What Percentage of the Global Workforce is Female in 2024? A Look at the Trends and Challenges

As a small business owner and entrepreneurship consultant, I‘m often asked about diversity and inclusion trends in the workforce. One key question is around the participation of women – what percentage of the global workforce is female today?

The short answer is that women‘s workforce participation has remained relatively stagnant over the past few decades. But behind this headline lies a more complex picture shaped by history, cultural attitudes, and policy impacts. Gaining a deeper understanding of the trends and challenges can help entrepreneurs make progress on gender inclusion.

The Current State of Women in the Global Workforce

In 2023, women make up 39.3% of the total global workforce, according to the latest International Labour Organization (ILO) data. This number has hovered between 39-40% since 1990 with no major increases, despite women‘s expanding roles and rights globally.

Here‘s a historical overview of the percentage of women participating in the global labor force from 1990-2022:

Year % Female
1990 39.4%
2000 39.8% (record high)
2010 39.4%
2015 39.3%
2019 39.5%
2020 39.2%
2021 39.3%
2022 39.3%

There are some interesting regional trends underlying these worldwide figures:

  • In East Asia and the Pacific, women‘s participation rose from 60.1% in 1990 to 64.3% in 2024 as developing countries like China and Vietnam industrialized.
  • Latin America and the Caribbean saw an increase from 37.2% to 43.3% over the same period, with countries like Argentina and Peru seeing more women enter the workforce.
  • However, in the Middle East and North Africa, women‘s participation fell from 20.9% in 1990 to 19.6% in 2024 due to cultural norms in countries like Iran and Egypt.

So while the global rate has evened out, there have been diverging regional paths. But even regions with the highest participation like East Asia still have large gender gaps compared to men‘s workforce participation.

Historical Influences on Women at Work

Women‘s entry into economic life occurred in waves shaped by social change and major world events.

  • In many Western countries, World War 2 opened up industries like manufacturing, transport, and textiles to female workers for the first time. This gave women a foothold in the labor force, which was expanded through the feminist movement of the 60s and 70s.
  • In developing nations, the rapid industrialization and globalization starting in the 1980s pulled women into urban factory jobs in large numbers, leading to increased workforce participation in countries like China, Bangladesh, and Mexico.
  • The services boom of recent decades has also enabled more women in developed and developing countries to work in retail, healthcare, education, and clerical roles. This further lifted female labor force participation.
  • On the other hand, deeply conservative gender norms in parts of the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa have prevented women from accessing economic opportunities to the same degree as other regions. Women‘s mobility and career options remain restricted in these areas.

So while women have made strides, historical legacies and cultural attitudes continue shaping their participation as workers, entrepreneurs, and leaders worldwide.

Barriers Holding Women Back

Women around the world continue facing barriers that suppress their economic potential and keep their workforce participation below parity with men. Key challenges include:

  • Discrimination and bias that excludes women from higher-paying roles in engineering, technology, finance, and leadership.
  • Burdens of unpaid work like childcare and domestic duties that still fall predominantly on women, limiting their time for paid jobs.
  • Lack of supportive policies and infrastructure like paid parental leave, flexible hours, and affordable childcare that enable work-life balance.
  • Workplace harassment and unfair practices that stifle women‘s career growth and push capable talent out of the workforce.
  • Social norms and gender stereotypes that steer women towards perceived "feminine" occupations which are often lower paid and less secure.
  • Gaps in access to education and training that deprive girls and women of qualifications needed for skilled work. This is particularly acute in developing nations.

Until these barriers are dismantled through legislation, advocacy, and shifted social attitudes, the full economic potential of women globally will remain constrained.

Opportunities for Progress

Despite the challenges, there are opportunities for countries, companies, and entrepreneurs to tap into the underutilized talents of women. Some positive steps include:

  • Implementing progressive policies like subsidized childcare, flexible work arrangements, paid parental leave, and anti-discrimination laws. Governments and companies can take the lead here.
  • Challenging limiting mindsets through public campaigns, education, and speaking out against bias. Gender stereotypes need to be broken down.
  • Supporting female leadership via mentoring programs, quotas, and pipelines for advancement into management.
  • Investing in girls‘ education especially in STEM subjects to build women‘s capabilities and qualifications.
  • Adopting family-friendly work cultures with options like telecommuting, on-site childcare, generous leave, and predictable schedules.

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I‘ve seen such solutions pay dividends for startups seeking to leverage diverse talent. It is both a social justice imperative and smart business strategy.

The path towards gender parity in workforce participation remains long. But collective action by policymakers, employers, activists and individual women can accelerate progress. With supportive systems in place, female participation rates worldwide can and should rise substantially in the years ahead.