How to Unpin Chats on Snapchat for Better Business Communication

As a solopreneur or small business owner, effectively managing your communications is key. Your Snapchat chat list can quickly become chaotic with client, employee, and personal conversations mixing together. While the pin feature helps prioritize key chats, it pays to regularly tidy up your list by unpinning chats that are no longer a top priority. Here’s a simple walkthrough.

When to Unpin a Chat

As your business grows, your communication needs change all the time. You may want to unpin a chat when:

  • The project ends: Unpin old chats with freelancers or clients when the work is complete.
  • The priority shifts: If you have a new urgent client, unpin other chats to keep their conversations on top.
  • You hit the limit: With only 3 pins available, you’ll need to unpin current ones to pin new vital chats.

The Benefits of Unpinning

Unpinning outdated chats keeps your list organized so you can easily track current priorities. Key benefits include:

  • See urgent conversations instantly: Pin hot new projects for easy access
  • Reduce overwhelm: Remove old pins so your list matches your actual priorities
  • No more scrolling: Priority chats bubble right up to the top

Step-By-Step Guide to Unpinning

Unpinning a chat takes just a few seconds. Here’s exactly how:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap on Chats
  2. Press and hold the pinned chat you want to unpin
  3. Tap Unpin Conversation in the menu

And you’re done! That chat is now unpinned.

Unpinning Chats on iPhone

The process works the same on iPhones:

  1. Go to the Chat tab in Snapchat
  2. Long press on the pinned chat
  3. Tap Unpin Conversation

Best Practices for Organizing Your Snaps

As an entrepreneur, having an effective system for managing Snapchat communications is essential.

Use Chat Categories

Sort chats into different categories using apps like Snippet so ongoing client projects, personal chats, and company announcements each have their own section.

Customize Notifications

Use notification settings to control which chats can contact you after work hours so you don’t burn out.

Sync with Project Management Tools

Connect apps like Asana so your Snapchat priorities are aligned with your daily to-do list.

The Takeaway

By regularly unpinning outdated chats and repinning current priorities, you can transform your Snapchat into an organized communication hub for your business. Just a few seconds spent unpinning helps you present a professional front to your teams, clients, and partners.