What Is a Web App? The Ultimate Guide for Beginners

In the world of mobile-first digital experiences, you may have heard the terms "web app", "native mobile app", and "progressive web app" thrown around. But what do these terms actually mean and why do they matter for your business?

In this guide, we‘ll break down everything you need to know about web apps, including:

  • What a web app is and how it differs from a website or native mobile app
  • The benefits and drawbacks of web apps for businesses and users
  • What progressive web apps are and why they‘re the future of the mobile web
  • How to decide whether a web app or native mobile app is right for your business

By the end, you‘ll have a clear understanding of the web app landscape and a framework for choosing the best mobile strategy for your needs. Let‘s dive in!

Web App vs Website: What‘s the Difference?

First things first: what exactly is a web app? In simplest terms, a web app is a software application that runs in a web browser. Unlike traditional websites which primarily exist to display information, web apps are designed for interaction and function more like downloadable mobile apps.

Some common examples of web apps you probably use every day include:

  • Gmail
  • Google Docs
  • Twitter
  • Netflix
  • Facebook

While all web apps are accessed through a web browser, not all websites are web apps. A website can be considered a web app if it has advanced, app-like functionality and interactivity beyond just displaying static content.

For example, a restaurant website that just shows the menu and hours would not be considered a web app. But an online food ordering system that allows you to customize your order, pay, and track delivery status would be a web app.

Web Apps vs Native Mobile Apps

So how do web apps differ from the native mobile apps you download from the iOS App Store or Google Play? Here are the key differences:

Feature Web Apps Native Mobile Apps
Installation Accessed via web browser, no installation required Downloaded and installed on device
Platform Works on any device with a compatible web browser Built for specific operating systems (iOS or Android)
Internet Requires internet connection to function Can work offline or with limited connectivity
Speed Generally slower than native apps, especially for complex functions Faster and more responsive due to direct access to device hardware
Device Features Limited access to device features like camera, microphone, push notifications Full access to device capabilities for richer functionality
Discoverability Not listed in app stores, harder for users to discover Discoverable through app store search and categories
Development Cost Single codebase works across platforms, cheaper to build and maintain Separate codebases for each platform, more expensive and time-consuming

In general, native mobile apps provide a better user experience and more advanced functionality, but are significantly more expensive and complex to develop, especially if you need both iOS and Android versions.

Web apps, on the other hand, are more cost-effective and easier to build and deploy, but may sacrifice some speed, features, and polish. A well-designed web app can still provide an excellent experience, especially for more basic use cases.

The Rise of Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are an exciting new type of web app that aims to combine the best of web and native mobile apps. PWAs leverage modern web capabilities to deliver native app-like experiences with web technology.

Like regular web apps, PWAs are built with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and accessed through the browser. But PWAs also take advantage of newer web features to provide:

  • Offline functionality: PWAs can work without an internet connection by pre-caching content and using service workers.
  • App-like speed and responsiveness: Techniques like lazy-loading and caching allow PWAs to load nearly instantly and respond quickly to user interactions.
  • Push notifications: PWAs can send push notifications to re-engage users, even when the app isn‘t open.
  • Home screen installation: On supported devices, PWAs can be "installed" to the device home screen for easy access.

Because of these enhanced capabilities, well-designed PWAs can look and feel nearly identical to native mobile apps, providing a seamless experience users have come to expect. Popular examples of PWAs include:

The main drawback of PWAs is uneven browser support for the full range of PWA features. While Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers have good PWA support, Safari has been slower to adopt key features like service workers and push notifications. However, Apple is gradually improving its PWA support, recently adding home screen installation in Safari for iOS.

As browser support improves, PWAs are becoming an increasingly viable alternative to native mobile apps. A 2020 study by Perficient found that 65% of smartphone users said they‘d consider downloading a PWA, and 50% said a PWA could replace a native app for them.

Web App vs Native Mobile App: Which Is Right for Your Business?

So with all this in mind, how do you decide whether a web app, native mobile app, or PWA is the right choice for your business? Here are some key factors to consider:

Budget and Timeline

Web apps and PWAs are generally much cheaper and faster to develop than native mobile apps since you only need to build once for all platforms. If you‘re working with limited resources or need to go to market quickly, a web app may be the way to go.

Native mobile apps provide the best performance and user experience, but building separate iOS and Android apps can be prohibitively expensive and time-consuming for smaller businesses. GoodFirms surveyed app development companies in 2020 and found the average cost of a simple native app to be $40,000-$60,000, while complex apps can exceed $300,000.

Target Audience

Consider where your target users spend their time and how they prefer to access your product or service. If your audience skews heavily toward a particular operating system (like iOS for a luxury brand), a native app for that platform may make sense.

On the other hand, if your goal is to reach the widest possible audience across devices, a web app or PWA may be a better choice. This is particularly true for emerging markets where lower-end Android devices dominate.

Required Functionality

If your app requires advanced features like augmented reality, complex animations, or heavy use of device sensors, a native mobile app will provide the best performance. Games and other graphics-intensive apps are also best suited for native development.

However, if your app primarily requires basic features like forms, content display, and light interactivity, a web app or PWA can likely handle it just fine. In fact, many businesses are now using PWAs as companion experiences for their native mobile apps, like Starbucks enabling online ordering through its PWA.

Maintenance and Updates

With a web app or PWA, you can push updates and bug fixes instantly without requiring users to download a new version. This makes maintenance much easier and ensures all users are on the latest version.

Native mobile apps, in contrast, require users to manually download updates from the app store. You also have to go through the app store approval process for each update, which can delay critical fixes.

The Future of Apps is on the Web

In conclusion, while native mobile apps aren‘t going anywhere anytime soon, the rise of PWAs and advancements in web technology are making web apps an increasingly attractive option for businesses of all sizes.

As 5G networks enable faster speeds and lower latency, and web browsers continue to expose more native device features to web apps, the gap between web and native mobile experiences will keep shrinking.

Ultimately, the best approach for your business depends on your specific goals, audience, and resources. But in a world where users expect smooth, app-like experiences across all their devices, having a strong web app strategy is no longer optional.

By understanding the capabilities and tradeoffs of web apps, native mobile apps, and PWAs, you can make informed decisions about how to allocate your development resources for maximum impact. The future of apps is on the web—will your business be ready?