What to Do if Your Amazon Package is Stolen: An Entrepreneur‘s Guide

As a small business owner who relies on Amazon for supplies, having a package stolen can completely derail your operations. Unfortunately, the rise of porch piracy means this is becoming more likely – over 210 million packages were stolen in 2024 alone, a 50% increase from 2020.

I‘ve dealt with this headache multiple times. While extremely inconvenient, you can take steps to get your package replaced or receive a refund. Here‘s my personal guide as an entrepreneur on exactly what to do.

Confirm it‘s Missing and Gather Details

Carefully check if someone else picked up the package or it was misdelivered nearby. If you still can‘t find it, start gathering key details including:

  • Order number
  • Delivery address
  • Expected delivery date
  • Missing item(s)
  • Value of contents
  • Any footage from security cameras

Having comprehensive records will optimize the claims process later.

Contact Amazon Customer Service ASAP

Don‘t delay in connecting with an Amazon agent via phone or chat. Provide the order details you compiled and calmly explain the situation.

As a Prime member, I’ve found the customer service team to be extremely responsive. They will launch an internal investigation across their logistics network.

During this process, Amazon may reach out to verify details or request additional information. Make sure to cooperate fully – it streamlines the proceedings and increases your chances of a positive resolution.

Receive Refund or Replacement

If Amazon confirms your package is lost, the standard outcome is a refund or replacement item. For business supplies, I typically request a replacement shipment on priority delivery.

What if you purchased items from a 3rd party seller? Reach out to them directly and if they can‘t help, file an A-to-Z claim with Amazon as you may still be covered.

Prevent Future Package Theft

To avoid repeating this major hassle, entrepreneurs should proactively deter porch pirates. Ideas that have worked for my small business include:

  • Installing security cameras with notifications
  • Leaving instructions for difficult-to-spot deliveries
  • Using an Amazon Locker pickup location
  • Having expensive/critical items shipped to my office

While extremely inconvenient, following this game plan can help get your package replaced or refund issued. And taking protective measures will minimize future disruptions to your business.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips for fellow entrepreneurs!
