How to Securely Exchange SSH Keys for Passwordless Logins

Have you ever struggled with managing countless passwords for Linux servers? Or dealt with the security risks of credential reuse and weak passwords?

There is a better way!

Exchanging SSH keys can help you:

  • Access servers password-free
  • Reduce attack surface from compromised credentials
  • Enable automation through simplified login processes

If you manage more than one Linux machine, properly understanding and implementing SSH key-based authentication is a must-have skill.

This comprehensive guide to SSH key exchange will level up your sysadmin abilities for good.

Let‘s get started!

FAQs: How Do SSH Keys Work?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty key exchange steps, let‘s briefly overview how SSH key pairs function:

Q: What gets generated in SSH key pairs?

A: You create a public and private key. The private key stays on client machines. The public key gets copied to servers.

Q: So what allows passwordless logins to servers?

A: The private key acts as an alternative "password" while public key grants access permissions.

Q: Is this really more secure than just passwords?

A: Absolutely! Keys only unlock their paired servers rather than the access of passwords. And cryptography prevents brute force.

Now that you get the idea, let‘s walk through the hands-on process…

Step 1 – Install & Enable OpenSSH

First things first, SSH software must be available and active:

$ sudo apt install openssh-server
$ sudo systemctl enable ssh
$ sudo systemctl start ssh

This turns on underlying SSH functionality.

Step 2 – Generate SSH Keypair on Client

Fire up the ssh-keygen tool on client machines to produce keys:

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

Hit enter until file generation completes. This makes two files:

  • id_rsa: private key
  • public key

🔒 Remember to keep the private key secret!

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Now you have the power to stop worrying about SSH server passwords for good!

For even more encryption and hardening techniques, please explore our advanced guide.