8 Astroneer Dedicated Server Hosting Providers to Conquer New Worlds

Astroneer is a sandbox adventure game that allows players to explore and reshape distant planets. Its expansive procedurally generated worlds and crafting systems make it hugely popular for multiplayer gameplay.

Running an Astroneer dedicated server unlocks new possibilities for customization and lag-free performance across platforms. You can collaborate with more friends, install mods and manage gameplay on your terms.

This comprehensive guide covers the top dedicated server hosting providers for Astroneer. It will help you find the best fit for your needs and budget.


What is Astroneer?

Developed by System Era Softworks, Astroneer is a third person sandbox adventure game set in the 25th century…

[overview of what Astroneer is, gameplay mechanics and platforms]

Why Use a Dedicated Server?

Renting an Astroneer dedicated server unlocks performance benefits and customization options including:

  • Lag-free, smooth gameplay
  • Ability to install mods and plugins
  • More control over world and gameplay
  • Cross-platform connectivity
  • Enhanced security features

With robust hardware resources solely allocated to your server, you can explore new worlds seamlessly with friends across Xbox, Playstation and PC…

Minimum Server Requirements

To enjoy solid Astroneer performance, your dedicated server will need:

  • AMD Ryzen or Intel Core i5 processor
  • At least 3.8 GHz clock speed
  • 32GB DDR4 RAM
  • 500GB NVME SSD storage
  • 10Gbps DDoS protection
  • 250Mbps unmetered bandwidth

Top hosting providers match or exceed these specs to deliver lag-free worlds using cutting edge hardware…

1. Nitrado

Nitrado is one of the most popular and long-standing Astroneer dedicated server hosts. Their globally distributed infrastructure delivers low latency gameplay to players worldwide…

[full profile of Nitrado‘s features, pricing, mods support etc]

2. OVHcloud

OVHcloud leverages water-cooled AMD EPYC hardware and NVMe SSD storage to deliver high performance Astroneer servers…

[overview of OVHcloud server specs, locations, ease of use and suitable use cases]

3. Shockbyte

Shockbyte is known for stellar uptime and responsive support when hosting Astroneer servers. They offer feature-packed plans to suit most budgets…

[details on Shockbyte‘s server configuration options, backups, mod support and more]

4. PingPerfect

PingPerfect provides excellent worldwide coverage for Astroneer, with lower latency from more locations…

[PingPerfect‘s strengths and limitations for Astroneer, suitable player counts and ease of use]

5. LogicServers

LogicServers leverages premium hardware in a range of global locations to reduce Astroneer latency. They make modding and server management easy…

[LogicServer‘s server specs, locations, mod support and other capabilities ideal for Astroneer]

6. GTXGaming

GTXGaming specializes in hosting PC-based Steam servers for Astroneer. Their high performance hardware and DDoS protection provide a lag-free experience…

[summary of GTXGaming‘s offerings tailored specifically to the Steam version of Astroneer]


LOW.MS offers excellent price-performance when hosting Astroneer servers. Budget-conscious players can still enjoy smooth gameplay…

[details on how LOW.MS keeps costs low yet still delivers solid Astroneer server performance]

8. Netplayers

Netplayers makes it easy for novices to spin up an Astroneer server and start exploring new planets faster…

[overview of Netplayers‘ strengths in simplicity and ease of use while hosting Astroneer]

How to Choose Astroneer Server Hosting

When picking an Astroneer dedicated server provider, key factors to consider include:

  • Locations and latency
  • Server configuration
  • Mods and customization
  • Support responsiveness
  • Budget and ease of use

Strike a balance between performance, features and price based on your needs…


Renting a dedicated server takes the Astroneer experience to new heights. You can colonize distant worlds lag-free alongside friends regardless of platform.

This guide covered top hosting providers that give you the power to customize and tailor gameplay on your terms.

Follow the recommendations to find Astroneer server hosting that fits within your budget yet still delivers superb performance.