How to Protect Your Online Privacy

Hi there! In today‘s digital age, online privacy is a growing concern for many. With so much of our personal data available online, it‘s normal to worry about how it could be misused by companies, scammers, or even stalkers. However, completely removing yourself from the internet is likely impossible. The good news is, with some simple steps, you can better secure your privacy without disconnecting entirely.

Why Online Privacy Matters

Before diving into solutions, it helps to understand exactly why online privacy is worth protecting.

Reduce Nuisances

We‘ve all dealt with robocalls interrupting dinner or spam clogging up our inbox. These annoyances often stem from marketers and scammers getting ahold of our contact information online. Securing your digital footprint can reduce these headaches.

Manage Long-Term Costs

Information about your browsing habits, purchases, location and more can also impact things like insurance premiums and loan eligibility down the road. Locking down your privacy reduces chances of being unfairly penalized.

Avoid Serious Dangers

In worst cases, online data can also facilitate fraud, discrimination, stalking, and identity theft if it falls into the wrong hands. For many, better privacy protection provides important peace of mind against these threats.

Common Sources of Online Exposure

To better secure your privacy, it helps to know the common places personal data comes from:

  • Public Records: Property ownership, voter registration, and court documents are examples of public records that can reveal information like addresses and legal history.

  • Social Media Activity: Details of your interests, employers, schooling, friends, location check-ins and more are often abundantly available for anyone to access on social platforms.

  • Smartphone Apps: From access to contacts and geo-location to camera and microphone access, apps can gather tons of sensitive intel, especially if permissions aren‘t managed properly.

  • Data Brokers: An estimated $250 billion industry, these companies specialize in aggregating online data about individuals from various sources to generate digital profiles.

Actionable Ways to Improve Online Privacy

The amount of information out there can seem daunting, but smart, proactive steps can help reclaim control over your data.

Update Social Media Settings

Review each platform‘s privacy and security configurations. Limit visibility where possible, remove expose details, and turn off location tagging.

Audit Smartphone Apps

Delete unused apps and limit permissions to only what each app functionally needs for those you keep. Disable location services for individual apps.

Opt-Out of Data Broker Services

Look into automated opt-out services like Incogni to efficiently submit removal requests to the thousands of data broker firms out there.

Use Privacy-Focused Tools

From encrypted messaging apps and secure browsers to VPNs and private search engines, explore tools focused on protecting your activity and information.

The internet may never provide full anonymity again, but with some savvy management of settings, behaviors and tools, you can still dramatically improve peace of mind when it comes to your online privacy. I‘m happy to offer any other specific tips and alternatives – just let me know!
