How To Stay Safe in the Era Of IoT?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has brought amazing convenience into our lives. With smart speakers, security cameras, wearables and more, we can now control and monitor our homes and devices like never before. However, this connectivity also poses significant security risks that all consumers should be aware of.

In this guide, we‘ll outline the major threats in the IoT era, and provide tips for how you can enjoy the benefits of this technology while keeping your privacy and security intact.

The Rising Threat Landscape

As useful as IoT devices are, they can also serve as easy gateways for hackers to access your other devices and data. Consider the following risks:

Smart Home Vulnerabilities

Many modern homes now contain IoT devices like smart thermostats, security cameras, doorbells and more. Each one of these connected to your Wi-Fi network is like another open door for hackers. Flaws in just one IoT device can potentially expose all other devices on that network.

And the threats are more than theoretical. Researchers have demonstrated how IoT security cameras can be hacked to spy on users, smart doorbell systems can be compromised to access home Wi-Fi networks, and more.

Industrial IoT Risks

On a larger scale, industries have rushed to connect equipment like HVAC systems, manufacturing machinery, and fleet vehicles into an IoT ecosystem. But insecure IoT devices in factories and supply chains pose risks like:

  • Theft of proprietary data and trade secrets
  • Manipulation of manufacturing processes
  • Disruption of critical infrastructure

In fact, the notorious Stuxnet worm was an early example of how hacked industrial systems can lead to physical damage.

The Rise of IoT Botnets

IoT devices are also being co-opted into botnets at an alarming rate. Botnets are armies of compromised devices that hackers can control remotely. The sheer scale of insecure IoT devices is enabling botnets with unprecedented power.

The Mirai botnet alone took down major internet platforms like Twitter and Spotify in 2016 through massive distributed denial-of-service attacks. As IoT adoption increases, such attacks will only become more severe.

Clearly, consumers and industries share a vested interest in securing IoT. Which brings us to…

4 Tips to Stay Safe in the Era of IoT

While the risks are real, there are also steps you can take to enjoy IoT convenience while keeping your privacy and security intact:

1. Routinely Monitor for Threats

New IoT bugs and malware crop up every day. Set a monthly reminder to check industry reports and update all firmware for your devices to the latest security patches. Consider using an IOT security platform that can automatically monitor and defend all devices on your home network.

2. Secure Your Home Network

Your home Wi-Fi router and modem are the gateway to all your IoT devices. Secure them properly with steps like:

  • Change default admin passwords
  • Enable firewalls and WPA3 encryption
  • Hide your SSID
  • Use MAC address filtering
  • Disable remote administrative access

Also, set strong and unique Wi-Fi passwords for every household member, and change these credentials every few months.

3. Mask Your Activity with a VPN

Using public Wi-Fi without protection makes it easy for hackers to spy on your connections. A VPN encrypts all activity on any network to keep your online identity, data and communications private, even over Wi-Fi.

4. Only Buy Reputable IoT Brands

Research device security before every IoT purchase. Established brands generally invest more in data protection than no-name manufacturers. When available, only opt for devices that offer:

  • Encrypted communications
  • Trusted platform modules
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Regular firmware updates

And don‘t just set-it-and-forget-it! Actively manage your devices by disabling features not in use and sticking to the latest firmware versions.

Stay Alert in the Era of IoT

While the IoT revolution has made our homes and devices smarter than ever, it has also created new privacy and security challenges. With attacks growing more prevalent, users must take responsibility both in securing their networks and using connected devices cautiously.

Follow the tips outlined above to balance safety with convenience in your connected experiences. And as the IoT landscape evolves, be sure to stay proactive in protecting yourself against the latest threats.
