WebP: The High-Efficiency Image Format Every Website Should Be Using

As a web developer, you know that the two biggest factors that determine page load speed are the number of HTTP requests and the size of the resources being loaded. And for most websites, images are by far the largest contributor to overall page weight. According to the HTTP Archive, images make up on average 21% of the total bytes on mobile websites and 54% on desktop as of January 2024.

This presents a huge opportunity to optimize web performance by reducing image sizes as much as possible, without sacrificing visual quality or functionality. And that‘s exactly where WebP shines. Created by Google, this modern image format can compress your images far more efficiently than legacy formats like JPEG and PNG, resulting in faster load times, lower bandwidth usage, and improved SEO and user experience.

If your website isn‘t taking advantage of WebP yet, you‘re missing out on some massive potential performance gains. In this article, we‘ll take a deep technical dive into how WebP works, what kind of results you can expect, and how to easily convert and implement WebP images on your site. Let‘s get started!

How WebP‘s Advanced Compression Methods Outperform JPEG and PNG

At the core of WebP‘s impressive compression efficiency is its unique approach to encoding image data using predictive algorithms and advanced signal processing techniques. Whereas JPEG compression works by splitting an image into 8×8 pixel blocks and applying a discrete cosine transform (DCT) to each block, WebP uses a more flexible partition scheme that can adapt to the complexity of different image regions.

WebP divides an image into square macroblocks which can be recursively subdivided down to 4×4 pixel subblocks. This allows for finer-grained control over quantization and transformation, allocating more bits to perceptually important or complex regions and fewer bits to simpler regions like solid colors or smooth gradients. Based on the encoder‘s analysis and quality setting, it will predict the optimal block sizes and quantization parameters to maximize compression while minimizing artifacts.

Additionally, WebP uses a much stronger entropy encoding scheme compared to JPEG‘s Huffman coding. WebP employs an advanced variant of arithmetic coding (ANS) along with context modeling to exploit spatial and color correlations between neighboring pixels and blocks. This allows it to more efficiently compress the quantized transform coefficients into a compact bitstream.

For lossless compression, WebP uses a predictive pixel-based approach similar to PNG but with several enhancements. It supports up to four different prediction modes (horizontal, vertical, DC, and TrueMotion) and a color cache of recently encoded pixels to optimize matches. WebP also uses variant of LZ77 dictionary coding and Huffman coding to compress the residuals between actual and predicted pixel values.

The end result of these advanced techniques is that WebP can compress images to much smaller file sizes than JPEG or PNG while maintaining equivalent visual quality. In objective quality assessments using measures like PSNR and SSIM, WebP consistently outperforms JPEG by 25-34% and PNG by up to 26% at equivalent quality levels.

Real-World WebP Performance Results and Case Studies

So what does this actually mean for real websites and applications? Let‘s take a look at some case studies and experiments that demonstrate the tangible impact of WebP on web performance metrics.

  • Google found that switching to WebP on the Google Play store website resulted in a 35% reduction in total page size and an 18% reduction in page load time compared to using JPEG images. This amounted to overall bandwidth savings of several terabytes per day.

  • Netflix reported that adopting WebP for their iOS and Android app icons and UI assets led to app size reductions of 20-25% compared to using PNG assets. This significantly reduced app download times and saved on user cellular data.

  • Alibaba experimented with WebP for their massive ecommerce platform and saw a 26% reduction in image file sizes compared to JPEG. On a site that serves over 10 billion images per day, this resulted in tremendous bandwidth and storage cost savings.

  • Web performance expert Tim Kadlec ran a WebP vs. JPEG showdown using HTTP Archive data to measure the real-world impact of WebP across 8 million websites. The results showed a median page size reduction of 21% and a median load time improvement of 18% for pages that used WebP instead of JPEG.

A joint study by Google, Facebook, and Stanford researchers compared the compression efficiency of WebP against four other cutting-edge codecs using the widely recognized Kodak image dataset. Here are the results showing the bits per pixel (bpp) needed to achieve a high-quality encoding for each format:

Format Bits Per Pixel (BPP) @ High Quality
WebP 1.324
H.265 1.533
HEIC 1.572
AVIF 1.246
JPEG 1.878

As you can see, WebP delivered the second best compression ratio behind only AVIF, and a whopping 29% lower than standard JPEG. The study also tested WebP‘s subjective quality using human raters and found it achieved a higher Mean Opinion Score (MOS) than JPEG.

