Comprehensive Guide: Lock Down Your Origin Server with Cloudflare Argo Tunnel

Hey there!

As an infrastructure guy who has fought off more than a few cyber attacks, exposed origins make me weep. When attackers bypass Cloudflare and directly access an unprotected web server…well, it gets ugly.

Don‘t take my word for it. Check out these recent origin-level attacks that brought companies to their knees:

  • 2021 – Codecov breach began via exposed Git server origin
  • 2022 – VMware ESXi servers hacked through exposed management origins

The risks here keep growing as attackers probe for weaknesses. Just implementing Cloudflare isn‘t enough anymore.

You need Argo Tunnel. This brilliant tunneling tool from Cloudflare completely conceals your origin IP behind an encrypted tunnel. No more direct access for the baddies!

In this guide, I‘ll share exactly how to configure Argo Tunnel for bulletproof origin security. I‘ve helped secure infrastructure for enterprise companies – now let me help you.

By the end, your origin will be hidden from view, locked down 100%, and shielded by encryption. Just the way I like it!

Origin Security: Where Most Setups Fail

Before we dive into Argo Tunnel, it‘s important to understand why origin protection matters in the first place.

Many website owners believe sticking Cloudflare in front of their infrastructure handles all security. If only! Cloudflare sits between visitors and your server, inspecting and filtering traffic.

However…this still leaves your actual web server open directly from the internet. Skilled attackers can uncover and target origin IPs despite CDNs like Cloudflare.

In fact, forgotten origin vulnerabilities now cause around 20% of all breaches according to Gartner Research:

Cloudflare blocks thousands of threats out of the gate. But all it takes is one wasted sysadmin accidentally leaving SSH open, or one unpatched service with an exploit. Disaster!

This is why we need Argo Tunnel. It‘s like a secret tunnel that completely cloaks your origin.

Understanding Argo Tunnel Technology

Argo Tunnel leverages a concept called reverse proxy tunneling. Let me explain…

When you normally browse a site, your computer connects directly to the server IP, like this:

With Cloudflare, this architecture gets partially obscured:

But the actual origin still remains open on the internet, hidden behind DNS records.

Argo Tunnel takes things several steps further for true stealth mode:

It establishes an outbound link from your web server to Cloudflare‘s edge. Traffic gets sucked into this tunnel and routed privately to your machine.

This means:

  • No ports exposed remotely whatsoever
  • All traffic encrypted end-to-end automatically
  • Origin server disappears from public sight

Talk about badass! Now let‘s secure your origin.

Step 1: Getting Cloudflared Installed

The first move is to install the special daemon that handles tunnel connections – cloudflared.

Just SSH into your server and run:

sudo dpkg -i ./cloudflared-stable-linux-amd64.deb

You‘ll find install commands for nearly any system – Windows, MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, Docker, Kubernetes, and more right here.

Once installed, verify it‘s working with:

cloudflared -v

You should see the current version output. Now we‘re cookin!

Step 2: Granting Auth for Tunnel Creation

For Argo Tunnel to connect your origin out to Cloudflare‘s edge, cloudflared needs authority to act on your behalf. Let‘s set that up quick:

cloudflared tunnel login

This spits out a short URL you can visit to login with your Cloudflare account and grant access. Click it, authenticate, and presto – cloudflared can now establish tunnels!

You‘ll see certificates download automatically once done. These crypto keys verify each end of the tunnel for security.

Step 3: Fire Up That Encrypted Tunnel!

The fun part! With creds set, tunnel time:

cloudflared tunnel --hostname http://localhost:8000

Replace "" with your domain. This tells Cloudflare what destination to proxy traffic to.

The second part routes inward connections to where your web server runs locally. I have NGINX on 8080 for my config.

In just seconds, data starts flying through the encrypted tunnel from Cloudflare‘s edge to your origin and back again. Completely stealth!

Visit your website domain – you‘ll see it functions the same, but try finding the origin now. No leaks whatsoever!

Locking Things Down for Good

To finalize securit, I recommend these follow-up steps:

  • Disable SSH externally and limit admin firewall rules
  • Use Cloudflare Access to restrict tunnel ingress by region, user, etc.
  • Install cloudflared service for auto-start on server reboot
  • Monitor tunnel health with Golden Metrics or netdata

Et voila – Fort Knox for your origin server!

Even if attackers uncover your IP, they‘ll rage quit when finding this ultra-locked down Argo Tunnel setup 😉

Potential Limitations

Argo Tunnel works flawlessly for standard use cases. But be aware in super complex environments, you may experience:

  • Slower network throughput vs unconcealed traffic
  • Incompatibilities with legacy protocols or input validation routines
  • Dropped connections during temporary tunnel downtime

Not common, yet worth keeping on your radar. Monitor reliability closely after setup.

And that‘s a wrap! I live for questions though, so hit reply if you need ANY origin security help at all. Talk soon!

Your friend,