How to Block Snapchat on iPhone: An In-Depth Guide for Small Business Owners

Snapchat has exploded in popularity in recent years. While the ephemeral photo and video sharing app offers some benefits, unrestrained use at work can lead to distracted, less productive employees.

As a small business owner, you may consider blocking Snapchat on employee iPhones. But is this the right approach?

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the pros and cons of Snapchat for business and provide best practices for managing usage.

The Case for Blocking Snapchat at Work

Here are some potential benefits of blocking Snapchat on employees‘ iPhones:

  • Increased Productivity: Snapchat can be distracting. Studies show social media multitasking reduces productivity by up to 40% [1]. Blocking it could help employees stay focused.
  • Reduced Distractions: Snapchat notifications and content steal attention. This fragments employee concentration when deep work is required.
  • Better Use of Time: The average user spends 40 minutes per day on Snapchat [2]. Blocking it frees up time for value-adding tasks.
  • Improved Focus: People check Snapchat on average 30 times per day [3]. Removing these disruptions allows for longer periods of focused work.
  • Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Encouraging employees to save Snapchat for their personal time gives them a break from work messages after hours.

The Case Against Banning Snapchat Outright

However, there are also some potential drawbacks of completely blocking Snapchat across the board:

  • Damaged Morale: Employees may resent strict limitations on personal app usage during breaks or lunch.
  • Reduced Autonomy: Allowing some personal device use shows employees you trust their judgement. A blanket ban contradicts this.
  • Negative Employer Branding: Excessively controlling policies could hurt your reputation among candidates.
  • Liability Risks: Some uses like organizing team events or promoting company culture may be legitimate. An outright ban prohibits even appropriate uses.
  • Limited Upside: Most productivity gains come from restricting 1-2 apps[4]. Blocking every social media app yields diminishing returns.

Recommended Best Practices

Based on these pros and cons, we recommend a nuanced approach that provides structure while allowing flexibility:

  • Set Clear Expectations: Develop social media guidelines detailing appropriate versus inappropriate usage.
  • Restrict During High Focus Hours: Block apps like Snapchat from 9 AM – 12 PM when deep work is crucial.
  • Permit During Breaks: Let employees enjoy Snapchat, in moderation, during lunch and scheduled breaks.
  • Lead by Example: Managers should limit Snapchat usage to model desired behavior.
  • Use Monitoring Tools Sparingly: Audit usage during work hours, but avoid spying on personal devices.
  • Offer Alternatives: Suggest less distracting apps like Pocket or productivity timers.
  • Encourage Self-Management: Help employees reflect on and manage their own Snapchat habits.
  • Remain Flexible: Re-evaluate policies regularly and adjust based on evolving needs.

Implementing Snapchat Restrictions on iPhones

If you decide blocking Snapchat is necessary during certain work hours, here are technical steps to do so on iPhones:

  1. From the Settings app, go to Screen Time > Content & Privacy Restrictions.
  2. Enter a passcode if required.
  3. Under Content Restrictions, choose Allowed Apps.
  4. Locate Snapchat and toggle off the switch to block it.

You can also set up Screen Time downtime to automatically block apps daily during specific hours. Additional parental control apps like Qustodio offer more advanced restriction options.

But technical tools should supplement, not replace, frequent conversations around focus and responsibility.

Encouraging Healthy Snapchat Habits

More important than blocking Snapchat is helping employees self-reflect on social media habits. Here are some suggestions:

  • Have them track their Snapchat usage for a week. How much time do they spend on it? When do they use it most? Are there patterns?
  • Ask how they feel after using Snapchat for 30+ minutes. Do they feel refreshed or drained?
  • Help them identity triggers that lead them to open Snapchat out of habit, not intention.
  • Explore how scheduling set Snapchat breaks rather than using randomly may increase focus.
  • Remind them apps are designed to hook us. Using them mindfully takes practice.

The Bottom Line

blocking Snapchat at work has merits. But a nuanced approach balancing focus with autonomy is ideal.

Set expectations, limit usage during crucial hours, but allow flexibility. Guide employees in managing use.

With a comprehensive strategy, you can encourage employees to engage in social media like Snapchat responsibly and intentionally.


[1] Reinsch, N. L., Turner, J. W., & Tinsley, C. H. (2008). Multicommunicating: A practice whose time has come?. The Academy of Management Review, 33(2), 391-403. [2] Clement, J. (2022, August 2). Daily time spent on Snapchat 2022. Statista. [3] Sarner, M. (2022, June 15). How often do people check Snapchat? Mashable. [4] Mark, G., Iqbal, S. T., Czerwinski, M., & Johns, P. (2015). Focused, aroused, but so distractible: Temporal perspectives on multitasking and communications. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (pp. 903-916).