8 Essential Tips to Secure Your Web Application Server

Exposing a web application on the public internet is fraught with risk. Attackers actively scan for vulnerable web apps to break into, steal data from, and exploit for financial gain…or just the thrill.

As an organization relying on web apps, you need to be vigilant against attacks that could disrupt operations, compromise confidential data, or damage your reputation.

This article provides 8 must-follow tips distilled from front-line security experts to help you secure your public-facing web applications and servers. You’ll learn about:

  • Common web app attack techniques
  • Deploying layered safeguards
  • Promoting developer best practices
  • Monitoring for emerging threats
  • Controlling access
  • Detecting attacks through logging
  • Maintaining defenses

Let’s dive in and explore each area further.

Web Applications – A Target-Rich Landscape

For attackers, web applications present an enticing landscape to infiltrate and exploit. Consider that:

  • 43% of breaches target web applications (Verizon 2022 Data Breach Report)
  • Typical organization hosts around 2,000 web apps (Forrester)
  • 90% of apps have exploitable vulnerabilities (WhiteHat Security)

Unfortunately, many web apps are still developed and deployed without adequate security measures in place from the start. The ramifications when attackers successfully breach vulnerable web apps can be severe:

  • Average cost of a data breach now $4.35 million (IBM report 2022)
  • Healthcare breach fines alone total $30 billion since 2009 (HIPAA Journal)
  • 60% of small businesses close following a cyber attack (Cybersecurity Ventures)

Clearly, every organization needs to take its web application security seriously to avoid becoming the next victim.

Now, let’s examine key techniques to lock down your web apps and servers.

1. Know the Most Common Web App Attacks

Hackers have many tricks and tools to penetrate web application defenses. Being aware of the most prevalent attack vectors better prepares your team to implement countermeasures:

SQL Injection (SQLi)

A classic attack injecting malicious SQL payloads allowing attackers to access backend databases, steal data, execute code and more. Infamous breaches like British Airways and TalkTalk involved SQLi exploitation.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

XSS attacks inject malicious scripts into web app pages to steal cookies, hijack user sessions, or distribute malware. Over two-thirds of web apps recently tested by Positive Technologies were vulnerable to XSS attacks.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

DDoS floods servers with excess traffic to overwhelm and crash them by consuming all available compute resources. Neustar reports a 15-fold increase in DDoS attacks since the start of the pandemic against web-based services.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

CSRF tricks authenticated users into unwittingly executing actions on a vulnerable web app. Attackers can transfer funds, alter data and more. CSRF accounted for over 16% of web app vulnerabilities per a 2022 OWASP study.

This list represents a starting point to research and evaluate your web application risks.

2. Deploy a Specialized Web Application Firewall

A web application firewall (WAF) acts as a protective layer inspecting all network traffic destined for your web apps. WAFs actively scan for malicious payloads and patterns indicative of attacks, blocking them before reaching web servers.

WAFs typically offer deployment options including:

Cloud-Based WAF: Hosted WAF services on cloud platforms, enabling rapid deployment without hardware requirements. StormWall and Cloudflare Magic Transit serve as leading examples.

Hardware WAF Appliances: Physical WAF devices installed on-premises offering deep packet inspection. Models from Imperva, F5 Networks and Barracuda Networks exemplify common choices.

Virtual WAF Appliances: Virtualized WAFs deployed on virtual infrastructure without dedicated hardware. Positive Technologies and Wallarm provide virtual WAF options.

Cloud-based WAF services provide the fastest, most flexible deployment options combined with scalable protection. Seek a solution offering 24×7 real-time threat monitoring, rapid signature updates and DDoS mitigation for full coverage as attack techniques evolve.

3. Proactively Scan and Test Web Apps

The most secure web apps adopt “security by design” principles with defenses embedded throughout their software development lifecycles. Organizations should implement:

Vulnerability Scanning using automated tools probing apps for weaknesses commonly exploited by attackers. Repeated scanning uncovers new issues as code changes.

Penetration Testing employing ethical hackers to manually find flaws using real-world attack tactics. Annual tests provide assurance as new threats emerge.

Bug Bounty Programs where friendly hackers are incentivized to responsibly disclosure vulnerabilities, enabling remediation before criminals discover the same flaws.

