The Ultimate Guide to Structured Data Testing & Validation Tools

Structured data is becoming increasingly important for SEO and search visibility. By marking up your website‘s content with standardized formats like JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa, you can provide search engines with explicit information about the meaning and context of your pages. This enhances your search snippets, enables your content to appear in rich results, and improves your overall rankings.

However, implementing structured data is not always straightforward. Errors in your markup can lead to validation issues, which may prevent your rich snippets from appearing in search or even negatively impact your SEO. That‘s why it‘s critical to regularly test and validate your structured data using specialized tools.

In this guide, we‘ll explore the best structured data testing and validation tools available in 2024. Whether you‘re just getting started with structured data or looking to optimize your existing markup, these tools will help you ensure your implementation is error-free and fully compliant with the latest standards and best practices. Let‘s dive in!

Why Testing and Validation is Critical for Structured Data

Structured data is a powerful tool for communicating the meaning and relationships of your content to search engines. However, the markup needs to be properly implemented in order to be effective. Even small errors or omissions in your structured data can cause significant issues, such as:

  • Preventing your rich snippets from appearing in search results
  • Triggering "manual actions" or penalties from search engines for improper usage
  • Sending the wrong signals about your content which may negatively impact rankings
  • Invalid markup being ignored completely by search engine crawlers

Proactively identifying and fixing issues in your structured data is essential for avoiding these problems and getting the maximum SEO benefit from your implementation. That‘s where structured data testing and validation tools come in.

These specialized tools allow you to check your structured data markup for proper syntax, usage of valid terms and properties, completeness relative to the expectations for your content type, and adherence to Google‘s guidelines and policies. They give you peace of mind that your implementation is error-free and optimized to drive rich results and rankings.

Top Structured Data Testing and Validation Tools

Here are some of the best tools available in 2024 for testing and validating your structured data markup:

1. Google Rich Results Test

Google‘s official Rich Results Test tool lets you easily test a URL or code snippet for structured data and see which rich snippets can be generated. It renders your page as Google sees it and identifies any structured data found on the page. It then shows you what rich result types are available based on the structured data it found, as well as any errors or suggestions for improvement.

The Rich Results Test supports all structured data formats, including JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa. It checks your markup against both Google‘s general structured data guidelines as well as the format-specific requirements for eligible rich result types. This makes it an essential tool for anyone implementing or maintaining structured data for Google Search.

2. Schema Markup Validator

The Schema Markup Validator by checks your structured data against the latest schema definitions to ensure proper implementation. Simply enter a URL and the tool will extract the page‘s JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa markup and validate it against the vocabulary. It identifies errors and warnings and provides line-by-line feedback on your markup.

Since is the foundation for most structured data uses, including Google‘s rich snippets, this tool is invaluable for ensuring adherence to the core vocabulary. It‘s less focused on Google-specific rules and more on generally correct usage of the terms and properties. For best results, use it in combination with Google‘s Rich Results Test.

3. Bing Markup Validator

Bing‘s Markup Validator checks your structured data markup for compatibility with Bing‘s search features. It identifies all markup found on the page, extracted in JSON-LD, Microdata and RDFa formats. It then validates the syntax and usage of the markup and identifies errors, warnings and suggestions for improvement.

In addition to checking against the core vocabulary, the Bing Markup Validator also identifies opportunities for Bing-specific search features based on your content type. This includes Bing‘s rich snippets, image indexing, and more. For best visibility on Bing, use this tool to ensure proper structured data implementation.

4. Yandex Structured Data Validator

Yandex, the leading search engine in Russia, offers its own structured data testing tool. The Yandex Structured Data Validator checks your markup against Yandex‘s supported schemas and identifies errors that may prevent the page from appearing in rich snippets or other Yandex search features.

If your website targets Russian audiences, it‘s important to test your structured data using Yandex‘s tool in addition to Google and Bing‘s tools. This ensures maximum compatibility with Yandex‘s search algorithms and rich features.

5. Other Notable Structured Data Tools

In addition to the major search engine tools, there are a few other notable structured data testing and validation tools worth mentioning:

  • JSON-LD Playground – This tool by Google lets you experiment with writing JSON-LD markup and instantly preview how it would look in Google‘s search results. It‘s a great way to prototype your markup before implementing it on your pages.

  • Structured Data Linter – This opensource tool does a deep validation of your JSON-LD markup against the vocabulary definitions. It catches many usage and syntax errors and provides clear error messages to help you debug.

  • RDF Translator – This tool allows you to convert between different structured data formats, including JSON-LD, Microdata, RDFa, and more. It also validates the syntax of your markup during the translation process.

  • Structured Data Testing Tool – This is Google‘s legacy structured data testing tool, which has been largely replaced by the Rich Results Test. However, some SEOs still prefer it for its ability to parse a webpage and show the extracted markup more clearly than the new tool.

