Top 4 AI Use Cases in Neurology in 2024

The field of neurology faces pressing challenges like staff shortages and misdiagnoses of critical conditions. As artificial intelligence transforms medicine, it brings immense potential to improve neurology through enhanced efficiency, accuracy and quality of care. This comprehensive guide explores the top 4 AI applications making a real difference in neurology today.


With over 18% neurologist positions unfilled in the US, demand exceeds supply for neurological care and treatment.1 At the same time, disorders like brain tumors, strokes, and epilepsy affect over 50 million lives annually in America alone.2

AI has emerged as a promising solution to tackle these challenges. According to a survey by the American Academy of Neurology, 97% of neurologists believe AI will have a positive impact on the field.3

So how exactly is AI improving neurology? Let‘s examine the top 4 use cases with transformative potential.

1. AI for Neuro-Oncology

Misdiagnosis rates for brain tumors and neurological cancers remain high. Up to 30% of brain tumor cases get initially misdiagnosed, often due to inaccurate interpretation of symptoms.4 This leads to delayed or improper treatment with possibly irreversible consequences.

AI-based scanning and image analysis provides faster, accurate detection of neurological cancers. For instance, a 2020 Imperial College London study demonstrated an AI system that could identify brain tumors with 95% accuracy in under 2.5 minutes.5 This used optical imaging and deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) to scan for tissue abnormalities.

Such AI tumor detection algorithms exceed human capabilities. They rapidly analyze cell structure for anomalies invisible to the naked eye with great consistency. This prevents misinterpretation of scans and speeds up diagnosis to enable earlier intervention.

AI also shows promise in gleaning clinical insights from medical imaging. A Stanford study found AI could predict genetic mutations in brain tumors based on MRI scans.6 This allows non-invasive profiling of cancer genetics, guiding targeted treatment options.

Overall, AI is transforming brain tumor diagnosis – from enhanced detection to genetic analysis. It reduces errors and delays to potentially save lives and improve outcomes.

2. AI for Neurovascular Diseases

Neurovascular conditions affect blood circulation in the brain and spinal cord. Strokes account for over 80% of neurovascular deaths globally.7 AI is demonstrating tangible benefits across prevention, detection and rehabilitation for common neurovascular disorders:

  • Stroke: AI algorithms can forecast stroke risk from medical records.8 Other innovations like‘s clinical AI identify strokes from CT scans in minutes to accelerate treatment.9

  • Aneurysms: Researchers have developed AI models that analyze neuroimages to detect brain aneurysms – bulges that can lead to fatal ruptures.10

  • Hemorrhage: AI automated monitoring of CT scans allows rapid detection of hemorrhage and its mass effect in stroke patients.11

  • Rehabilitation: Startups like [BrainQ] have created AI-powered devices that adapt in real-time to a stroke survivor‘s abilities to enhance recovery.

Such innovations are bringing more personalized and effective management of neurovascular diseases. AI allows continuous monitoring for early intervention and improves long-term treatment outcomes.

3. AI for Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) — caused by accidents, blasts, etc. — affects 69 million people every year.12 Even mild TBI can cause chronic impairment.13

AI is enhancing multiple aspects of TBI care:

  • Detection: AI analysis of CT scans can accurately detect and segment different types of brain lesions caused by head trauma. A 2021 multicenter study demonstrated 95% accuracy for AI-based TBI detection.14

  • Prognosis: Machine learning algorithms can predict long-term outcomes of TBI including mortality, length of stay, and discharge destination.15

  • Rehabilitation: AI-based interventions like virtual reality help improve motor and cognitive recovery post-TBI during rehabilitation therapy.16

  • Reducing CT Overuse: Unnecessary CT scans in mild pediatric TBI leads to radiation exposure despite rarely showing injury. AI models can predict actual need for CT and reduce overuse by up to 90%.17

By automating injury detection and prognosis, while improving rehabilitation, AI is bringing tremendous value across the TBI management pathway.

