Boost Your Node.js App‘s Speed with an Nginx Reverse Proxy

Hey there! 👋 Node.js is awesome for writing scalable network applications with JavaScript, but it can also get bogged down dealing with static files. By adding the high-performance Nginx web server as a reverse proxy, we can supercharge our Node apps!

In this guide, I‘ll walk you through exactly how to configure Nginx and Node to work together for maximum speed. I‘ve used these optimization tricks in production deployments handling millions of requests per day.

Why Node.js and Nginx Play Nice Together

Node shines for realtime applications – with its event-driven, non-blocking IO, you can juggle thousands of concurrent connections easily. But all that JSON parsing and request handling adds unnecessary overhead for simple static file serving.

Nginx, on the other hand, excels at serving static media efficiently. It can throttle requests with bandwidth control policies, offload SSL encryption overhead, and speed up assets through gzip compression easily.

By putting Nginx in front of Node, acting as a reverse proxy gateway, we get the best of both worlds!

Some key performance benefits this unlocks:

✅ Faster static file serving – Nginx handles files directly
✅ Less application overhead – Node only processes API requests
✅ Easier scaling – Proxies enable decoupled scaling
✅ Enhanced security – Nginx has advanced threat and DDoS protections

Let‘s look at how to configure this handy combo…

Choosing Compatible Software Versions

To ensure a smooth setup with the latest optimizations enabled, we‘ll choose Nginx and Node versions with Long Term Support (LTS):

Nginx – Mainline edition 1.18.x LTS release
Node – 16.x LTS release

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is a consistent base for both. Let‘s install the compilers and libraries needed first:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev

Now we can compile Nginx from source with the [latest stable features…](/truncated rest of 2800+ word article/)
