The Complete Guide to Sending Friend Requests on Facebook for Entrepreneurs

Expanding your network on Facebook through strategic friend requests can be a game-changer for driving brand awareness and reaching new customers as an entrepreneur. But sending requests takes some finesse. Follow this comprehensive guide to master the art of sending friend requests that get accepted while protecting your privacy.

Why Facebook Friend Requests Matter for Entrepreneurs

As a business owner, you likely already know the power of social media for cost-effectively building an audience and driving traffic. But did you know that the number of friends and followers you have plays a key role in how visible your content is to others?

Facebook‘s algorithm surfaces posts higher in feeds when they come from accounts with more friends and followers. According to Sprout Social, the average Facebook user has 338 friends. Top entrepreneurs and influencers can have friend counts in the thousands or tens of thousands.

Having more accepted friend requests means your content simply has a wider reach – critical for getting your business found. Of course, it‘s about quality over quantity too. Focus on sending requests to relevant targets like past customers, vendors, and engaged followers who are likely to add you.

Facebook friend requests

Step-by-Step Guide to Sending Friend Requests

Ready to start adding more friends to boost your business? Here is exactly how to send friend requests on both desktop and mobile:

On Desktop

  1. Log into your Facebook account on a computer and navigate to the profile of the person you want to add.
  2. Below their main profile photo and cover image, click the "Add Friend" button.
  3. You‘ll have the option to type a personal message with your request. Consider adding a customized hello and refreshing them on who you are.
  4. Click the "Send Request" button to send it on its way and cross your fingers for an accept!

On Mobile

  1. In the Facebook app, use the search bar to find the person‘s profile you want to add.
  2. Tap their profile picture to enter their profile page.
  3. Tap the "Add Friend" button below their photo and cover image.
  4. Add a quick personalized message if desired.
  5. Tap "Send" to send your request.

Pro tip: Take advantage of Facebook‘s prompts for suggested friends and sort by most likely to accept. It also highlights mutual friends in common to reference in your message.

<img src="×1326/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/add-friend-facebook-mobile-5c4b135646e0fb0001675145.jpg” alt=”Facebook Add Friend mobile” />

Managing Sent and Received Friend Requests

Wondering what happens after you send a friend request? Here‘s how to manage sent and received requests:

  • Go to your Facebook menu > Friends > Friend Requests to view pending sent/received requests and accepted friends.
  • You can cancel a sent request at any time unless it‘s been accepted.
  • To accept a request, click "Confirm" and consider sending a thank you message! Decline or ignore unwanted requests.
  • According to Facebook, the acceptance rate for first-time friend requests is 37%. Don‘t get discouraged if some go ignored!

Friend Recommendations and Limits

In addition to manually searching for people, pay attention to Facebook‘s suggestions:

  • "People You May Know" – Facebook‘s algorithm calculates connections based on mutual friends, networks, etc.
  • Browse the friend recommendations when visiting someone‘s profile for "Friends of Friends."
  • Review who else follows/likes the same Pages and Groups as you for targeted additions.

There is a 5,000 friend limit on personal profiles, so if you‘re getting close, do an audit and remove inactive connections. Too many requests at once can also get you temporarily banned so pace yourself!

Protect Your Privacy

While expanding your network is important, protecting your privacy is even more critical:

  • Adjust your privacy settings so only friends of friends or confirmed connections can add you.
  • Never accept requests from strangers or engage with suspicious accounts.
  • Proactively block any concerning or spam accounts from interacting with you.
  • Avoid sharing personal details like your phone number with unverified friends.

How to Spot Fake Accounts

Fake and bot accounts unfortunately run rampant on Facebook. Here are telltale signs to watch for:

  • Little to no profile information
  • No profile picture or posts
  • Posts with unrelated comments or links
  • Friends with similar bot-like activity
  • Sudden requests out of the blue

Report any concerning accounts or activity immediately to Facebook by tapping the three dots on a profile and selecting "Report."

The Power of Strategic Friend Requests

While indiscriminately adding friends won‘t do much, targeted adds can work wonders. One entrepreneur I advised landed a huge partnership just by networking with strategic friend adds during a Facebook campaign. Be choosy, do your research, and focus on quality over quantity.

I hope this guide gives you the confidence to expand your network while being privacy-conscious. Please feel free to reach out if you need any tailored advice!