How to Create Stunning Excel Charts and Graphs: The Ultimate Guide

You‘ve got a spreadsheet full of data. Now what? If you want to understand and communicate the insights in your data, you need to visualize it with charts and graphs. And there‘s no better tool for the job than Microsoft Excel.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk through everything you need to know to create compelling, effective charts and graphs in Excel. With step-by-step instructions, expert tips, and real-world examples, you‘ll be an Excel data viz whiz in no time!

Why Visualize Data with Excel Charts and Graphs?

Before we dive into the nuts and bolts of building Excel charts, let‘s talk about why data visualization is so important. Here are a few key reasons:

  1. Charts and graphs make data easier to understand. Research shows that the human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text alone. By presenting data visually, you help your audience grasp the key insights quickly and easily.

  2. Data visualization reveals patterns, trends, and outliers. Plotting your data on a chart can uncover meaningful relationships and stories that aren‘t apparent just by looking at the numbers in a spreadsheet. For example, a line graph might show a sudden spike or drop-off that warrants further investigation.

  3. Charts are more engaging and memorable than raw data. Let‘s face it: a wall of numbers makes people‘s eyes glaze over. But a colorful, well-designed chart captures attention and leaves a lasting impression. One study found that people following directions with text and illustrations do 323% better than people following directions without illustrations.

  4. Visualizing data helps you make better decisions. When you can see the story your data is telling, you can make more informed, confident choices. According to the MIT Sloan Management Review, companies that use visual data discovery tools are 28% more likely to find timely information than those who rely on managed reporting and dashboards.

The takeaway is clear: if you want your data to have an impact, you need to visualize it. And Excel is one of the best tools for the job, with a wide variety of flexible, customizable chart types. So let‘s learn how to use them!

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Excel Charts

The basic process for creating any chart in Excel is the same:

  1. Enter your data into an Excel spreadsheet, with clear column headers
  2. Select the data range you want to chart, including the headers
  3. Go to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon and choose a chart type
  4. Customize the formatting and design of your chart

Let‘s walk through a specific example to see how this works in practice. Imagine you have data on your website traffic for the past 12 months that looks like this:

Month Page Views Unique Visitors
Jan 2023 12,502 9,320
Feb 2023 10,298 8,141
Mar 2023 13,887 9,992
Apr 2023 11,201 8,367
May 2023 14,069 10,124
Jun 2023 13,644 10,437
Jul 2023 12,219 9,678
Aug 2023 10,007 7,653
Sep 2023 15,324 11,209
Oct 2023 17,001 12,998
Nov 2023 18,222 13,502
Dec 2023 20,314 14,670

To create a line graph showing the trends in page views and unique visitors over time:

  1. Select the entire data range, from cell A1 to C13.
  2. On the Insert tab, click the Insert Line or Area Chart button.
  3. Choose the first 2-D line chart option.

Example line graph in Excel

Voila! You‘ve got a basic line graph showing your website traffic trends over the year. The months are automatically populated on the X-axis, the values on the Y-axis, and the legend identifies the two data series.

Of course, this is just a starting point. From here, you can customize practically every aspect of the chart‘s appearance and configuration. For example, to add a title:

  1. Click on the chart to select it
  2. Go to the Chart Design tab on the ribbon
  3. Click Add Chart Element > Chart Title > Above Chart
  4. Type in your title, e.g. "Website Traffic by Month (2023)"

Some other common customizations include:

  • Changing the chart type or style
  • Modifying the axis settings (scale, units, etc.)
  • Adding data labels or gridlines
  • Applying a different color scheme
  • Customizing the legend placement and styling

For a deeper dive into customizing your charts, check out this helpful video tutorial:

[Embed YouTube video:]

The truth is, you can spend hours tweaking and refining your charts to get them looking just right. But don‘t get too caught up in the details. The most important thing is that your chart effectively communicates the key insights in your data. Speaking of which, let‘s talk about how to choose the right chart for the job.

Choosing the Best Excel Chart Type for Your Data

One of the most common challenges people face when creating charts in Excel is figuring out which type of chart to use. With over a dozen chart categories and countless variations, the options can be overwhelming!

Here‘s a quick cheat sheet of the most popular Excel chart types and when to use them:

Chart Type Best For Example
Column/Bar Chart Comparing values across categories Sales by region, leads by source
Line Graph Showing data trends over time Website traffic, stock prices
Pie Chart Comparing parts of a whole Budget allocation, market share
Scatter Plot Showing relationships between 2 variables Correlation between age and income
Area Chart Visualizing cumulative totals or data composition over time Sales pipeline funnel, total revenue
Stacked Column/Bar Breaking down data series into sub-categories Sales by product within each region
Combo Chart Combining two chart types to show different units or data scales Profit vs. revenue, temperature vs. time

Keep in mind these are just guidelines. There are no hard-and-fast rules about which chart type to use in a given situation. It ultimately depends on the story you‘re trying to tell with your data and the message you want to convey to your audience.

