As a small business owner, you likely started your Facebook page with ambitious goals – to boost brand awareness, engage customers, drive sales. But juggling content creation, community management, and inbox replies on top of your regular workload quickly leads to burnout.
The solution? Delegate page administration to a trusted team member or employee.
Standalone Stats on the Value of Extra Facebook Page Admins
With multiple admins, you can increase efficiency and free up the business owner to focus on high-level strategy. Some compelling stats:
- 87% of entrepreneurs who assign Facebook admin roles report a positive ROI on time invested (SocialMediaToday)
- Pages with 4+ admins achieve 59% higher response rates to customers over those with just 1 admin (HubSpot)
- Multi-admin pages typically post 2X more content than single admin pages (SproutSocial)
Let‘s walk through the step-by-step process for granting someone admin access and setting them up for success.
First, log into your personal Facebook profile and click on your business Page name in the left sidebar:
This will take you to your Page. In the top right corner, click the down arrow button to access a dropdown menu. Select Settings:
This opens your Page Settings dashboard.
Step 2: Select the Page Roles Tab
In the left sidebar under General, click on Page roles.
This section allows you to manage roles like Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, and Analyst. We‘ll focus on the all-access Admin role.
Step 3: Input the New Admin‘s Details
Scroll down to the "Assign a New Page Role" box. Start typing the name or email address of the person you wish to make an Admin. Select them from the dropdown results.
Step 4: Assign Admin Permissions
Next to their name, open the Role dropdown and select Admin:
The Admin role grants full permissions to manage and edit all aspects of your Facebook Page, including:
- Posting content and managing the publishing queue
- Responding to and deleting comments
- Sending messages to subscribers and answering inquiries
- Creating ads and monitoring analytics dashboards
- Editing page settings like usernames, categories, pages to watch, etc.
Essentially complete control over content and community.
Step 5: Confirm the New Admin
Finally, click the blue Add button to finalize granting Admin access.
The new Admin will receive a notification alerting them of the change. And just like that, you have backup support for handling the day-to-day needs of your Facebook presence!
Setting Rules and Expectations for Smooth Sailing
Adding Page admins sparks productivity, but it also requires trust in others to represent your brand appropriately. Set the working relationship up for success by:
- Hosting a kickoff meeting to align on goals, tone of voice, post scheduling cadence, etc.
- Drawing up social media guidelines that outline content approval processes, privacy policies, community response standards
- Using Facebook Publisher to review all scheduled posts
- Maintaining open communication channels like weekly briefings
Pro tip: Limited page access roles like Moderator, Advertiser, or Analyst add oversight without full publishing rights.
Key Takeaways: The Advantages of Extra Admins
Your Facebook Page is the modern storefront to the world. More admins means this digital presence stays fresh, responsive, and focused on customer connections even during your busiest times.
Delegate with confidence by:
- Granting page access only to those who share your brand vision
- Establishing rules and expectations upfront
- Monitoring activity using Facebook‘s oversight tools
- Checking in regularly with your admin team
Wondering if it‘s worth carving out setup time to add page admins? The stats and entrepreneurs speak for themselves – extra assistance pays dividends. Give it a try and see your Facebook presence flourish!