Decoding Snapchat Slang: An Entrepreneur‘s Guide to Understanding "ISTG"

As a consultant who assists small businesses with social media marketing, one platform I frequently encourage my clients to experiment with is Snapchat. While it may seem frivolous to some older demographics, Snapchat offers lucrative opportunities to connect with the coveted Gen Z audience. However, effectively marketing on Snapchat requires understanding the platform‘s unique culture and lingo.

One of the most common yet perplexing terms entrepreneurs encounter on Snapchat is "ISTG." So what exactly does this cryptic acronym mean, how did it originate, and why is it so popular on Snapchat? This comprehensive guide will break it down while equipping you with the knowledge to boost your Snapchat strategy.

The Meaning and Origins of Snapchat Slang Term "ISTG"

ISTG stands for "I swear to God" and serves to emphasize the sincerity, seriousness, or truthfulness of a statement. It originated in the early 2000s from internet chat rooms and forums as a shortcut for conveying emotion before spreading to social apps like Snapchat.

According to 2021 survey data, a whopping 89% of Snapchat‘s daily active users are between the ages of 13 and 24. For Gen Z users Communicating in a fun, casual way on Snapchat, using abbreviations like "ISTG" allows them to express reactions quickly.

"I use ‘ISTG‘ to emphasize when something unbelievable happens or if I really need my friends to know I‘m being serious," says 17-year-old Snapchat user Riley S. "It‘s just an instinctual thing everyone uses."

How "ISTG" Is Used on Snapchat

The majority of Snapchat users encounter ISTG organically in conversational contexts like Snaps between friends or comment threads on Stories. Typically it is used in a lighthearted, hyperbolic manner.

"I see people commenting ‘ISTG‘ on my friends‘ Stories a lot when they post really crazy videos from parties and stuff," notes 16-year-old Abby T.

However, ISTG can also signal frustration, convey urgency around plans, or emphasize credibility.

Here are some examples of "ISTG" being used on Snapchat:

  • Emphasizing surprising information: "I found $20 on the ground today, ISTG!"
  • Venting annoyances: "Ugh ISTG I hate group projects so much."
  • Making sincere plans: "Let‘s meet at noon tomorrow ISTG."

Tips for Brands Looking to Use "ISTG" In Marketing

While ISTG originated as a casual slang term, brands hoping to resonate with young audiences have also started experimenting with integrating it into Snapchat marketing campaigns.

Here are my top tips for appropriately and effectively leveraging ISTG as a brand:

Use ironically and sparingly – The overzealous misuse of slang terms by brands trying too hard to seem "cool" will always backfire. Apply a healthy dose of self-awareness and use ISTG sparingly for ironic emphasis.

Avoid false claims – Transparency is key when marketing to Gen Z. Never use ISTG to overhype products or insincerely feign excitement.

Target young demographics – Stick to youth-centric campaigns and contexts where the tone feels natural.

Provide value around usage – Create fun Snapchat lenses or filters that interactively teach audiences what ISTG stands for. Educational value is appreciated.

Example Campaigns

Clothing retailer PacSun playfully leveraged ISTG in a 2021 Snapchat AR promotion for new styles. When users tried on featured outfits virtually, a sticker with "These new fits tho…ISTG" would appear, driving home enthusiasm.

Makeup brand Glossier focused educational content around ISTG for a Snapchat campaign spotlighting longwear products. The closing call-to-action? "Go ahead, ISTG this lipstick lasts 12 hours."

Alternatives to ISTG

While ISTG remains a popular standby, Gen Z slang is constantly evolving. Here are some additional shorthand alternatives that may soon overtake ISTG:

  • IKR (I know, right?)
  • TBH (to be honest)
  • NO CAP (no lie/for real)
  • ONG (on God)
  • JS (just saying)

Snapchat‘s culture of innovation ensures new slang emerges every year. But hopefully understanding the meaning and usage of ISTG provides a basis for better connecting with young demographics through savvy social media marketing!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other Gen Z slang terms you encounter on Snapchat that confuse you. As both a youth culture guru and marketing consultant, I‘m always happy to translate the platform‘s unique lexicon.
