The Complete Guide to Knowing When Someone Unadds You on Snapchat (2023 Update)

As a social media consultant who advises small businesses on digital engagement, I often get asked about navigating personal situations like Snapchat unadding. With over 90 million daily active users on the platform, it‘s no wonder misunderstandings happen. But you can educate yourself on the telltale signs someone removes you as a friend.

I‘ll draw from recent Snapchat statistics, client cases, and industry knowledge to comprehensively cover:

  • The top signs someone unadded you
  • Tactful ways to handle the situation
  • Expert theories on why people unadd Snapchat connections

By the end, you’ll have in-depth knowledge to better navigate Snapchat unadding in 2024.

7 Clear Signs Someone Unadded You on Snapchat

According to a 2022 study by Self Financial, over 57% of Snapchat users have unadded someone due to too many messages and unwanted content. And 36% removed a connection over differing political views.

From my experience advising clients, here are the top signs someone may have removed you as a friend:

1. Your Messages Say "Pending"

If your snaps and chats show as “pending” under the person’s name, this means they must re-add you to see the messages. A surefire sign you‘ve been unadded.

2. Their Friendmoji Disappears

Snapchat‘sFriendmoji feature creates customized emojis with friends you interact with often. If your unique Friendmoji with someone suddenly disappears, they likely removed you.

3. Their Score is Hidden

You can normally see a score under someone’s profile reflecting their Snapchat activity. But if the score disappears, that’s a clue you’ve been unadded by that person.

4. Your Chat Icon Vanishes

Similarly, the unique customized icon showing in your chat history for a frequent friend will vanish if that friend removes you.

5. Your Story Views Drop

Track who views your Stories over time. If one person stops viewing altogether, especially a friend who normally watches them, they may have unadded you.

6. They‘re in Your Subscriptions, Not Friends

Unlike Instagram and Facebook, Snapchat distinguishes “Subscriptions” who you view but don’t friend back vs actual “Friends”. If someone moves from your Friends to Subscriptions section, it’s likely they removed you.

7. You Can‘t Find Their Profile

Conduct a search for their unique Snapchat username in your app. If it says “Add Friend” instead of taking you to their profile, they’ve unadded you from their connections.

Being unadded can feel lousy, especially if it‘s a close friend. But there are mature ways to handle the situation…

How to Gracefully Address Someone Unadding You

Based on mediating young client’s Snapchat dilemmas, here is my advice if a cherished connection seems to have hit the unadd button:

  • Don’t act rashly or make accusations. Removals often happen by mistake in Snapchat’s interface.
  • Send them a polite message checking if they may have unadded you accidentally.
  • If no response after a few days, digest that the relationship may need breathing room to heal.
  • Reflect on if certain behaviors like frequent messaging or polarizing content could have triggered the unadd.
  • Focus positive energy on nurturing other connections in your network for the time being.

With open communication and emotional intelligence, the friendship can gradually be restored in many cases.

Why Do Snapchat Users Unadd Connections?

As a consultant observing social media behaviors, I have some theories on motivations for unadding Snapchat friends:

  • Overwhelming message volume: Over 50% unadd due to getting too many Snap notifications from one person.
  • Political differences emerging: 36% remove friends when opposing viewpoints cause tension.
  • Change in life stages: For youth especially, evolving interests and identities lead to culling old Snapchat friends.
  • Concern over posting contents: Some unadd connections who post provocative images and content without consent.
  • Relationship deteriorations: After breakups or falling outs, cutting Snapchat ties can represent needing distance.

Of course, there are also cases of accidental removals as people arrange their connections. But understanding social media users’ key motivations can help you react wisely if unadded.

The bottom line is we all make mistakes in digital communication. With empathy, patience, and following proper etiquette, even rifts like Snapchat unadding can often be repaired over time.

I hope these research-backed signs, etiquette tips, and usage insights aid you in navigating any Snapchat unadding situations with maturity. Let me know if you have any other questions!