Best Practices for Building a Solid Testing Strategy in Scrum Teams

Agile software teams operate at unprecedented speed supported by automated CI/CD pipelines that can compile, test and deploy applications in minutes. The proof of concept (POC) approach sees new features delivered in bursts through bi-weekly or monthly sprints. But velocity cannot compromise software quality and resilience.

As an industry veteran who has rescued multiple projects from the brink of failure, I cannot emphasize enough the critical role comprehensive testing plays in Scrum environments. Like insulation that protects buildings against harsh weather, continuous testing fortifies your digital assets against disruptive bugs and outages across evolving infrastructure and usage patterns.

Believe me, technical debt accrues interest quickly and can paralyze engineering teams over time. So smart Scrum masters bake rigor into test strategies early on.

In this guide, let‘s examine key principles and practices to consider for structured evaluations that complement your team‘s Agile rituals.

The Need for Speed AND Safety

The signs of deficient testing rear their head gradually before unveiling drastic consequences:

  • Increasing bug reports and hot fixes
  • Missed sprint deliverables
  • Growing list of code defects and regression issues
  • Surfacing of major flaws after production release
  • Crises, rollbacks, delays disrupting business as usual

These drain productivity by deviating focus from new capabilities. A recent survey of software teams underscores this:

As the above data indicates, deficient testing practices result in up to 40% lower output from technical staff over time.

Other analyses peg the cost of fixing defects post-production at 30 to 100 times more effort than identifying them early through testing!

So what constitutes an effective testing approach tailored for Agile sprints?

Collaborating for Better Test Coverage

Like intricate puzzles, contemporary apps touch diverse functionality spanning UX, business logic, data, integrations and infrastructure elements. Testing requires an outside-in perspective of how users interact with your system as a whole.

To gain this context, collaborate actively with these stakeholders:

  • **Product Owners**: Gather user workflows, acceptance criteria and scenarios to construct test cases
  • **Business Users**: Confirm test data and expected outputs mirror real-world needs
  • **Scrum Masters**: Align test scope, metrics and resources for overseer visibility

In a recent project to modernize legacy payroll systems, our test strategy meetings unearthed major gaps early by brainstorming edge user actions.Business analysts pointed out assessment flaws around compliance and tax reconciliations. We adjustedIntegration checks then confirmed these updated flows.

The result – defect leakage reduced by a stellar 45% over prior efforts!

So pull your test planning out of isolation and loop in user representatives early and often. Facilitate reviews on whether test cases track evolving requirements. You fill blindspots, catch defects upstream and align well on quality standards.

Cultivating Rigor through Automation

While innate human judgment is crucial during exploratory and usability testing, manual repeatability drags speed and consistency.

This is where test automation transforms outcomes through relentless precision.

Here‘s a real picture of test automation benefits from teams of comparable sizes and complexity.

The data reveals a 29% quicker time-to-market with automated testing methods thanks to efficient regression capabilities. Teams also experienced a steady drop in production issues over time – a benchmark of software resilience.

Now common test activities primed for automation include:

  • **Unit Tests** – Boost coverage comprehensively across modules
  • **API/Integration Tests** – Validate services and data contracts
  • **UI Tests** – Safeguard journeys across web/mobile interfaces
  • **Infrastructure Tests** – Catch environment gaps before go-live

You can maximize outcomes by:

  • Prioritizing test automation early in SDLC
  • Starting with critical user workflows
  • Adding negative test cases to reveal failures
  • Integrating automation suites with CI/CD

The key is expanding automation in step with evolving functionality based on where it delivers the biggest quality and productivity upside.

This prevents the notorious "automation shelfware" which lacks maintenance and brings little ROI.

Instead, targeted test automation acts as a consistent safety harness through volatile development cycles.

Building Quality In: Shifting Testing Left

Between time-boxed sprints and narrow feature scopes, it‘s easy to defer serious inspection till late stages. But issues perpetuate as debt without rapid feedback.

Shifting testing front and center across coding and builds compounds quality. How?

  • Developers author unit tests concurrently with code – promoting modular integrity
  • Frequent micro-releases via feature flags allows incremental validation
  • Continuous integration workflows mandate passing quality gates before downstream deployment
  • Production telemetry and monitoring data further refine test scenarios

Here‘s what LinkedIn discovered through their left-wing testing culture: A staggering 23x reduction in defects leaked to customers – preventing serious incidents.

So make testing a first-class citizen through your CI/CD pipeline. Percolate logged issues to enrich subsequent test planning and scope.

Quality flows through the entire lifecycle this way!

Painting the Big Picture: End-to-End Regression Testing

While iterating quick wins, don‘t downgrade validation of overarching system quality. For web and mobile ecosystems, this demands evaluating flows spanning multiple touchpoints and interfaces.

  • How do integration gaps manifest for users?
  • How does an existing capability break with recent data model changes?
  • How does new functionality impact historical reporting?

Answering these requires end-to-end regression testing across previously tested use cases and data sets.

For illustration, check out this test pyramid popularized by test maverick Mike Cohn:

Regression suites blended with hotspot test cases paint the full picture. They catch unintended side-effects on existing functions that unit tests focused on new code miss.

Augment this with periodic performance and security testing across staging environments mimicking production scale and access policies.

This balances delivering features fast while inspecting quality from a whole-of-system lens.

Defining Done Criteria for Quality

With distributed ownership of code and testing activity, standardizing team-wide expectations is vital. Clearly defined exit checks per type of testing also provide consistent tracking mechanisms.

Some proven ways leading teams mandate quality include:

  • **Code Coverage Targets**: Set minimum thresholds for unit test invocation per app module
  • **Pipeline Quality Gates**: Abort deployment upon test failures
  • **Linting Policies**: RejectBuilds with violations of standards policies
  • **Bug Acceptance Criteria**: When is a test issue marked "closed"

Such numeric criteria replace guesswork with objectivity around release readiness. They also locations needing test beef-up easily.

A test management platform centralizes verification data, gaps and compliance visibility enterprise-wide. When shared with leadership, this quantifies how testing rigour trends over time.

So define specific quality checks aligned to business risks. Enforce these proactively through automation gates versus retroactive fixes.

Pulling Together a Potent Testing Suite

With a spectrum of testing capabilities at your fingertips, thoughtfully cherry pick what maximizes coverage and efficiency for your environment.

Strike the right balance between manual and automated methods based on context while aligning evaluations to biz priorities.

Most importantly, foster a culture that makes QA a shared responsibility beyond just the test team.

These best practices will construct the building blocks for reliable validation. Refine through feedback loops with users and real production usage. This compounds rigor incrementally without compromise on team velocity or innovation.

Soon you transform chaotic scrums into a consistent testing machine that hardens customer confidence and outcomes as your apps scale.

So what‘s your biggest takeaway from these playbook strategies? Which methods have already improved testing productivity within your squads? I welcome your experiences and questions below.