How to Reverse Vampirism in Skyrim

So you caught a nasty case of Sanguinare Vampiris, didn‘t you? That first glimpse of the infection message popping up is a bit thrilling. The idea of becoming an all-powerful vampire lord sounds pretty appealing at first.

But after dealing with the inconveniences for a while – the sunlight blindness, the uncontrollable bloodlust attacks – you probably just want your old mortal self back.

Not to worry, friend. Reversing vampirism in Skyrim is very doable, even if you‘re at a late stage. This walkthrough will take you through it step-by-step. Grab a strong cup of coffee (or blood, if that‘s more your speed), and let‘s get started!

Background on Vampirism First

Before we dive in, let me give you some fast facts on vampirism in Skyrim so you know what you‘re dealing with:

How You Catch It

  • Contracted through disease called Sanguinare Vampiris
  • Need to be attacked by vampire whose spells/powers infect you
  • 3 in-game days to cure it before full vampirism sets in


  • Night vision and illusion boosts
  • Resistance to disease
  • Some sweet vampiric drain and seduction spells


  • Weakness to sunlight and fire
  • No health/stamina regen during day
  • Bloodlust can randomly attack citizens
  • Face eventually becomes monster-like

So it definitely has some appeal, but the disadvantages tend to outweigh the perks as time passes.

How It Progresses

Vampirism has four stages that worsen gradually if you don‘t feed on blood regularly:

Stage 1: Just the minor effects

Stage 2: Red eyes and teeth, paler skin

Stage 3: Bestial hissing through conversation

Stage 4: Full beast form with attacks on sight

Yikes! Now let‘s get you back to your regular human self before things get uglier.

Step 1: Get the Ball Rolling

Our first move is to trigger the quest that will walk you through curing the infection. Let‘s chat up some bartenders about any rumors going around town.

Time to Talk

Make your way to any tavern and seek out the bartender. In my case, I headed over to Moorside Inn in Morthal and spoke to Jonna. Other good options include Orgnar in Riverwood.

You‘ll want to ask them "Have you heard any rumors lately?"

Repeat this line of questioning until you get some juicy gossip about a wizard named Falion who studies vampires.

"I heard Falion in Morthal studies vampires. He might know how to cure the disease."

Bingo! That chat should automatically start the quest called "Rising at Dawn." Double check your quest log to confirm.

Wizard Consult

Now comes the easy part. With the quest underway, simply head on over to speak with Falion about your infliction.

You can typically find him either reading inside his house or wandering the streets of Morthal in his signature black hooded robe.

Once you initiate dialogue, make sure to ask him "Can you help cure my vampirism?" to advance the quest.

Falion will discuss the specifics of curing it but ultimately requires you to bring him a filled black soul gem before he can help banish the beast within you.

Time for more adventure!

Step 2: Preparing the Ritual

Now comes the fun part…actually finding and harnessing a soul to fill that empty gem. Let me walk you through it.

Finding a Black Soul Gem

First things first – get your hands on a empty black soul gem. You have a few options here:

  • Buy one from Falion himself or any magic trader
  • Find one in the world via exploration and dungeon delving
  • Steal one from any magic-user‘s house if that‘s your style

I took the honest path and purchased one right from good ol‘ Falion. Cost me about 350 gold pieces. A small price for redemption!

With the empty vessel in hand, we can move onto the next step…

Harnessing a Soul

Now it‘s time to capture a soul to fill ‘er up.

You‘ll need to use the Soul Trap spell for this. If you don‘t already have it, grab it from Falion as well. Equip it like any other spell and get ready for battle!

Here‘s how Soul Trap works:

  • Needs to be actively cast on enemy
  • Enemy dies within 60 seconds
  • Its soul gets trapped inside the gem!

Pro Tip: Have the soul gem equipped as well so it takes priority.

Your best bet is to find a lonely enemy wandering the wilderness. Bandits and the like work well.

Start combat with them and cast Soul Trap mid-fight. Then finish them off within 60 seconds before the spell wears off. Boom! A soul for your taking.

With the black soul gem full of life force, we have everything we need for the ritual.

Don‘t Forget to Feed!

One last thing! Before meeting Falion, you‘ll want to feed on someone to avoid any bloodlust attacks during the delicate ritual.

You have two options to refill your vampire belly:

1. Seduction

Use your vampiric seduction power on any citizen wandering around. Once under your spell, feed away!

2. Stealth Theft

Sneak into someone‘s home while they sleep and nibble on them in their bed. Just don‘t get caught!

With your hunger satisfied, it‘s finally time to put this whole mess behind you!

Step 3: The Ritual

This is what it‘s all been leading up to – the cleansing ritual to reverse vampirism.

Make sure to prep the following:

✅ Black soul gem full of soul

✅ Well-fed so no blood attacks

✅ Quest marker location discovered

✅ Save game just in case!

Let‘s do this.

The Cleansing

Meet Falion at the quest marker spot a little before dawn. He‘ll have some cryptic words about "following the light." Soon the sun will creep over the horizon, beginning the banishment ritual.

Stay still and let his incantations flow over you. This will purge the beast spirit from your own. It‘s actually quite beautiful watching the sunbeams envelope you.

After a minute or so, Falion declares it done! Open your quest log and effects menu to confirm. No more vampirism traits. You are human once more!

Time for a nice nap after such an ordeal. Though I suppose daytime naps are more appealing now without the sun hatred, huh?

Either way, congratulations! You managed to reverse the vampiric curse. Now get out there again with your newly cured self and enjoy Skyrim properly.

Maybe steer clear of those vampires next time though…

Hopefully you found this little guide useful for removing vampirism in Skyrim. Feel free to share it with any other disease-ridden friends who need a walkthrough. Safety saves and be careful adventuring!
