Build Stunning JavaScript Apps Using Sencha – 140+ UI Components

Sencha is a leading web application development platform trusted by over 60% of Fortune 100 companies. With over 20 years of experience and 400+ cumulative years of web technology expertise, Sencha enables developers to build beautiful, high performance apps across platforms without reinventing the wheel.

This article provides an in-depth look at Sencha‘s products, ease of use, support, and overall capabilities for building modern web applications.

Sencha‘s Products and Services

Sencha offers a robust suite of tools and frameworks for web app development:

Ext JS

Ext JS is Sencha‘s flagship JavaScript framework with 140+ enterprise-grade UI components like grids, trees, charts etc. It enables building cross-platform apps using HTML5 and modern JS standards. The components are fully customizable and have out-of-the-box integration support for React and Angular.

React Grid

This high-performance grid tool supercharges React apps with rich data grid capabilities like virtual scrolling, drag-and-drop columns, cell editing and more. It‘s a recreation of Sencha‘s Ext JS grid for React with impressive performance.


GXT allows compiling Java code into optimized HTML5 apps using Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Like Ext JS, GXT also provides 140+ UI components and integration with Sencha‘s designing tools.


Stencils is a UI kit for rapid prototyping and mockup generation using Sketch, Adobe XD, Illustrator or Balsamiq. It has thousands of component symbols to accelerate designing stunning UIs.

Sencha Test

Sencha Test enables end-to-end testing of Ext JS, ExtAngular, ExtReact and React applications with test parallelization across browsers and devices.

Ease of Use

Sencha scores very high on ease of use. The pre-built UI components can be integrated via simple configuration allowing developers to focus on business logic. The mockup tools and testing frameworks minimize the effort required for designing, developing and deploying complex web apps.


Sencha provides dedicated technical support plans based on the level of assistance required:

  • Standard Support: Community forums, docs, upgrades etc.
  • Premium Support: Priority assistance with additional consulting

The availability of experts through forums or direct channels ensures timely solutions for challenges faced during development.

Building Modern Web Apps

Here are some key reasons why Sencha can accelerate modern web application development:

Rich Component Library

The library of 140+ optimized UI components, grids, charts and more saves weeks of development time. Apps can be built by configuration vs coding everything from scratch.

Cross-platform Apps

Sencha compiled apps work seamlessly across desktop and mobile devices ensuring a native app-like experience for end users.

Consistency and Maintainability

Consistent coding patterns between components ensure easier collaboration between developers and simplify maintenance.

Faster Time to Market

Higher developer productivity, maximum code reuse and streamlined testing allows businesses to release apps faster.


Sencha is a mature, battle-tested platform for web application development used by leading enterprises worldwide. The combination of rich components, excellent support and rapid development capabilities make Sencha a great choice for any team building data-intensive, cross-platform web or mobile applications.