4. AI for Neurosurgery

Neurosurgery is extremely complex where even minor errors can cause major harm. AI is making such procedures safer and more effective through applications like:

  • Surgical planning: AI evaluation of patient scans improves pre-op diagnosis and decision-making. Algorithms can highlight anatomical anomalies to enhance surgical strategy.18

  • Intra-operative guidance: AI spatial mapping and real-time MRI scanning guides neurosurgeons during complex operations. It lowers risks of damaging critical areas.19

  • Patient monitoring: Wearables with machine learning algorithms continuously monitor post-op vitals to predict adverse events before they occur.20

  • Robotics: Steady-hand robots like NeuroArm enhance precision and minimize human errors in delicate neurosurgeries. AI planning optimizes robotic trajectories.21

By augmenting human capabilities before, during and after neurosurgery, AI makes interventions more targeted and safer. It expands possibilities for treating complex neurological disorders.

Comparing AI‘s Impact Across Neurology

Use Case Key Benefits
Neuro-Oncology Earlier tumor detection, non-invasive profiling, improved diagnosis
Neurovascular Disease Personalized treatment, real-time monitoring, better rehabilitation
Traumatic Brain Injury Automated diagnosis/prognosis, optimized rehabilitation, reduced radiation exposure
Neurosurgery Minimized risks, increased precision, improved outcomes


The transformation of neurology and neurological care has only just begun. As the applications outlined here demonstrate, AI is already improving lives by enhancing the detection, diagnosis and treatment of highly complex and dangerous neurological disorders.

With neurology facing increasing demands on quality of care and treatment access, AI-based tools provide a pathway for overcoming present and emerging challenges. They allow accurate insights and interventions at a pace and scale unattainable by human capabilities alone.

There remain barriers to seamless integration of AI including costs, training requirements, and ethical concerns. However, the technological capability and clinical impact have been clearly established across multiple neurology subfields. Over the next decade, we can expect AI to gain an increasingly vital role in delivering timely, targeted and high-quality neurological care.


  1. Schneider, Mary Ellen. "Neurology shortfall to worsen by 2025." MDedge Neurology (2013).

  2. “Brain Diseases.” Johns Hopkins Medicine.

  3. “2020 AAN Annual Meeting Neurology Poll.” American Academy of Neurology.–administrators/20-320-poll-report-v31.pdf

  4. Loh, John. “The problem of misdiagnosis in brain tumours.” SNO Blog (2020).

  5. Hollon et al. “Near real-time intraoperative brain tumor diagnosis using stimulated Raman histology and deep neural networks.” Nature Medicine (2020).

  6. Chang et al. “Residual convolutional neural network for the determination of IDH status in low- and high-grade gliomas from MR imaging.” Clinical Cancer Research (2018).

  7. Girotra et al. “Neurovascular disease in the era of artificial intelligence.” Journal of Neurology & Experimental Neuroscience (2021).

  8. Kainz et al. “Prediction of ischemic stroke using deep learning.” Stroke (2020).

  9. “Viz LVO.”

  10. Dey et al. “Artificial intelligence in neurovascular imaging: a systematic review.” Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery (2019).

  11. Chilamkurthy et al. “Development and validation of deep learning algorithms for detection of critical findings in head CT scans.” JAMA Netw Open (2018).

  12. “Traumatic Brain Injury.” World Health Organization.

  13. Rigg and Mooney. “Concussive brain trauma and glymphatic system.” Frontiers in Neurology (2018).

  14. Monteiro et al. “Multi-class semantic segmentation and quantification of traumatic brain injury lesions on head CT using deep learning.” The Lancet Digital Health (2021).

  15. Yuh et al. “Machine learning for outcome prediction of traumatic brain injury.” Frontiers in Neurology (2019).

  16. Tupker et al. “Rehabilitation of executive disorders after brain injury: Are interventions effective?” Journal of Neuropsychology (2019).

  17. Me et al. “Deep Neural Networks Predict the Need for CT in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.” JACR (2022).

  18. Senders et al. “Natural and artificial intelligence in neurosurgery: a systematic review.” Journal of Neurosurgery (2018).

  19. Maniatis et al. “Artificial Intelligence in Neurosurgery: A Review of Current Applications and Emerging Trends.” World Neurosurgery (2020).

  20. Wac et al. “Advanced wearable health systems and applications – research and development efforts in the European Union.” Frontiers in Physiology (2018).

  21. MacDonald et al. “State of the Art Review: Robotics, Image-Guided Neurosurgery, and Intelligent Networking in the Neurosurgical Operating Room.” World Neurosurgery (2018).