How to Use Structured Data Testing Tools: Step-by-Step

Now that you‘re familiar with some of the top structured data testing tools, let‘s walk through how to use them to test and validate your markup. We‘ll use the two most essential tools as examples: Google‘s Rich Results Test and‘s Schema Markup Validator.

Testing with Google‘s Rich Results Test

1. Open the Rich Results Test tool
2. Enter the URL you want to test or paste your code snippet
3. Click "Test"
4. The tool will render your page and extract any structured data found
5. Check the "Detected structured data" section to see what was found on your page
6. Expand the "Preview" section to see what rich snippets your page is eligible for based on the structured data
7. If there are any errors in your implementation, they will be flagged in the "Errors" section with details on the issue and how to fix it
8. If there are opportunities to expand your implementation for additional rich snippet types, they will be suggested in the "Suggestions" section

Validating with the Schema Markup Validator

1. Open the Schema Markup Validator
2. Enter the URL you want to test
3. Select the markup format found on your page (Microdata, JSON-LD or RDFa)
4. Click "Validate"
5. The tool will extract the selected markup format from your page and validate it
6. Errors will be flagged with a red "X" icon and details on the specific error and the line/column where it appears in your markup
7. Warnings (for instance, for missing recommended properties) will be indicated with a yellow "!" icon
8. If your markup passes validation with no errors or warnings, you will get a green checkbox indicating it is valid

By testing your page with these two tools, you can be confident that your structured data is properly implemented according to Google‘s requirements and best practices, and that it adheres to the core vocabulary. Of course, if your page targets other search engines like Bing or Yandex, it‘s best to also run it through their respective tools following a similar process.

Interpreting Structured Data Tool Results & Fixing Errors

Structured data testing tools provide a wealth of information and feedback to help you optimize your markup. However, interpreting the results can sometimes be tricky, especially if you‘re new to structured data. Here are some tips for making sense of the output and addressing issues:

Understanding Errors vs. Warnings

Most structured data tools differentiate between errors and warnings in your markup. Errors are critical issues that will likely invalidate your entire implementation and should be fixed immediately. These usually include syntax errors, invalid or misspelled types/properties, and wrong nesting of elements.

Warnings, on the other hand, indicate non-critical issues like missing recommended (but not required) properties. While not necessary to fix for your markup to be valid, addressing warnings can help make your implementation more complete and future-proof.

Fixing Common Structured Data Errors

Here are some of the most common structured data errors and how to fix them:

  • "Missing required field" errors: This occurs when you omit a property that is required for a specific type. For example, a Recipe type requires the recipeIngredient and recipeInstructions properties. Add the missing required properties to resolve the error.

  • Syntax errors: These occur when your markup contains invalid characters, missing brackets, incorrect property/type names, and other syntax issues. Carefully compare your markup to the examples in Google‘s documentation and the definitions to identify and correct syntax problems.

  • Mismatch between page content and structured data: Sometimes your markup may be syntactically valid but not properly align with your page content. For example, specifying an author that isn‘t mentioned anywhere on the page. Ensure your markup accurately reflects the visible content.

  • Violating Google‘s guidelines and policies: Google has additional guidelines around the proper use of structured data to prevent spam and misleading markup. Familiarize yourself with Google‘s structured data guidelines and make sure your implementation complies.

The Future of Structured Data Testing

As the use of structured data continues to grow and evolve, so too will the tools and processes for testing and validating markup. Here are a few key trends to watch in the coming years:

Automated Monitoring and Alerts

Many site owners today test their structured data manually and periodically. However, tools are emerging that automatically scan your site on a regular basis and proactively alert you to any errors or issues with your markup. This allows you to catch and fix problems immediately, rather than waiting until your next manual testing cycle.

AI-Assisted Markup Generation and Optimization

As artificial intelligence continues to advance, we may see the emergence of AI-powered tools that can automatically generate and optimize structured data markup for your content. Rather than manually implementing and testing your markup, you would simply feed your content into the AI and it would handle the rest.

Expansion of Structured Data Uses and Formats

While structured data is primarily used today for generating rich snippets in search results, its applications are expanding rapidly. New types and formats are emerging for voice search, chatbots, virtual assistants, and more. Structured data testing tools will need to evolve to validate these new use cases and ensure proper interoperability between different platforms and devices.


Structured data is no longer optional for SEO – it‘s an essential tool for enhancing your search visibility and driving more traffic, clicks and conversions. However, implementing structured data is not a "set it and forget it" process. Regularly testing and validating your markup is critical for ensuring it remains error-free and fully optimized over time.

By leveraging the structured data testing and validation tools covered in this guide, you can easily identify and fix issues in your implementation, improve the quality and completeness of your markup, and maximize the SEO benefits of your structured data. So don‘t let errors sabotage your rich snippets – test your structured data early and often!