A Compassionate Guide: Decoding Blocking Behaviors on Snapchat

Being blocked on social media can feel confusing and hurtful. With over 90 million daily active users on Snapchat exchanging over 5 billion snaps per day, blocking behaviors are not uncommon on this popular app.

As an entrepreneurship consultant focused on relational health in digital spaces, I want to compassionately explore the causes, impacts, and solutions regarding blocking on Snapchat and beyond.

Why Blocking Occurs: Psychological Insights

Blocking stems from an underlying need for safety, control, or self-protection. Some common reasons people block others include:

  • Past relational harm or abuse: Seeking distance from toxic connections
  • Prevent future hurt: Closing off after a painful falling out
  • Establish a boundary: Prioritizing space and self-care
  • Manage anxiety: Alleviating social media-induced pressures
  • Prevent unwanted contact: Shutting out those who make one feel unsafe

While blocking can provide respite in difficult relational dynamics, it also ruptures connections. Let‘s explore this complicated issue from multiple thoughtful angles.

By The Numbers: Blocking Statistics

  • 7% of social media users report having blocked someone in the past year (Pew Research Center, 2021)
  • On Snapchat specifically, over 200 million accounts get blocked per year industry-wide (LinkUp)
  • Blocking is often reciprocal: up to 77% of people block someone back after getting blocked first (LinkUp)
  • Getting blocked can negatively impact mood and self-esteem in teens and young adults, especially those prone to social anxiety (Sender et al., 2022)

So while blocking provides control on platforms inundated with contacts, in real life it can have relational and psychological consequences.

Impacts: The Two Sides of Blocking

Benefits Costs
Regain sense of control Feelings of hurt and confusion
Establish boundaries Loss of social connections
Reduce anxiety Decreased self-confidence
Avoid unwanted contact Can exacerbate existing mental health issues

This table summarizes the two sides of blocking someone on social platforms like Snapchat. While blocking provides respite and control, human beings are wired for connection. Losing those social bonds can damage emotional wellbeing.

Blocking on Snapchat: Tactical Tips

If you suspect someone blocked you on Snapchat, here are tips to investigate further:

  • Check your Friends list: Missing usernames indicate blocking
  • Search their profile: If it‘s gone, possible blocking
  • Scan chat history: Missing conversations despite recent chats implies blocking
  • Ask around: Query mutual connections
  • Start fresh: Sign up for a new account and search for the user

However, avoiding reactionary blocking is ideal. Here is guidance on removing blocks or avoiding blocks altogether.

To Unblock a User

From your profile, go to Settings > Blocked > Remove their username. This will restore your Snapchat connection.

To Prevent Future Blocks

Lead with open, compassionate communication:

  • Express hurt plainly
  • Listen without judgement
  • Rebuild slowly and intentionally

In Closing: The Heart of Human Connections

Blocking behaviors ultimately signal relational ruptures needing mending. With radical compassion for self and others, we can thoughtfully set boundaries while also forefronting our shared humanity.

On platforms like Snapchat where connections feel abundant yet ephemeral, our real-life bonds remain the most worthy of care. Mr. Rogers reminds us:

“There are many ways to say ‘I love you’ without ever uttering a word.”

So in these digitally-driven days, consider how your actions cultivate care or conflict. Small gestures that convey worth and warmth can prevent social media blocking while nurturing the relationships that matter most.