Master Python Virtual Environments: The Essential 2021 Guide

Python has exploded in popularity in recent years. As an interpreted high-level language with simple syntax, it enables rapid development times. Python is now the #1 language used by leading organizations across data science, DevOps, web applications and more.

With the growing ubiquity of Python, dependency management has become an increasing challenge. According to JetBrains, 75% of Python developers now leverage virtual environments to isolate project requirements.

This definitive guide will teach you how to create, manage and troubleshoot Python virtual environments like an expert.

Why Python Dependency Management Matters

First, what exactly is a "dependency" when it comes to Python?

In simple terms, a Python dependency is an external package that your script or application relies on to function properly. For example, projects often use common third party packages like:

  • Numpy – foundational math/array operations
  • Pandas – data analysis toolkit
  • Flask – lightweight web framework
  • Matplotlib – visualization/plotting

The list goes on…from scientific computing packages to machine learning libraries.

The Problem

Dependencies are great for accelerating development. But managing them can quickly turn messy when working on multiple Python projects.

Ever try running a script and see an error like:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘nltk‘

Or how about:

AttributeError: ‘tuple‘ object has no attribute ‘read‘  

Frustrating indeed! 🤯

Often this happens because you expected a certain dependency version that worked yesterday, but something changed in the background unknowingly.

Why do sneaky dependency issues pop up?

  • Conflicting versions across projects
  • Updating a global package breaks old code
  • Region-specific mirrors return unexpected versions
  • Production environment lacks packages active in dev

Version conflicts are a prime culprit. For instance, Project A depends on Django 2.2 while Project B uses Django 3. When Django gets updated globally to the latest 4.0, one project breaks.

The more Python projects you work across, the higher chance of running into tricky dependency problems.

Enter Python Virtual Environments

Virtual environments provide an elegant solution for isolating dependencies across projects.

A Python virtualenv essentially creates an independent "container" that contains everything needed to run your project (the Python interpreter, code, libraries, etc.). Each project can have its own virtualenv with zero conflicts.

It‘s like building a custom Python installation for each individual project!

Let‘s examine the key benefits:

Isolated Dependencies

Virtualenvs sandbox project libraries/packages and the Python interpreter itself. No more version conflicts!


Snapshots of envs can be easily shared across teams and servers. This improves reproducibility.

Organized Structure

With all requirements encapsulated in their own little boxes, you gain control over dependency chaos.

Testing Flexibility

Safely experiment with different package versions side-by-side within sandboxes.

There are also other advantages like easier new developer onboarding and matching production vs development environments when deploying apps.

Bottom line – leveraging virtual environments helps you manage dependencies reliably while keeping your system clean.

Now let‘s break down the tools available for creating virtualenvs in Python.

Virtual Environment Management Tools

While the concept has been around for years, Python only included built-in virtualenv functionality in v3.3+ via the venv module.

However, third-party tools extended the core functionality substantially earlier. Today there are now several solid options:


The OG tool that started it all! virtualenv provides a simple CLI tool to generate virtual Python environments rapidly without affecting global packages. It‘s fast, extensible and sees heavy community use.

If you just need basic virtualenv capabilities without the bells & whistles, virtualenv remains a stellar choice.


Combines virtualenv creation/management with pip‘s package management functionality. Handy auto-activation of envs upon entry into project directories via .venv files makes pipenv a breeze to use.

Pipenv manages dependencies via Pipfiles using TOML syntax, integrating the 30,000+ PyPI packages nicely with any virtualenvs you generate.


Anaconda offers a robust platform for data science and machine learning applications in Python focused on simplified package management. So it‘s no surprise they offer great virtual env utilities via "conda environments".

Conda structures dependencies as YAML files. It works extremely well for reproducibility in ML applications.

There are also tools like Poetry, pyenv, activate, and more…

The right tool depends on your specific needs and taste. In this guide we‘ll focus specifically on using the tried and true virtualenv tool.

Let‘s dive in hands-on and see virtualenv in action across different platforms.

Set Up Python Virtual Environments on Mac & Linux

Getting up and running with virtualenv is simple. We‘ll walk through the steps:

1. Install Virtualenv

Start by confirming Python 3 is installed, then get virtualenv via pip:

python3 -m pip install virtualenv

2. Create Environment

Navigate into your project directory and invoke virtualenv:

cd my_project
python3 -m virtualenv .venv

This will generate a virtualenv folder called .venv containing the isolated Python interpreter and site packages.

3. Activate Environment

Run the activation script to enter the virtualenv context:

source .venv/bin/activate

Your shell prompt will update to denote the active .venv environment.

4. Install Packages

With the virtualenv active, use pip to install any requirements:

pip install pandas matplotlib

These packages will install isolated from your global Python.

5. Deactivate When Done

Exit the virtualenv after you finish your work session via:


Be sure to reactivate the environment next time you work on the project!

That covers the basic workflow – now let‘s look at Windows machines.

Set Up Python Virtual Environments on Windows

The commands are nearly identical across Windows, Mac and Linux.

To create & activate virtualenvs on Windows:


python -m venv .venv


python -m venv .venv 

After activating, install packages as usual via pip then run deactivate when done.

Easy enough!

Troubleshooting Virtualenv Issues on Windows

Some common virtualenv issues on Windows include:

  • Powershell reporting "Activate.ps1 is not digitally signed" during activation
  • python command not mapping correctly to Python 3
  • Permissions errors trying to create virtualenv directories

Consult my Python Virtualenv Troubleshooting Guide for solutions to these and other tricky problems.

With the core usage basics covered, let‘s move on to some pro tips.

Best Practices for Managing Virtual Environments

Hopefully now you see just how vital Python virtual environments are for sane dependency management!

Here are some best practices I‘ve picked up over the years for working with virtualenv configurations:

1. Name Environments by Project

Rather than just .venv, rename environments something like .virtualenv-myproj for clarity.

2. Exclude Environment Directories from Version Control

Add virtualenv folders like .venv to .gitignore/.hgignore files so they don‘t pollute your commits.

3. Store Shared Requirements in requirements.txt Files

Dump the pip freeze output to make sharing dependencies between team members easier:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Just check this file into source control and anyone can replicate the environment.

4. Regenerate requirements.txt Files Before Committing Changes

When you install/update Python packages, freeze and overwrite environment requirements files accordingly:

pip install pandas==1.1.1 # install packages

pip freeze > requirements.txt # lock down versions

git add requirements.txt

git commit -m "Bump pandas dependency"

This keeps the file locked to precise versions across your team.

5. Use the Same Python Version Everywhere

While virtualenvs isolate dependencies, they can‘t change the underlying Python version. So inconsistencies there can still cause issues.

Standardize on Python 3.6/3.7 etc across all development/production machines whenever possible. Tools like pyenv help with runtime version switching.

6. Periodically Audit for Outdated Dependencies

Check your requirements files against PyPI for updates:

pip list --outdated

Applying the latest patches helps avoid nasty surprises down the road.

Following these tips will help you build solid virtual environments and maximize reproducibility.

For enterprises with large Python codebases, explore tools like Hatch or Poetry for added environment management capabilities.

Wrapping Up on Python Virtual Environments Mastery

We‘ve covered a ton of ground here!

To recap:

  • Virtual environments create isolated dependency sandboxes
  • This prevents conflicts between Python projects
  • Tools like virtualenv and pipenv facilitate creation and management
  • Environments make replication easier across staging => production

Whether you‘re a hobbyist or senior engineer, utilizing Python virtual environments is crucial for smooth sailing as your workload and team scales.

Now get out there, leverage these tips and take control of your Python environments like a pro!

Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments down below!