Testing incentives coupled with developer security training significantly improves the security posture of web projects.

4. Prioritize Developer Training

Ultimately, developers create the code running web applications. Organizations must equip them with secure coding skills covering areas like:

  • Validation of all inputs from users and APIs before further processing

  • Encoding or encryption of any data output back to browsers

  • Use of content security policies and CORS origin settings

  • Careful structuring of database queries to prevent SQLi

  • Implementing rate-limiting protections against DDoS

Developers well-versed in writing secure code serve as the front line of defense against real-world attacks. Provide ongoing education focusing on OWASP Top 10 risks as part of mandatory training programs.

5. Monitor Threat Intelligence Feeds

The vast, ever-changing threat landscape means relying solely on static defenses is insufficient. Prioritizing threat monitoring ensures your team keeps pace with latest attack trends including:

Zero-Day Exploits: Newly discovered bugs immediately targeted before patches become available. Threat intel feeds provide early warnings.

Emerging Attack Patterns: Novel malicious techniques and payloads requiring updated firewall rules and filters to block.

Updated Blacklists: Rapidly growing lists of known malicious IPs, domains and software vulnerabilities fueling attacks.

Monitoring threat intelligence streams enables faster adaptation of firewall policies, access controls and patch priorities in response to unfolding threats targeting web apps.

6. Limit Access and Assign Least Privilege

The more credentials and access floating around, the more opportunities for abuse or misuse. Limiting access here applies core security principles:

Minimize Account Access: Restrict admin credentials to bare minimum personnel, tightly controlling permissions to modify production servers.

Apply Role-Based Access Controls: Rather than broad authorization, assign granular privileges aligned to job duties. Web developers need no infrastructure access.

Configure Least Privilege: Ensure database read-write authority stays narrowly defined on a need-to-know basis.

By minimizing the universe of powerful credentials and closely governing necessary access, organizations shrink exposure to insider threats while frustrating external attackers.

7. Log, Monitor and Inspect Web App Activity

Logs produced by web servers, application frameworks, firewalls and related systems provide a detailed audit trail for security teams to analyze. Effective practices include:

Centralize Logging: Pipe all relevant event streams into a unified syslog repository or SIEM tool enabling correlation.

Activate Detection Rules: Configure rules triggering alerts for signs of reconnaissance, brute force attacks, traffic spikes and other threats.

Inspect Anomalies: Closely inspect trends like failing login spikes, database slowdowns or sudden usage shifts which could reflect attacks underway.

Robust logging and analytics delivers the means to spot and rapidly respond to attacks breaching outer defenses targeting web apps and backend resources.

8. Maintain Diligent Patching

The single largest window of attack opportunity comes from known vulnerabilities with available fixes left unaddressed. Organizations must zealously harden infrastructure, frameworks and apps:

  • Subscribe to vendor mailing lists and security bulletins flagging patch releases.

  • Test patches quickly upon release against staging environments mimicking production.

  • Automate downstream patch deployment wherever possible for speed and consistency.

  • Replace end-of-life software no longer receiving updates to avoid gaping security holes.

Staying abreast of patches, quickly testing and automating production rollout closes down avenues of attack, keeping web apps resilient.

Web Application Security Demands Diligence

This overview outlines steps, tactics and technologies critical for securing web applications and servers against inevitable attacks. From firewalls and patching to logging and developer training, applying security best practices vigilantly over time significantly reduces breach risks and disruptions.

No solution guarantees full protection on its own, however. Evaluate this web application hardening checklist and take steps to implement layered controls fitting your organization’s environment:

  • Web application firewall deployed
  • Secure development training in place
  • Vulnerability scanning scheduled
  • Bug bounty or pen testing program initiated
  • Threat intelligence feeds activated
  • Least privilege access modeled
  • Centralized logging and SIEM tool online
  • Automated patching solution configured

Ramping up web application defenses prepares your organization to detect and stop attacks promptly. As threat techniques evolve, mature solutions and processes provide flexibility to adapt protections as needed.

With potential impacts from web app compromise ranging from illegal data exposures to outages and financial consequences, the importance of locking down external threats cannot be overstated. Use this guide as your playbook to plan and implement key safeguards.
