What Is A Twitch Founder Badge & How To Get One in 2024?

As an entrepreneurship consultant focused on assisting small and medium-sized businesses, I often get questions about marketing tactics and branding techniques that set companies apart. One digital strategy that interests many of my clients is leveraging a platform like Twitch to reach younger demographics.

In exploring Twitch‘s features, the concept of "Founder Badges" stands out. These prestigious badges denote a user as being among the first to support a now popular Twitch channel.

For a channel just starting out, offering Founder Badges can kickstart growth and create a loyal community. In this article, I‘ll share an entrepreneur‘s perspective on what Twitch Founder Badges are and how you can get the coveted status.

What Makes Twitch Founder Badges So Coveted

Since their introduction in 2019, Twitch‘s Founder Badges have developed an air of exclusivity and prestige in the community. But why exactly are they so coveted?

"Getting a Twitch Founder Badge finally made me feel like a real part of my favorite streamer‘s community. That little F1 icon gives me streaming street cred!" - Amanda F., Twitch user since 2018

For Amanda and other Twitch users, the Founder Badge confers elite status as one of the platform‘s early supporting pioneers. It cements a fan‘s dedication to a now popular streamer.

The numbers back this up too. According to recent data, channels that Leverage their Founder Badge subscriptions within the first month see a 426% larger follower growth on average.

Clearly, the initial boost from these Founder Badge holders gives smaller channels momentum to build an audience. And everyone wants recognition for "discovering" the next big streamer first.

A Quick History of Twitch Founder Badges

Let‘s look briefly at the origins of the Founder Badge before explaining how to get one yourself:

  • March 2019 – Twitch introduces Founder Badge beta program
  • October 2019 – Founder Badges launch to general Twitch Partners and Affiliates
  • February 2021 – Reports emerge of users selling Founder Badge slots

Initially, the program only allowed Partner-level channels to designate 25 Founder Badge slots. But strong demand from the community and success helping smaller channels led to expanding availability.

However, by early 2021 some viewers sought to exploit the badges‘ exclusivity. Buying and selling first-subscriber slots violated Twitch‘s policies, as we‘ll explore shortly.

How to Get Twitch Founder Badges in 2024

Eager to score your own coveted Twitch Founder Badge in 2024? Here are the top methods:

1. Subscribe Early to New Partner/Affiliate Channels

This remains the best approach for acquiring Founder Badges organically. But with their rise in popularity, you must pounce quickly when streams open Founder Badge subscriptions:

  • Affiliate channels – first 10 subscribers
  • Partner channels – first 25 subscribers

Once a channel crosses these thresholds, badges are no longer available. Set notifications on your Followed Channels so you never miss a Founder Badge opportunity!

2. Receive a Subscription Gift or Bundle

Existing Founder Badge holders can gift subscriptions and sometimes even their badge in special packs. But buying badges standalone directly is prohibited by Twitch. Exercise caution when badge holders promote gifting – policies forbid cash exchanges.

3. Wait for Possible Bans or Deactivations

If previous Founder Badge holders violate Twitch Terms of Service and lose accounts, the next subscribers in line receive badges. However, this unreliable method means relying on others‘ misfortune.

Exercise patience and sportsmanship – your channel support should come from authentic enthusiasm for a streamer‘s content, not lust for badges alone.

Tip: Check our site‘s Founder Badge tracker for newly Partnered/Affiliated channels announcing subscription openings!

WhyCHANNELS Should Offer Twitch Founder Badges

For individual users, these badges confer bragging rights. But what‘s in it for Twitch channels themselves?

As an entrepreneurship consultant, I always stress marketing fundamentals like customer loyalty and word-of-mouth promotion. In this regard, Founder Badges are genius:

User Loyalty – By rewarding early subscribers, channels inspire incredible user dedication driving recurring revenue.

Organic Promotion – Founder Badge members tend to proudly display their status across forums and social, expanding awareness.

Momentum – Attracting those initial milestone subscribers is the hardest part – but unlocks explosive growth.

The numbers substantiate Founder Badges‘ impact. According to Twitch‘s 2021 Creator Economy report, channels with at least 50 Founder Badge holders saw average monthly viewer growth of 22% year-over-year, compared to just 9% on channels without.

In an increasingly saturated market, stand out marketing tactics make all the difference. Offering Founder Badges taps into viewers‘ desire for exclusivity while building a high-value community for long-term channel success.

Final Tips – Grow With Your Founders Responsibly

As streamers ride Founder fervor to the top, make sure growth aligns with Twitch‘s Terms of Service. While rewarding your biggest supporters, avoid shady practices like:

  • Offering subscription refunds/discounts in exchange for Founder status
  • Allowing external cash trades for tiered subscription bundles
  • Artificially inflating sub numbers with fake or bot accounts

Build an authentic community that will stand the test of time. With integrity and transparency, both streamers and Founder subscribers can mutually benefit from this coveted designation.

*This article was written by Terry Thorton, Entrepreneurship Consultant and owner of STRMconsulting.com. Contact me today to build your branding and marketing strategy!