Decoding Snapchat Slang: Understanding “HRU” and Other Acronyms

As a consultant who assists small businesses with social media marketing, I‘m often asked about the unique terminology used on platforms like Snapchat. For entrepreneurs looking to reach younger demographics, understanding slang terms like “HRU” is key to communicating effectively on these apps.

So, what does “HRU” mean on Snapchat? Simply put, HRU is short for “How are you?” and is a quick way to check in on someone‘s well-being.

On a platform built for casual conversations and visual sharing, shorthand like HRU allows users to chat efficiently. For small business owners new to Snapchat, I‘ll explain what common terms like HRU mean, when to use them, and how mastering these communication strategies can help you connect with your audience.

Why Shorthand Like “HRU” is Common on Snapchat

Why Shorthand Like HRU is Common on Snapchat

With over 265 million daily active users, the majority of whom are under 30, Snapchat has developed a vibrant culture of internet slang and acronyms.

Terms like HRU serve several conversational purposes:

  • Initiating Interactions: HRU is often used to start a chat or re-engage after some time apart.
  • Saving Time: Acronyms allow users to send quick messages on the go.
  • Conveying Tone: Shorthand like HRU sets a casual, friendly tone for easy back-and-forth chatting.
  • Adding Personality: Using the platform‘s unique lingo shows familiarity with Snapchat culture.

For example, a Snapchat exchange might go:

Sarah: sends selfie with dog filter

Matt: Cute pic! HRU?

Sarah: NM, just walking the dog. HBU?

Matt: Same old. What kind of doggo is that?

As you can see, starting with HRU allows the two friends to quickly catch up in a casual way.

Snapchat Slang Cheat Sheet

Snapchat Slang Cheat Sheet

HRU is just one of many popular acronyms used on Snapchat. Here are some other key terms and what they mean:

  • TBH: To be honest
  • NM: Not much
  • HML: Hit me up later
  • BRB: Be right back
  • WYD: What are you doing?
  • IRL: In real life
  • TBT: Throwback Thursday
  • DM: Direct message
  • HBD: Happy birthday
  • IDK: I don‘t know
  • IMO/IMHO: In my opinion/In my honest opinion
  • FK: Follow back
  • FT: FaceTime

Staying on top of the latest slang is key for mastering Snapchat lingo. Checking sites like Urban Dictionary can help decode new terms as they emerge.

When to Use “HRU” and Other Acronyms

When to Use HRU and Other Acronyms

Now that you know what HRU means, when should you use it? Here are some appropriate times to incorporate HRU or other Snapchat shorthand:

  • Greeting Friends: Use HRU to start conversations with connections you haven‘t chatted with in a while.
  • Check-Ins: Send HRU when you notice friends share new Snapchat Stories or Bitmoji updates.
  • Continue Conversations: Reply with HRU when a friend sends you a snap directly. Follow up with “What‘s new?”
  • Lighthearted Reactions: Use acronyms like “LOL” or “TYSM” in response to funny or thoughtful snaps from friends.
  • Sign-Offs: Shorthand like “TTYL” or “GN” helps wrap up conversations politely.

In other words, Snapchat slang is great for casual check-ins, lighthearted reactions, and quick conversations between friends.

Why Mastering Snapchat Slang Matters for Business

Why Mastering Snapchat Slang Matters for Business

As a consultant for startups and small businesses, I always emphasize the importance of speaking your audience‘s language.

For the 265 million daily users on Snapchat, that means understanding terms like HRU.

Businesses that master these conversational acronyms and incorporate them seamlessly come across as authentic. Customers feel like they‘re chatting with a real person rather than a faceless brand.

Snapchat even recommends using natural language in their Business Best Practices. Mimicking the casual tone customers use with friends humanizes your business.

Of course, balance is important. Avoid using obscure slang that may confuse followers. With practice, you‘ll learn to sprinkle in relevant shorthand to engage your audience without sacrificing clarity.

Key Takeaways

Speaking Snapchat‘s unique dialect fluently takes time but pays dividends for small businesses targeting younger demographics. Here are a few key tips:

  • HRU means “How are you?” and is used to start casual conversations.
  • Other popular acronyms include TBH, HML, DM and TBT.
  • Use shorthand like HRU for greetings, check-ins and lighthearted reactions.
  • Mastering platform slang helps small businesses engage followers authentically.
  • Find the right balance between conversational tone and clarity.

With this Snapchat lingo cheat sheet in hand, small business owners can start decoding acronyms like HRU and connecting with their audience. Feel free to reach out if you need any additional tips on optimizing your Snapchat strategy!