How to Send Emails Securely through Gmail in Python?

Email remains one of the most popular communication mediums despite social media and messaging apps. Over 293 billion emails are sent per day as of 2022. However, manual email sending cannot keep up with today‘s high volume usage. Python automation helps send customized bulk emails securely at scale.

Growth in Phishing Highlights Need for Secure Email Services

Email scams have been rising sharply with $43 billion lost to phishing in 2021 alone:

Phishing stats over time

Unfortunately, many email providers have vulnerabilities that allow spoofing, laundering and targeting attacks:

Email security issues

Rolling custom scripts with trusted providers is key to prevent exploitation.

Why Python for Sending Emails?

Here are some benefits of using Python for email automation:

  • ⚑️ Fast setup – Utilizes built-in smtplib and email modules
  • πŸ–₯️ Cross-platform – Runs on Windows, MacOS, Linux etc
  • πŸ”€ Dynamic content – HTML formatting, attachments
  • πŸ“ˆ Scalability – Reach thousands per hour
  • πŸ”’ Secure – Encryption, authentication out of the box
  • πŸ“Š Analytics – Track opens, clicks and bounces

Python contains all the tools needed for safe, reliable delivery.

Overview of Libraries

Python ships with two packages that enable sending emails:

smtplib – Handles SMTP protocol and sending raw messages
email – Constructs email structures and content

Here is how the most popular Python email libraries compare:

Python email libraries

We will focus on using smtplib and email in this guide. Now let‘s setup prerequisites.

Creating a Gmail Account

Since Google has strong delivery reputation…