A Deep Dive into Smart Contract NFTs in 2024

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) took the world by storm in 2021. As interest in these digital assets continues to skyrocket, the blockchain-based smart contracts powering them warrant a closer look.

In 2022, the NFT market surged to over $40 billion, a massive increase from just $106 million in 2020. Smart contracts are critical to facilitating this exponential growth. By enabling direct transactions and immutable record-keeping, they remove frictions and foster trust in the burgeoning NFT ecosystem.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the integral role smart contracts play in the world of NFTs and why they’re central to the future of digital ownership.

The Explosive Growth of NFTs and Smart Contracts

NFTs and their underlying smart contract technology have seen staggering adoption over the past few years.

  • The total market cap for NFTs in Q4 2022 topped $24 billion, up from just $338 million in Q4 2020.

  • There are now over 130 million active NFT wallets, versus around 70,000 in 2020.

  • The number of active Wallet addresses interacting with NFT smart contracts exceeded 50 million in November 2022, up from just 665,000 in January 2021.

Category 2020 2022
NFT Market Cap $338 million $24 billion
Active NFT Wallets 70,000 130 million
Active Wallets Interacting with NFT Smart Contracts 665,000 50 million

Table 1: Comparing NFT growth from 2020 to 2022

Industry experts predict smart contract NFTs will dominate the Web3 landscape in 2024 and beyond. Their programmable, self-executing nature solves many of the problems that have plagued digital ownership.

Next, we’ll unpack exactly how NFTs and smart contracts work before analyzing the critical role smart contracts play in creating this new paradigm.

What are NFTs and Smart Contracts?

To understand their relationship, let‘s look at what defines each technology:

NFTs – Non-Fungible Tokens

NFTs are cryptographic assets on a blockchain that represent ownership of unique digital items like art, music, videos, tweets, virtual real estate, etc.

Unlike fungible tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum, NFTs are not interchangeable. Each has distinguishing information like metadata, ownership history, and terms encoded into it that prove its scarcity and authenticity. This transforms digital works into verifiable scarce assets.

Jack Dorsey's first tweet NFT

Figure 1: Jack Dorsey‘s first ever tweet auctioned as an NFT. Source: Design Boom.

Smart Contracts – Self-Executing Code

Smart contracts are programs stored on a blockchain that run automatically when predefined conditions are met. They are the backbone facilitating digital transactions like the sale and transfer of NFTs.

Smart contracts execute based on unambiguous "if/then" logic written into their code. This removes the need for intermediaries like lawyers or brokers to settle agreements. Once deployed, the terms are binding and transactions occur automatically between wallet addresses.

The Role of Smart Contracts in NFTs

NFTs and smart contracts work hand-in-hand to enable the next generation of digital ownership:

Minting NFTs

When an NFT representing a digital asset is minted, smart contracts assign ownership to the minter‘s wallet address. The contract governs the NFT‘s properties like transferability, royalties, etc. This information is immutably added to the blockchain.

For example, when Twitter founder Jack Dorsey minted his first tweet as an NFT in 2021, the smart contract defined the tweet‘s ownership, ensuring it was verifiably scarce and authentic.

Trading NFTs

When an NFT is sold or traded, smart contracts automatically transfer ownership to the buyer‘s wallet address and record the transaction on the blockchain. This facilitates frictionless exchanges while preserving a clear chain of custody.

In 2022, over $19 billion worth of NFTs were traded directly between users via smart contracts, removing the need for intermediaries.

Paying Royalties to Creators

NFT smart contracts can be programmed to pay royalties to the original creator whenever their work is resold. For example, a smart contract could be coded to send the artist 5% of any secondary sales. This sustains artists even after their work changes hands.

Unlocking Web3 Potential

By coding complex business conditions directly into self-enforcing smart contracts, NFTs can enable decentralized models like fractionalized ownership, loans, and investments.

For instance, an NFT representing a song could automatically pay out royalties to multiple owners based on smart contract logic. The possibilities are vast.

Benefits of Smart Contract NFTs

What unique advantages do smart contracts bring to managing digital ownership rights?

Benefit Description
Self-Execution Smart contracts execute automatically when conditions are met, removing friction.
Trustlessness Outcomes rely on code rather than human intervention, enhancing reliability.
Transparency All contract activity is recorded publicly on the blockchain.
Accuracy Digital code reduces errors compared to traditional legal agreements.
Cost Savings Removing middlemen delivers vast efficiencies and savings.

Table 2: Key benefits smart contract NFTs provide

These properties solve many of the challenges that have plagued digital content creators and owners for decades. Next, we‘ll look at real-world examples of smart contract NFTs in action.

Smart Contract Use Cases

To understand how impactful smart contract applications can be for NFTs, let‘s examine some high-profile examples across art, music, collectibles, and more:

$69 Million Art Sale

When the NFT collage "Everydays – The First 5000 Days" sold for a staggering $69 million, the transaction was executed by a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain. Removing middlemen streamlined the historic sale.

Everydays NFT

Figure 2: The NFT artwork Everydays sold for $69 million via smart contract. Source: Wikipedia.

Virtual Real Estate

Platforms like Decentraland are using smart contracts to model virtual real estate ownership. Users can buy customizable parcels of virtual land via NFTs and smart contracts. This is laying the groundwork for the open metaverse.

Fractionalized NFTs

Smart contracts are enabling fractionalized NFT ownership, where one NFT token can have multiple owners. Owners can trade fractional shares freely and smart contracts automatically distribute any earnings.

NFT Investing

Groups like Yield Guild Games allow users to invest in revenue-generating NFT assets like virtual real estate and collectibles. Smart contracts track fractional ownership shares and distribute earnings proportionally.

The possibilities are vast when smart contract logic expands how NFTs can be utilized.

Additional Smart Contract and NFT Resources

To dive deeper into maximizing the potential of smart contract NFTs, I recommend exploring the following educational materials:

  • Mastering Ethereum – The definitive technical guide to blockchain development.

  • NFT School – Free video courses explaining NFTs for beginners.

  • NFT Maker 101 – Step-by-step guide to creating and selling an NFT collection.

  • NFT Zine – Journal documenting the NFT ecosystem‘s development.

Leveraging smart contracts, NFTs are transforming our collective understanding of digital ownership. As blockchain adoption grows, smart contract functionality will become even more powerful and ubiquitous.


As we‘ve explored, smart contracts are critical to unlocking the potential of NFTs. By encoding complex rules that execute automatically, they enable new models of transparent and decentralized digital ownership.

In 2023 and beyond, expect smart contract innovation to accelerate – powering everything from multi-million dollar art auctions to fractionalized NFT investments. Smart contracts eliminate friction, foster trust, and imbue digital property with provable scarcity and authenticity.

For creators, collectors, investors, and end users, NFT smart contracts represent the next paradigm for digital value. The world of Web3 promises openness, freedom, and opportunity. And smart contracts are the keys to unlocking that future.
