Detecting Anomalies at Scale with Machine Learning

Imagine you manage thousands of servers across multiple data centers. How do you monitor every single one for defects and abnormal behavior? Manually checking each server is just not feasible!

Instead, leveraging machine learning models provides an automated solution that is far more practical, economical and systematic.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll show you how to build an end-to-end pipeline for visual anomaly detection powered by AWS serverless technology.

Specifically, you‘ll learn:

  • Key reasons machine learning beats manual monitoring
  • How to architect a pipeline on AWS services like Lambda and SageMaker
  • Exact steps for training custom image classification models
  • Using Amazon Rekognition for out-of-box anomaly detection
  • Orchestrating workflows automatically with Step Functions
  • Real-world applications across various industries

So if you manage an extensive infrastructure with thousands of edge devices, this guide is for you! Let‘s get started.

Why Should You Use ML Models for Anomaly Detection?

Manually monitoring thousands of servers, manufacturing lines, cell towers or other equipment is tedious, inconsistent and simply unscalable.

Instead, machine learning automation provides immense benefits like:

1. Radically Better Scale

According to an AWS report, a single model can process 50,000 images per hour on a multi-GPU server. Even with multiple human inspectors working around the clock, matching this throughput is impossible.

2. 24/7 Consistency

Unlike humans, ML models work without fatigue, applying the exact same logic to every scenario systematically. There is no variance in decisions over time or between different operators.

3. Superior Precision

Models leverage data patterns humans cannot perceive, enabling them to catch subtle anomalies we would never spot visually. Their hit rate far exceeds manual quality checks.

4. Faster Problem Resolution

By rapidly detecting issues as they emerge, you can take corrective actions sooner and drastically reduce downtime. Models act as an "early warning system".

5. Significant Cost Savings

Automating visual anomaly detection is clearly far cheaper at scale than manual monitoring in terms of sheer labor costs and avoiding operational disruptions.

Let‘s dig deeper into architecting an ML solution for this.

Architecting A Serverless Machine Learning Pipeline on AWS

AWS provides an array of cloud services you can intelligently combine to create an end-to-end anomaly detection pipeline:

aws serverless ml architecture

Data Collection & Storage

Use cameras, mobiles devices, drones etc. to gather images from your locations. Store them in Amazon S3 buckets – you can provision a separate bucket for each site.


AWS Step Functions allow you to model the end-to-end workflow visually as a series of discrete steps. Each step leverages other AWS services and Step Functions handles invoking them in sequence, error handling, retries etc. automatically.


Analyze images to detect anomalies via:

  • Amazon Rekognition – provides pre-built deep learning models for various computer vision tasks like label detection, facial analysis, object detection etc. It scales massively since everything runs through serverless API calls.

  • Amazon SageMaker – enables you to build, train and deploy custom machine learning models using popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. It fully manages the underlying infrastructure.

You can also run custom pre/post-processing code in AWS Lambda before and after invoking the ML models.


Leverage Amazon SNS to trigger alerts if anomalies are detected so personnel can undertake corrective actions.

This serverless architecture means you don‘t provision or manage anything yourself – AWS handles it all automatically. Next, let‘s explore training accurate ML models.

How To Train A Machine Learning Model for Anomaly Detection

To train an image classification model for identifying anomalies, you first need a solid dataset with two classes of images:

  1. Normal: Images showing standard, acceptable state
  2. Anomalous: Images containing defects, unexpected objects, damage etc

You teach the model the visual patterns differentiating normal vs anomalous images. Then you can feed it new images and it will classify if anomalies seem present.

ml model training phases

Broadly, you need to complete three key phases:

1. Model Design

Select an appropriate model architecture suited for image classification tasks. Typically convolutional neural networks (CNNs) work very well since they can learn hierarchical visual patterns.

Other options like autoencoders are also great for anomaly detection. The choice depends on your data and use case.

2. Model Training

Feed the CNN many labeled examples of both normal and anomalous images, usually requiring hundreds to thousands of samples. The model incrementally updates its internal weights to extract visual features predictive of each class.

3. Model Deployment

After training to sufficient accuracy on a holdout test set, export the model and deploy it into production via REST API endpoints, AWS Lambda etc.