For example, let‘s say you want to visualize the results of a customer satisfaction survey with ratings from 1-5. A few options:

  • Column chart: Show the average rating for each question
  • Stacked bar chart: Show the percentage of each rating (1-5) for each question
  • Pie chart: Show the overall percentage of each rating across all questions

Here‘s what each of those might look like:

[Insert side-by-side screenshot examples of each chart type]

See how the same data can be presented very differently depending on the chart type? It‘s up to you as the designer to decide which visualization will be most effective for your audience and purpose.

If you‘re still unsure which chart type to use, consider the following questions:

  1. What kind of data do I have? (numeric, categorical, time-based, etc.)
  2. How many variables or data series am I trying to compare?
  3. Do I want to show a relationship, distribution, composition, or comparison?
  4. What‘s the most important insight I want to highlight?

Once you‘ve clarified your charting goals, you can refer to resources like the Microsoft Excel Charts tutorial or the Chart Suggestions feature (under the Recommended Charts button on the Insert tab) for guidance on choosing a chart type.

Tips for Effective Excel Chart Design

Knowing how to build an Excel chart is one thing, but knowing how to build an effective Excel chart is another. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Keep it simple. Don‘t try to cram too much information into a single chart. Focus on one key message or insight and remove any unnecessary elements that distract from that message.

  2. Use clear, concise labels. Make sure your chart title, axis titles, and legend are all labeled clearly and accurately. Avoid abbreviations or technical jargon that your audience may not understand.

  3. Choose an appropriate scale for your axes. The scale of your axes can dramatically impact how your data is perceived. In general, you want your data to fill the available chart area without excess white space.

  4. Use color strategically. Color can be a powerful tool for drawing attention to key data points or categories. But too many colors can be overwhelming. Stick to a consistent color palette and consider using color-coding to group related data series.

  5. Don‘t forget about accessibility. Make sure your charts are legible and easy to interpret for people with visual impairments or color blindness. Use patterns or shapes in addition to color to differentiate data series, and include alt text descriptions for screen readers.

  6. Tell a story with your data. The most effective charts are the ones that guide the viewer through a clear narrative arc. Use annotations, callouts, and other visual cues to emphasize key takeaways and guide the eye through the data in a logical way.

As an example, let‘s take another look at our website traffic data from earlier. Here‘s a chart that incorporates some of these best practices:

Website traffic chart with annotations

Notice how this version of the chart includes:

  • A clear, specific title that describes the data and timeframe
  • Axis titles that clarify what each axis represents
  • A simplified color scheme with just two colors for the two data series
  • Annotations that highlight key trends and insights (the dip in August, the record high in December)
  • Minimal gridlines and no legend (since the data series are labeled directly)

See how those small changes make the chart easier to read and interpret? With a little thought and intention, you can transform a bland chart into a powerful communication tool.

For more tips on effective chart design, check out this roundup of data visualization best practices from Excel experts:

[Link to]

Advanced Excel Charting Techniques to Explore

Once you‘ve mastered the basics of creating and customizing Excel charts, there‘s a whole world of advanced features and techniques to explore. Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. Sparklines: Sparklines are mini charts that fit within a single cell to show trends over time. They‘re a great way to add visual context to dense tables of data. Learn how to create sparklines in Excel.

  2. Combination charts: Combo charts let you plot multiple chart types (like lines and columns) on the same axes to visualize different data series or units of measure. For example, you could show actual sales vs. target sales as columns and lines on the same chart. Learn how to create combo charts in Excel.

  3. Dynamic charts: Dynamic, or interactive, charts change based on the data that is selected, filtered, or updated. You can use tools like drop-down lists, checkboxes, or sliders to let users customize the chart view. Learn how to create dynamic charts in Excel.

  4. Pivot charts: If you‘re working with large, complex datasets, pivot charts are a game-changer. They let you quickly summarize and visualize data based on different dimensions and metrics, just like a pivot table. Learn how to create pivot charts in Excel.

  5. Geographic maps: Yes, you can create map charts in Excel! With the 3D Maps feature (formerly Power Map), you can plot location-based data on an interactive globe or custom map. Learn how to create map charts in Excel.

The great thing about Excel is that there‘s always more to learn and explore. The more you experiment with different chart types and settings, the more you‘ll develop your own data viz style and toolkit.


We‘ve covered a ton of ground in this guide to Excel charts and graphs! To recap, here are the key takeaways:

  1. Charts and graphs are essential for communicating insights from data and driving better decision-making.
  2. The basic process for creating a chart in Excel is: select data > insert chart > customize design.
  3. Different chart types are suited for different data stories and messaging goals.
  4. Effective chart design is all about simplicity, clarity, and visual storytelling.
  5. There are endless ways to optimize and enhance your Excel charts for maximum impact.

Now that you know why and how to visualize your data in Excel, I encourage you to put these tips into practice. The next time you have a spreadsheet full of raw data, challenge yourself to tell a compelling visual story with it.

As you build your charting skills, don‘t forget to bookmark this guide for future reference. And if there‘s a tip or technique I didn‘t cover here, let me know in the comments! I‘m always eager to learn from my fellow Excel enthusiasts.

Happy charting, everyone!

[Call-out box with links to recommended Excel chart resources/tutorials]