Mastering Terraform: A Complete Guide to 28 Real-World Terraform Interview Questions

Dear reader, infrastructure automation continues to be one of the most in-demand skills for technology professionals. As cloud adoption accelerates, expertise in infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools like HashiCorp‘s Terraform is becoming indispensable for roles like site reliability engineers, DevOps engineers, cloud architects, and system administrators.

Why Terraform Skills Matter

According to the 2022 State of Infrastructure as Code report by HashiCorp, Terraform remains the dominant IaC tool, with usage growing from 52% of respondents in 2021 to 56% in 2022. The report also found that almost 90% of organizations have now adopted IaC in some capacity, indicating the massive growth still ahead.

With the global cloud computing market projected to grow from $445 billion in 2022 to over $1.5 trillion by 2030, resources to automate cloud infrastructure at scale are in extremely high demand. Terraform is leading the charge. Job postings for "Terraform" on LinkedIn showed a 95% increase in demand in 2021 compared to 2020.

Clearly, Terraform expertise can hugely boost your career opportunities and earnings potential as an infrastructure engineer. This comprehensive guide equips you with immense preparation for Terraform interviews by exploring over 28 real-world Terraform interview questions along with detailed explanations, code examples, comparisons, and key takeaways. Let‘s get started!

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool developed by HashiCorp for provisioning and managing cloud, on-premises, and hybrid infrastructure safely, efficiently, and reliably. With a simple, declarative coding syntax known as HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), Terraform allows you to describe the desired end-state infrastructure across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, VMware, and more.

Some key capabilities and benefits of Terraform include:

  • Infrastructure as Code – Automate provisioning of infrastructure programmatically instead of using manual processes
  • Execution Plans – Preview changes before applying to avoid unexpected outages
  • Resource Graph – Visualize resource relationships to understand dependencies
  • Change Automation – Complex changes can be applied automatically and predictably
  • Multi-provider – Supports all major cloud platforms and on-prem solutions
  • Modularity – Reusable configurations for easy collaboration and sharing

According to the 2022 State of Terraform Collaboration report by 1Password, over 63% of organizations use Terraform to manage multi-cloud architectures across AWS, Azure, and GCP. Compared to domain-specific tools like AWS CloudFormation, Terraform‘s provider flexibility makes it an easy choice for version-controlled infrastructure automation across hybrid or multi-cloud environments.

Next, let‘s explore some core concepts you‘ll need to understand when starting out with Terraform.

Core Concepts

Architecture Overview

Terraform‘s architecture comprises of several key components working together:


Providers are plugins responsible for managing and interacting with deployment platforms through their APIs. HashiCorp along with third-party community publishers distribute 100+ providers for platforms like AWS, GitHub, Kafka etc.


Resources represent infrastructure components like virtual networks, compute instances, databases, storage etc. that can be managed as code through provider APIs.


The Terraform state is a file that tracks managed resource details like metadata and dependencies. It acts as the source of truth mapping real-world resources to your configs.


Workspaces allow you to manage distinct Terraform states to provision multiple separate environments like dev, test, prod based on the same config.

This architecture allows you to use HCL code to declare the desired resources, have providers handle API interactions, track state for change management, and utilize workspaces for multi-environment needs.

Terraform Workflow

The standard Terraform workflow comprises three key steps:

Write – Author HCL configs defining providers, resources, inputs etc. to model the exact desired infrastructure.

Plan – Preview and validate the changes Terraform will apply to match your specified state.

Apply – Provision real resources by having providers execute API calls.

This cleanly separates infrastructure as code from execution, avoiding surprise changes and downtime. Automated testing and collaboration features further improve the workflow.


Beyond the core resources-providers-state scope, some other key components include:

Backend – The backend defines where and how Terraform state snapshots are stored remotely. AWS S3 is a popular backend providing state locking and consistency.

Variables – Allow dynamic customization of configs using external parameters instead of hardcoding values.

Outputs – Expose information from resources provisioned in Terraform state for usage elsewhere.

Modules – Reusable encapsulated configs managing a group of related resources as a single unit.

HashiCorp Ecosystem

Terraform is the flagship tool for multi-cloud automation by HashiCorp alongside solutions like Vagrant, Packer, Vault, Consul, Waypoint etc. Together, they provide an integrated ecosystem for provisioning, securing, connecting and deploying any application.

The common foundation HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) brings consistency across these tools. Packer helps bake immutable infrastructure images. Vault manages secrets and access policies. Consul handles service discovery. Waypoint simplifies application deployments.

With this context on Terraform‘s purpose and core concepts, let‘s walk through an example deployment.

Getting Started

First, ensure Terraform is installed on your system from the official downloads page. Terraform is distributed as a single binary.

On Linux/Unix-based systems, running the following will install Terraform correctly:

$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main"
$ sudo apt-get update  
$ sudo apt-get install terraform

Next, open a new directory example and create a file named with your favorite editor:

# Configure AWS provider
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"

# Create S3 bucket 
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "data" {
  bucket = "my-tf-tutorial-bucket"

  tags = {
    Name = "My bucket"
    Environment = "Dev"

This config uses the AWS provider to create an S3 bucket resource on AWS with some tags. With your config in place, run:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan 
$ terraform apply

init fetches required providers defined in the config. plan previews changes. apply provisions the resources based on the config. And just like that – we‘ve automated infrastructure using code!

Now try modifying configs, planning, applying changes, and finally destroying this stack with terraform destroy when done. With this hands-on experience, let‘s move on to managing state, reusing configurations, production practices etc. in more depth.

Handling State

Reusing Configurations

Terraform in Production

Example Configuration Walkthrough

Terraform Cloud


CloudFormation vs. Terraform
Ansible vs. Terraform
Terraform vs. Pulumi

Interview Questions and Answers

Now that you have a strong grasp of Terraform concepts, let‘s explore over 28 interview questions frequently asked about Terraform to test expertise across both breadth and depth of knowledge. I‘ll share insightful answers expected from candidates along with examples and additional context for interviewers.

General Questions

  1. What is Terraform?

Terraform is an infrastructure automation tool from HashiCorp offering a single workflow to manage cloud, on-prem, and hybrid infrastructure safely and efficiently. Key capabilities include:

  • Execution plans to preview changes
  • Declarative language and file formats
  • Resource graph to visualize dependencies
  • Change automation for complex updates
  • Support for all major providers like AWS, Azure, GCP
  • Modularity through reusable configurations
  1. Why choose Terraform over traditional manual processes?

Rather than configuring cloud consoles manually…


  1. How would you use Terraform to manage infrastructure across dev, test, and prod environments?

One approach is to utilize…

Advanced Concepts

  1. Explain how Terraform state allows for change automation

Terraform state tracks…


  1. Which command is used to preview Terraform changes?

The terraform plan command generates an execution plan…

Getting Prepared

To ramp up on Terraform expertise expected in infrastructure roles today, here are my top recommended resources:

As you prepare for exciting roles leveraging Terraform skills with ample practice resources, I wish you the very best in your career journey ahead! Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.

Best regards,
[Your name]