Amazon SageMaker greatly accelerates building custom models by handling everything from infrastructure to deployment for you automatically.

It even enables tracking experiments, model explainability, automated hyperparameter tuning, distributed training and host of other features to make the process easier.

Next, let‘s discuss using pre-built models.

Leveraging Amazon Rekognition for Out-of-the-Box Anomaly Detection

Creating accurate custom models requires solid machine learning expertise. Thankfully, Amazon Rekognition puts the power of computer vision right at your fingertips.

amazon rekognition visual checks

It provides pre-built deep learning models for immediately detecting objects, scenes, faces, text etc. in images via simple API calls.

Some key capabilities relevant for anomaly detection include:

  • Label Detection – identifies common objects, people, activities
  • Unsafe Content Detection – flags gore, adult content etc
  • Text Detection – extracts text via OCR
  • Facial Analysis – detects emotions, demographics like gender/age from facial images

Now you can easily set rules based on Rekognition predictions to flag anomalies without building any custom models!

For example:

  • Images with emotion "angry" or "fear" are anomalous
  • Images containing certain prohibited words
  • Images missing expected logo/signage are anomalous
  • And so on…

The rules can keep building on top of the raw predictions. With Rekognition‘s scalability and breadth of features, you can deploy image anomaly detection very quickly.

Now let‘s connect everything together.

Orchestrating the ML Pipeline End-to-End with Step Functions

To operationalize the entire pipeline – from data collection to model invocation to alerts – AWS Step Functions provides a robust workflow orchestration.

It allows you to visualize different stages in your application as a series of discrete steps with each step calling some other AWS service like Lambda, SageMaker, S3. Step Functions handles invoking, sequencing, monitoring and retries automatically.

Here‘s an example anomaly detection workflow:

aws step functions workflow

The key stages are:

  1. Get images from S3
  2. Preprocess images
  3. Call Rekognition to analyze images
  4. Apply rules to detect anomalies
  5. Trigger alerts if anomalies found
  6. Schedule remediation (send technician to inspect etc)

This makes building complex orchestration logic almost trivial without managing any servers yourself.

Real-World Applications of Visual Anomaly Detection

Now that you have a solid grasp of architecting and training ML models for detecting anomalies, let‘s discuss some real-world applications across different industries:

Manufacturing & Assembly Lines

  • Identify defective products coming off production lines
  • Detect equipment failures and unexpected shutdowns through continuous video feeds
  • Spot blockages or chokepoints severely slowing flow

Case Study: According to an analysis, applying computer vision yield improvements of over 17% by early detection of defects.

Warehouses & Inventory Management

  • Verify items are correctly stocked on shelves to meet demand
  • Identify damaged inventory or soon-to-expire food packages
  • Check items are properly stacked to prevent collapse

Use Case: Per research from UC Berkeley, anomaly detection reduced warehouse inventory exceptions by up to 60%.

Public Infrastructure & Facilities

  • Detect safety risks like cracks, rust, leaks at cell towers, power plants etc
  • Identify cleaning needs in bathrooms, walkways
  • Spot overcrowding violations in buildings
  • Analyze engagement at kiosks and displays

Example: Intel uses computer vision for predictive maintenance of turbines, saving $9 million over 2 years.

Agriculture & Livestock Monitoring

  • Estimate crop yields to improve harvest planning
  • Detect disease infestations in early stages
  • Identify stunted livestock growth patterns
  • Monitor animal behavior changes indicative of sickness

And numerous other possibilities across sectors like retail, healthcare, and natural resource management!

The Bottom Line

I hope this guide provided you a comprehensive overview of architecting and deploying visual anomaly detection pipelines leveraging machine learning, serverless AWS, and real-time data from edge devices.

The techniques can scale across thousands of locations while saving enormous time and effort over manual monitoring.

Here are some key lessons:

✅ Machine learning delivers automation, precision and insights unmatchable by human ability

✅ Leverage SageMaker to train custom image classification models

✅ Rekognition provides out-of-box general anomaly detection

✅ Step Functions makes orchestrating everything a breeze

The benefits for infrastructure reliability, regulatory compliance, customer satisfaction and operational efficiency are invaluable.

Let me know if you have any other questions!