How to Check Your Amazon Gift Card Balance: The Small Business Guide

As a small business owner, you likely appreciate the gesture when clients or partners give you an Amazon gift card. These handy cards offer flexibility in purchasing supplies, tools, books, and more for your business. But before swiping that card, it’s crucial to know your gift card balance to avoid any surprises.

This comprehensive guide will walk through the quick and easy steps to check your Amazon gift card balance. I’ll also share insider tips as a small business consultant to help you track, redeem, and get the most from your gift card funds. Let’s dive in!

Overview of Checking an Amazon Gift Card Balance

Amazon offers a few different options to check your gift card balance:

  • On the Amazon website
  • In the Amazon mobile app
  • By viewing your order history
  • By contacting Amazon customer service

I recommend the website or mobile app for quick, self-service access. Contact customer service if you‘ve lost your gift card or need other assistance.

Below, I’ll outline the step-by-step instructions for each method, including guidance for small business owners. But first, let‘s look at some key facts on Amazon gift cards that may inform your approach.

Key Amazon Gift Card Facts and Policies

Understanding how Amazon gift cards work will help you develop a sound redemption strategy. Here are some important details:

  • No expiration date: Amazon gift cards never expire, so no need to rush to use the balance.
  • No fees: There are no fees associated with purchasing, reloading, or redeeming gift cards.
  • Limited redemption: Per Amazon‘s policy, gift cards can only be used for eligible purchases on They cannot be redeemed on Whole Foods, Zappos, or other subsidiaries.
  • Reloading allowed: You can add more funds to your existing gift card balance through the “Reload Your Balance” feature.
  • Fraud protection: If your gift card is lost or stolen, contact Amazon immediately. They can freeze the funds and assist you.
  • Minimum balance: While there‘s no time limit for use, Amazon may restrict small balances under $1 from being redeemed.

Checking Your Balance on the Amazon Website

For quick access on a laptop or desktop, follow these steps:

  1. Go to and sign into your account.
  2. Hover over “Accounts & Lists” in the top navigation and click on “Gift cards.” This will open your Gift Cards page.
  3. Here you will see the total balance for all gift cards associated with your account. Any that have been redeemed to your account will show the remaining balance.
  4. To view individual balances, click “View gift card balance and activity.” This will display each card‘s balance, expiration date (if applicable), and recent transactions.
  5. Don’t have the physical card anymore? Amazon also lists gift card orders in Your Orders. Find the order with the gift card to see its full value when purchased.
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Checking via the Amazon App

The app method works great on the go from your smartphone or tablet:

  1. Open the Amazon app then tap the menu button in the upper left corner.
  2. Select “Gift Cards” to view your account balance(s).
  3. Tap “Check Balance” to see individual card balances and activity.
  4. Don’t have the card? You can also manually reload a gift card in the app by entering the claim code.
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Pro Tip for Small Businesses: Add Cards to Your Account

As a small business consultant, I recommend linking gift card balances to your Amazon account rather than entering claim codes at checkout.

Here’s why:

  • You can easily track balances in one place without digging for claim codes.
  • The funds integrate seamlessly into your account for streamlined purchasing.
  • You’ll have access to gift card balances even if you lose the physical card.
  • Reporting and budgeting for purchases is simpler with consolidated payment sources.

To redeem a gift card to your account, visit “Gift Cards” under your Amazon account and select “Redeem a Gift Card.” Overall, it provides more visibility and control over your spending.

When to Contact Amazon Customer Service

While the website and app make checking your balance a breeze, there are a few cases when you may want to enlist Amazon‘s customer service for help:

  • You lost your gift card or it was stolen. Amazon can freeze the funds and investigate for you.
  • You received a gift card missing the claim code. Customer service can look it up.
  • Your gift card has an unusually low balance. Verify that the correct amount was loaded.
  • You have other questions or issues related to the gift card. The support team is available to assist.

Amazon‘s customer service number for gift card support is 1 (888) 280-4331. Be prepared to provide your order information or gift card number.

Tips to Maximize Your Amazon Gift Cards

As a small business owner, getting the most from your gift cards ensures you stretch your budget. Here are my top strategies:

Set Up Autoreload

Autoreload adds funds automatically when the balance dips below a threshold you define. This helps you avoid accidentally overspending the card.

Use for Recurring Business Purchases

Apply gift cards towards purchases you make regularly for your business like office supplies, books, software subscriptions, etc.

Purchase Inventory and Materials

For product-based businesses, gift cards help offset the cost of inventory, packaging materials, and components for production.

Redeem for Digital Services

In addition to physical products, use gift card funds for Amazon Prime, Kindle Unlimited, Audible, and other digital subscriptions your business utilizes.

Keep Close Tabs on the Balance

Check your balance frequently, especially when making large or frequent purchases. This prevents surprise depletion mid-transaction.

Key Takeaways on Checking Amazon Gift Card Balances

Hopefully this guide has equipped you to easily check your Amazon gift card balance and make the most of those funds. Here are some key tips to remember:

  • Check your balance on Amazon‘s website, mobile app, or by contacting customer service.
  • Link gift cards to your account for consolidated tracking and seamless redemption.
  • Take advantage of features like autoreload to maximize your balance.
  • Use gift cards strategically for recurring business purchases.
  • Monitor your balance closely when spending down large amounts.

Wishing you the best as you redeem your Amazon gift cards! Please reach out if you need any guidance on small business accounting, budgeting, or other financial matters.