Explainer Videos: 10 Examples for Marketers (2024 Guide)

Are you looking to harness the power of video to promote your product or service in 2024? If so, you can‘t afford to overlook explainer videos. These short, snappy videos are one of the most effective tools for grabbing attention, building trust, and converting viewers into customers.

In fact, 96% of people say they‘ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service (Wyzowl, 2022). What‘s more, 88% of marketers report that video gives them a positive ROI – higher than any other type of content (Animoto, 2022).

Clearly, explainer videos are a smart investment. But what exactly are they, and how can you create a compelling one for your business? In this guide, we‘ll break down everything you need to know, including:

  • What explainer videos are and why they work
  • The different types of explainer videos with examples
  • Step-by-step tips for making your own explainer video
  • 10 awesome explainer video examples to inspire you
  • How to measure and optimize your explainer video results

Whether you‘re a total beginner or looking to level up your existing video strategy, this guide has you covered. Let‘s dive in!

What Are Explainer Videos?

An explainer video is a short video (usually 30-90 seconds) that clearly and concisely explains a company‘s product, service, or value proposition. The goal is to quickly capture attention, communicate key information, and convince viewers to take a desired action, like visiting a website or making a purchase.

Explainer videos typically feature a clear, linear narrative arc:

  1. Introduce a problem or pain point the viewer can relate to
  2. Explain how the product or service solves that problem
  3. Show the benefits and what makes the solution unique
  4. End with a strong call-to-action (CTA)

All of this is conveyed through engaging visuals, a professional voiceover, and compelling copywriting. The tone is usually conversational and easy to understand, free of jargon and "corporate speak."

Why Explainer Videos Work

What makes explainer videos so effective compared to other marketing formats? Here are a few key reasons:

1. They‘re highly engaging. Video is an incredibly rich medium that uses sound, motion, and visuals to grab attention in a way that text and static images simply can‘t match. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to just 10% when reading text (Insivia).

2. They‘re easy to consume. Explainer videos break down complex topics into a short, easily digestible format. In our fast-paced digital world, this snackable content perfectly fits the short attention spans of online audiences.

3. They build trust and credibility. Putting a human face to your brand and clearly demonstrating your product helps viewers feel a stronger connection. In fact, 57% of consumers say videos gave them more confidence to purchase online (Wyzowl).

4. They‘re super shareable. People love sharing entertaining, informative video content with their networks. 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others (Wordstream). This can extend your reach and attract new audiences to your brand.

When you consider these compelling benefits, it‘s no wonder explainer videos have become a go-to tactic for marketers across all industries. Now let‘s look at the different styles you can choose from.

Types of Explainer Videos (with Examples)

Explainer videos come in many different flavors, but most fall into one of four categories:

1. Animated Explainer Videos
Animated videos use colorful graphics, characters, and text to illustrate concepts in a simplified way. They‘re eye-catching, engaging, and easy to follow.

Popular styles of animation used in explainer videos include:

  • 2D motion graphics
  • 3D animation
  • Stop-motion
  • Whiteboard animation (more on this later)

Animated explainer videos are great for conveying abstract or complex ideas that would be difficult to show with live action. They also tend to have an informal, approachable vibe.

Example: Headspace‘s explainer video uses friendly animated characters to explain the benefits of meditation in a fun, relatable way.

2. Live-Action Explainer Videos
Live-action videos feature real people, often an actor or spokesperson, explaining your product or service on camera. This human element can help viewers emotionally connect with your message.

Common types of live action explainer videos include:

  • Spokesperson videos
  • Interviews or Q&A
  • Product demos
  • Customer testimonials

With the right scripting and production values, live action can convey authenticity and build trust with your audience.

Example: Dollar Shave Club‘s famous explainer video uses irreverent humor and a personal founder story to explain their subscription model in a memorable way.

3. Screencast Explainer Videos
If you have a software product, app, or other digital tool, screencast videos are the perfect way to show it in action. These videos record the screen to demonstrate each feature and benefit in a direct, easy-to-understand way.

Screencasts usually have a voiceover narration explaining each step, along with callouts and text to reinforce key points. They work well for step-by-step tutorials and product walkthroughs.

Example: Airtable‘s explainer video combines screencasts of their software with crisp visuals and animations to show how teams can use it to collaborate more productively.

4. Whiteboard Explainer Videos
A popular subtype of animated videos, whiteboard explainers show an artist‘s hand sketching out images and text on a whiteboard in time with the narration. This creates an engaging visual story that‘s fun to watch.

The low-fi charm of whiteboard videos grabs attention and gets viewers invested in following along to the end. They‘re especially effective for explaining a process or breaking down data.

Example: CrazyEgg‘s whiteboard explainer uses a time-lapse drawing style to show how their heat-mapping and A/B testing tools help website owners boost conversions.

How Long Should an Explainer Video Be?

You might be wondering about the ideal length for an explainer video. How long is too long? Will people stick around to watch the whole thing?

Generally speaking, shorter is better. Attention spans are fleeting, so it‘s essential to communicate your message as efficiently as possible.

The sweet spot for explainer videos is 60-90 seconds. That‘s enough time to introduce a problem, explain your solution, and include a call-to-action, without boring viewers. In fact, 68% of viewers will watch a video to the end if it‘s under 60 seconds (Vidyard).

If you have a particularly complex topic, you can go a bit longer, but try to keep it under 2-3 minutes max. Consider breaking up longer videos into a series of shorter "chapters."