How to Convert and Implement WebP Images on Your Website

Convinced that WebP is worth adopting on your site? Great! Let‘s walk through the steps to convert your existing images to WebP and deploy them in your web pages.

The first thing you‘ll need is a WebP conversion tool. There are a few different options available:

  1. cwebp – Google‘s official command line utility for encoding WebP images. It‘s available for Linux, Mac, and Windows and supports converting from PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and WebP input. Basic usage looks like:
cwebp [options] input.png -o output.webp
  1. Imagemin – A popular Node.js library for minifying images with pluggable support for WebP. Can be used programmatically or via CLI:
import imagemin from ‘imagemin‘;
import imageminWebp from ‘imagemin-webp‘;

await imagemin([‘images/*.{jpg,png}‘], {
  destination: ‘build/images‘,
  plugins: [imageminWebp({quality: 50})]
  1. Squoosh – Google‘s web-based image optimization tool that provides a simple drag-and-drop GUI for converting and compressing images to WebP and other modern formats. Useful for quickly experimenting with different quality settings and options.

For converting large batches of images, you‘ll likely want to use a command line tool like cwebp or Imagemin and write a script to automate the process. I recommend starting with a high quality setting (80-85) and comparing the visual results and file sizes to find the optimal balance for your needs.

Once you have your WebP images ready, implementing them on your site is fairly straightforward. The simplest way is to just replace the file extension of your <img> tags:

<!-- before -->
<img src="/path/to/image.jpg" alt="My image">

<!-- after -->
<img src="/path/to/image.webp" alt="My image">

However, you‘ll probably want to use the <picture> element to define fallback versions for browsers that don‘t yet support WebP (I‘m looking at you, Safari). The syntax looks like:

  <source srcset="image.webp" type="image/webp">
  <source srcset="image.jpg" type="image/jpeg"> 
  <img src="image.jpg" alt="My image">

The browser will choose the first supported <source> element to load based on the type attribute. You can also optionally use the media attribute to define responsive breakpoints and serve different sized WebP images for different screen widths.

That‘s really all there is to it! With just a few tweaks to your image build process and HTML, you‘ll be delivering much faster loading WebP images to the majority of your users.

The Future of Image Optimization: AVIF and JPEG XL

WebP may be the most pragmatic and widely supported option for optimizing web images today, but it‘s certainly not the only promising new format on the horizon. Two other advanced image codecs to keep an eye on are AVIF and JPEG XL.

AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is an emerging royalty-free format based on the AV1 open source video codec. Using many of the same high-efficiency video compression techniques, AVIF can encode images at significantly lower bitrates than WebP while maintaining high visual quality. Early testing shows AVIF achieving up to 50% smaller file sizes compared to JPEG.

The main drawback of AVIF currently is limited browser and tooling support. As of 2024, only Chrome, Firefox, and Opera have implemented AVIF decoding. But expect to see adoption grow quickly in the coming years as AV1 matures and proves its compression advantages.

JPEG XL is another next-gen codec that aims to be a fully backward-compatible replacement for legacy JPEG. Using a novel blend of lossless and lossy techniques, JPEG XL can compress existing JPEGs by ~20% without any quality loss, or achieve a ~60% reduction at an equivalent perceptual quality.

Compared to WebP, JPEG XL offers better lossless compression, progressive decoding, responsive resolution switching, and built-in support for HDR and wide color gamuts. The reference implementation is already open sourced and support is in progress for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

While neither AVIF nor JPEG XL are quite ready for production use just yet, they both offer exciting glimpses of how much further web image optimization can be pushed. It‘s an exciting time to be a web developer!


In the never-ending quest to build faster, leaner, and more efficient websites, WebP is one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. By converting your bulky JPEGs and PNGs to WebP, you can shave off precious kilobytes from your page weight, reduce load times, and deliver a better experience for your users – all without sacrificing visual quality.

The numbers speak for themselves: 25-34% savings over JPEG, 26% savings over PNG, and real-world page load improvements of 20% or more. For any website that cares about performance (which should be all of them!), adopting WebP is a no-brainer.

Yes, there is a small up-front cost to implement WebP in your image workflow and HTML templates. But the returns in terms of bandwidth savings, faster speeds, and user engagement more than pay off that investment. And with almost universal browser support and a wealth of open source tools available, the barriers to adoption are lower than ever.

So what are you waiting for? If you‘re not already using WebP, now is the time to get on board and start reaping the rewards of this powerful image format. Trust me, your users (and your bottom line) will thank you.