag when running ./configure while installing Apache.

Additionally, domain names intended to be protected by SSL should resolve to the IP address of the Apache server. The SSL certificate will be issued specifically for the configured domain only.

Having the OpenSSL toolkit installed on the server is also useful for generating private keys and certificate signing requests:

# Install OpenSSL toolkit 
yum install openssl

Now the foundation is in place to add SSL capability. Next is obtaining a digital certificate containing the public keys that will be used by clients to form encrypted SSL sessions.

SSL Certificate Types and Trust Levels

There are three main types of SSL certificates with differing levels of cost and system trust:

Certificate Type Issuing Process Trust Level Cost Use Case
Self-Signed Generated locally, not signed None Free Testing purposes only
Private CA Signed by your own CA Internal systems only Low-No Cost Internal services, Intranet sites
Public CA Signed by trusted external CA Fully trusted public Internet High Cost* Customer facing websites

*Let‘s Encrypt provides free browser-trusted public certificates

For securing public customer facing Apache sites, certificates from a reputable external Certificate Authority are strongly recommended, as they will be automatically trusted by all major browsers without warnings.

Obtaining Trusted Signed Certificates from Let‘s Encrypt

Let‘s Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority operated by the Internet Security Research Group that provides browser-trusted certificates using the ACME protocol. First the certificate signing request needs to be created.

Generating a Certificate Signing Request

The first step is to generate a private key locally, which only the Apache server will possess for decrypting data during the secure session handshake process:

# Generate 4096 bit private key 
$ openssl genrsa -out example.key 4096

Next, generate a certificate signing request or CSR based on the private key which contains the public key and specific details of the site it represents:

# Create CSR for 
$ openssl req -new -key example.key -out example.csr

Make sure to enter the intended fully qualified domain name when prompted, along with the relevant contact details. Now this CSR can be sent over to the certificate authority for signing.

Obtaining the Signed Certificate

The Certbot Let‘s Encrypt client can be used for both automating CSR generation and obtaining the signed certificate by validating domain ownership through HTTP based challenges:

# Install certbot client
$ yum install certbot

# Download signed cert in /etc/letsencrypt 
$ sudo certbot certonly --webroot -w /var/www/html -d

This automatically places the browser trusted signed certificate cert.pem with bundled intermediate certificates at /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ready for implementation.

The certificate will be valid for 90 days, after which renewal is necessary through certbot as well to maintain trust. Now on to how to integrate this signed certificate into Apache…

Four Key Steps for Configuring Apache SSL Support

With the signed keys now obtained from the certificate authority, Apache needs to be configured for leveraging the certificate and handling incoming HTTPS connections.

1. Enable SSL Module in Apache

The SSL module mod_ssl needs to be activated within the main Apache configuration file httpd.conf:

# Enable mod_ssl which provides HTTPS support
LoadModule ssl_module modules/

This dynamically loads the Apache mod_ssl module that bridges OpenSSL to provide encrypted transport functionality.

2. Configure Certificate, Key and Intermediates

With mod_ssl active, the file httpd-conf is used to specify the particular signed certificate and private key to use:

# Server certificate file path              
SSLCertificateFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

# Private key file path
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/  

# Intermediate certificate file path
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/letsencrypt/live/

The first file is the actual signed certificate containing the public key. The second file is the originating private key generated initially by us. The chain file contains intermediate certificates that establish the full chain of trust from our certificate to the root CA that is trusted in browsers.

3. Add Virtual Host Definition for HTTPS

A new virtual host entry needs to be added to handle inbound HTTPS connections at port 443:

<VirtualHost *:443>

  # Path to web site content
  DocumentRoot /var/www/html

  # Other SSL configuration directives

Additional SSL specific directives related to protocols, ciphers etc would be housed here later if needed.

4. Redirect All HTTP Traffic to HTTPS

To transparently shift all HTTP requests from site visitors over to encrypted HTTPS:

<VirtualHost *:80>
  Redirect permanent /

This automatically redirects any unencrypted HTTP requests to the secured HTTPS equivalent URL using a 301 permanent redirect.

Testing, Troubleshooting and Securing Apache SSL

After updating the configuration with the certificates enabled, restart Apache to activate the changes:

# Restart daemon
systemctl restart httpd

Verify that no errors related to permissions, key locations, data formats show up in the logs. Useful troubleshooting tips:

  • Test from multiple browsers and devices to detect inconsistencies
  • Use online scanning tools to validate and get more info on issues
  • Carefully inspect chain details for structural flaws
  • Confirm certificate matches domain name exactly

Some common SSL issues include:

Mixed Content Warnings – Partially encrypted pages, with some elements still over HTTP. Ensure all assets use relative HTTPS paths.

Domain Mismatch – Certificate does not match site domain. Generate a new CSR with proper domain.

Expiration / Trust Issues – Certificate expired or not issued by a browser trusted CA authority. Renew or get trusted cert.

Revoked Certificate – Previously trusted certificate was revoked. Must replace cert immediately.

Beyond basic functioning, for enhanced privacy and an A+ rating:

TLS 1.3 – Use the latest TLS protocol support including perfect forward secrecy PFS through ECDHE ciphers

HSTS – HTTP Strict Transport Security forces connections over HTTPS

OCSP Stapling – Improved revocation checking process

Transparency – Certificates adhering to Google Certificate Transparency for additional auditing and trust

Properly configured SSL enhances end user privacy while opening up SEO benefits of improved consumer engagement and conversion on encrypted, secure sites.

Looking Ahead: The Journey to Fully Encrypted Web Continues

With free trusted certificates from removing cost barriers in combination with mounting data exposure threats and privacy focused legislation, the path is paved for the internet ecosystem marching towards ubiquitous encryption across all sites and services. However risks still lurk on the horizon – from technical debt associated with aging protocols to new advances in quantum computing.

Through a layered defense in depth approach, with TLS configured properly on hardened Apache servers in conjunction with robust cybersecurity awareness across teams, organizations can aspire to reach the maximum security posture needed to protect customers and business critical assets into the future against a landscape filled with uncertainty.