For example, Moz‘s popular "Whiteboard Friday" explainer series features videos around 10 minutes long – but they‘re broken up into segments and packed with valuable info.

Where to Place Your Explainer Video

To get the most mileage from your explainer video, you‘ll want to strategically place it for maximum visibility and impact. Here are some key spots:

1. Homepage: Your homepage is prime real estate for an explainer video. Placing a video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more (Unbounce). Make sure it‘s prominently displayed above the fold.

2. Product Pages: If you have an e-commerce site, adding explainer videos to key product pages can boost sales. 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase after watching videos explaining a product or service (Wyzowl).

3. Social Media: Share your video on all your social channels, including the big ones like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. Optimize the title, description, and tags for search.

4. Emails: Sending your explainer video to your email list is a great way to re-engage subscribers and drive traffic back to your site. Just using the word "video" in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19% (Syndacast).

5. Paid Ads: Running targeted video ads can help you reach new audiences with your message. 54% of consumers want to see more video content from brands they support (HubSpot).

Don‘t be afraid to post your explainer video in multiple places to get more views and drive results. Now let‘s look at how to actually create your video.

How to Make an Explainer Video

Creating an explainer video may seem daunting, but it doesn‘t have to be. Here‘s a basic step-by-step process to follow:

1. Write a tight script. Everything starts with the script. Begin with a brief intro that sets up the problem, explain how your product solves it, and end with a clear call-to-action. Use simple language and keep it concise.

2. Craft a professional voiceover. The voiceover can make or break your video. Hire a professional voice actor if possible to give it that polished touch. Record in a quiet room with a decent microphone.

3. Create engaging visuals. This is where you bring your story to life. Decide whether you‘ll use animation, live action, screencasts, or a combination. Work with a designer or use DIY tools like Vyond, Powtoon, or Doodly to create the visuals.

4. Add music and sound effects. The right background music and sound effects will set the mood and keep viewers engaged. Look for royalty-free tunes that align with your brand. Just make sure they don‘t overpower the narration.

5. Pull it all together. Combine your voiceover and visuals in a video editor like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut, or an online tool like Wave.video. Add captions so people can watch with the sound off.

With a little creativity and some elbow grease, you can produce a slick explainer video without blowing your budget. But if you have more to invest, consider hiring a professional production company to bring your vision to life.

10 Examples of Awesome Explainer Videos

To help spark ideas for your own explainer video, here are 10 great examples from brands big and small:

  1. Slack: This snappy explainer shows how Slack makes work communication more efficient in a fun, relatable way.

  2. Spotify: To announce their new Spotify for Artists app, Spotify created a stylish animated explainer that clearly breaks down the key features.

  3. LinkedIn: LinkedIn‘s "In It Together" explainer highlights how their platform helps people find jobs and network, using real user stories.

  4. Dropbox: This cute animated explainer shows how Dropbox keeps all your files safe, synced, and easy to share.

  5. Amazon Go: Amazon‘s explainer for their new cashier-less stores uses a mix of live action and animated graphics to show how the "Just Walk Out" technology works.

  6. Mint: Mint‘s explainer for their budgeting app uses friendly animation and a problem/solution format to show how they make money management easy.

  7. The Coding Space: This whiteboard video explains how The Coding Space‘s online computer science classes benefit kids, with eye-catching sketch animation.

  8. Digit: Digit‘s explainer uses a combination of live action and screencasts to show how their app automates saving money, making it feel achievable.

  9. UberConference: This amusing explainer highlights the pain points of bad conference calls and positions UberConference as the stress-free solution.

  10. Intercom: Intercom‘s conversational explainer shows how their customer messaging platform keeps businesses and customers in sync, using a friendly narrative style.

As you can see, the options for explainer videos are endless. The key is to:

  • Know your audience and speak their language
  • Quickly communicate your unique value
  • Use a clear, linear story arc
  • End with a specific call-to-action

Measuring Explainer Video Success

Finally, it‘s essential to track the performance of your explainer video so you can measure ROI and optimize your approach. Key metrics to monitor include:

  • View Count: Total number of times your video has been viewed. Shows overall reach.
  • Play Rate: Percentage of page visitors who actually click Play. Indicates how compelling your thumbnail and title are.
  • Watch Time: How much of your video the average viewer watches. Shows if your content is engaging.
  • Click-Through Rate: Percentage of viewers who click your call-to-action. Measures how effectively your video drives action.
  • Social Shares: Number of times your video has been shared on social media. Indicates level of enthusiasm.
  • Conversion Rate: Percentage of viewers who take a desired action like filling out a form or making a purchase.

Use your video hosting platform‘s analytics to regularly check these metrics and look for opportunities to improve.

For example, if you have a low play rate, try changing your thumbnail to something more eye-catching. If viewers are dropping off halfway through, consider making your video shorter or adjusting the content to be more engaging.

Go Forth and Explain!

We‘ve covered a lot of ground in this guide, but just remember: explainer videos don‘t have to be rocket science.

By following the tips and examples outlined here, you‘ll be well on your way to creating marketing videos that captivate your audience and drive real business results.

The key is to keep it simple, engaging, and laser-focused on your core message. Don‘t be afraid to let your brand‘s personality shine through – that‘s what will make your video memorable.

Now it‘s time for you to go out and create your own explainer video masterpiece! Use the strategies in this article as a jumping-off point, but don‘t be afraid to get creative and experiment.

If you invest the time and effort into making great explainer videos, you‘ll reap the rewards in increased traffic, leads, and sales.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start explaining!