How to Start a Conversation on Snapchat: An Entrepreneur‘s Guide

As a consultant who assists entrepreneurs with social media marketing, one platform I often get asked about is Snapchat. With over 300 million daily active users, Snapchat presents a major opportunity to connect with your audience.

But starting conversations on Snapchat can be tricky if you don‘t know the ins and outs of the platform.

In this article, I‘ll provide my best tips as an entrepreneurship consultant to help you start meaningful conversations on Snapchat. Let‘s dive in!

Snapchat‘s Rising Popularity Offers New Conversation Potential

Before we get into tactics, it‘s helpful to understand why Snapchat has become such a conversation hub.

Snapchat continues to see incredible growth:

  • Snapchat daily active users increased 20% to 363 million in 2024.
  • 71% of Snapchat users are under 34 years old, the coveted millennial and Gen Z demographics.
  • Users spend an average of 30+ minutes per day on Snapchat.

As you can see, Snapchat offers access to the audiences that most businesses want to reach. The interactive, visual nature of the platform lends itself well to starting engaging conversations.

Craft Personalized First Snaps

Let‘s start with that all-important first snap. As an entrepreneur, you want to catch someone‘s attention and show that you took the time to create something just for them.

For example, I advised one client who sells bird watching equipment to send a snap of a rare bird species the prospect had mentioned liking. This showed he did his research and made the prospect excited to chat.

Tailoring your first snap is crucial – generic content won‘t cut it. Think about your relationship with the person and what will resonate.

React to Public Stories with Wit

Commenting on public stories is an easy way in. But you need to be thoughtful in how you comment.

One of my clients sells BBQ sauces. When a prospect posted a video of grilling steaks, my client commented "Yum, looks tasty! Though I think it needs more sauce ;)". This got a laugh and conversation started.

Be relevant and add your personality into public story reactions. An emoji or witty comment shows you‘re really paying attention.

Ask Thoughtful Questions

Questions open conversations, but ask the right ones. As an entrepreneur, you want to learn more about prospects‘ needs while keeping things casual.

"What plans do you have for the long weekend?" shows interest in their life. "Have you found a good solution for ___ need?" surfaces pain points.

Follow their lead in the conversation before pivoting to business matters. Get a feel for how they communicate.

Respond to Selfies with Positivity

We all love receiving compliments. When prospects share selfies, react with positivity and fun.

"Love the new haircut!" or drawing a smiley face on their pic makes them feel good. This positive reinforcement makes them more likely to keep the conversation going.

Leverage Snapchat‘s Unique Features

One advantage of Snapchat is the variety of features that facilitate engaging chats. As an entrepreneur, take full advantage of these capabilities.

For example, the drawing tool lets you create fun messages and reactions. Lenses and filters show your brand‘s playful side. Bitmojis add an approachable, human touch.

Don‘t be afraid to experiment and see which features prospects respond to best. This helps customize communication.

Follow Up Thoughtfully

Following up on previous conversations shows you care and have been paying attention. But make sure follow ups are relevant and well-timed.

For instance, after a prospect mentioned an upcoming work milestone, I might follow up: "Hey! Just checking in to see how that big project launch went last week."

This shows genuine interest in their work life and opens the door for more dialogue.

Converse Authentically as Yourself

At the end of the day, the best business relationships are built on trust and authentic connection.

Don‘t try to be someone you‘re not. Bring your real personality and voice to Snapchat conversations. This comfort and transparency makes prospects more likely to engage.

By taking this personalized, thoughtful approach to Snapchat communication, you can form meaningful new relationships and strengthen existing ones. Just remember to keep the focus on the other person.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other Snapchat conversation tips! I‘m always happy to discuss social media strategy.