What Does Offload App Mean? The Ultimate Guide to Saving Space on Your iPhone or iPad

Running out of storage space on your iPhone or iPad can be a huge headache. You may not be able to take new photos and videos, download files, or install the latest iOS update. But before you start deleting precious data or buying an expensive new device, there‘s a simple solution worth trying: offloading apps.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll take an in-depth look at what offloading apps means, how it works, and how it can help you save gigabytes of storage in just a few taps. Through statistics, expert analysis, and step-by-step instructions, you‘ll learn everything you need to know to take advantage of this powerful iOS feature. Let‘s dive in!

What Exactly Does "Offload App" Mean?

First introduced in iOS 11, offloading is a unique way to free up storage space on your iPhone or iPad without fully deleting an app and all its data. When you offload an app, here‘s what happens behind the scenes:

  1. The app is uninstalled, removing all of its core files and code from your device.
  2. Any associated documents and data generated by the app are backed up and kept on your device.
  3. The app‘s icon remains on your home screen, with a small cloud download symbol to indicate it‘s offloaded.

This means you can quickly re-download the app at any time and pick up right where you left off, without losing any personal data or preferences. It‘s like putting an app in long-term storage until you need it again.

How much space can this actually save? Let‘s look at the numbers. According to a 2022 report from Sensor Tower, the top 100 most-downloaded US iPhone apps had an average size of 196 MB. By offloading even a handful of unused apps, you could easily reclaim 1 GB or more of precious storage.

Offload App vs Delete App: What‘s the Difference?

At first glance, offloading an app might seem similar to simply deleting it. But there are some key differences to keep in mind:

Feature Offload App Delete App
App data and documents Kept on device Deleted
App icon Remains on home screen Removed from home screen
Re-installation Tap icon to re-download Must be manually re-downloaded
iCloud sync App data remains synced App data removed from iCloud backup

As you can see, offloading an app is a less permanent solution than deletion, making it perfect for apps you don‘t currently need but might want to use again in the future.

How to Offload Apps on Your iPhone or iPad

Now that you understand the basics, let‘s walk through the process of offloading apps step-by-step.

Manually Offload Specific Apps

To offload a single app on your iPhone or iPad:

  1. Open the Settings app and tap "General."
  2. Tap "iPhone Storage" or "iPad Storage."
  3. Scroll through the list of apps and tap the one you want to offload.
  4. Tap "Offload App," then confirm by tapping it again.

The app will be uninstalled, but its documents and data will be saved on your device. You can repeat these steps to offload multiple apps individually.

Automatically Offload Unused Apps

If you‘d rather not manually choose which apps to offload, you can let your device do the work with the automatic offloading feature. When enabled, your iPhone or iPad will offload apps that you haven‘t used for a certain period of time when storage space is low.

To turn on automatic offloading:

  1. Open the Settings app and tap "App Store."
  2. Toggle on the "Offload Unused Apps" setting.

Note that your device will only offload apps that have been unused for a "significant" amount of time. While Apple doesn‘t specify an exact timeframe, most users report apps being offloaded after 2-3 months of non-use.

Offload Apps via iTunes

Did you know you can also offload iPhone and iPad apps using the iTunes app on a Windows PC or Mac? Here‘s how:

  1. Connect your iPhone or iPad to the computer and open iTunes.
  2. Click the device icon in the upper-left corner.
  3. In the sidebar, click "Apps" under Settings.
  4. Scroll through the list of apps and uncheck the ones you want to offload.
  5. Click "Apply" to sync the changes and offload the selected apps.

This method can be useful if you want to free up space on your device without having to hunt through device storage settings.

Benefits of Offloading Apps

So why bother with offloading apps instead of just deleting them? There are several key advantages to consider:

  1. Keep your data: Offloading preserves an app‘s documents and data, so you won‘t lose any personal content, progress, or preferences.
  2. Easily re-download: With the app icon still on your home screen, you can re-download an offloaded app with a single tap instead of searching the App Store.
  3. Save space: Offloading can free up significant storage space, especially for large apps like games or media editors.
  4. iCloud sync: App data remains backed up and synced with iCloud even when the app is offloaded.
  5. Automatic options: With unused app offloading, your device can intelligently free up space without manual management.

For users with lower-capacity devices or those who like to keep a lean app collection, offloading offers flexibility and peace of mind.

Tips for Offloading Apps

To make the most of offloading apps on your iPhone or iPad, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Offload apps you use infrequently but still want to keep for occasional use.
  • Don‘t offload apps with important local data that isn‘t backed up or synced elsewhere.
  • If you have a recent iCloud backup, you can safely offload apps without losing data.
  • Take advantage of automatic offloading if you don‘t want to manually manage apps.
  • Check your "Offloaded Apps" list in iPhone/iPad Storage settings to see what‘s been removed.
  • Re-download offloaded apps before updating your device to a new iOS version.

By strategically offloading the right apps and settings, you can find the perfect balance between storage space and app accessibility.

Offloading Apps: Privacy and Security Concerns

While offloading apps is generally a safe and secure process, there are a few privacy implications to be aware of:

  • Offloaded app data remains on your device and in iCloud backups until the app is fully deleted.
  • Re-downloading an offloaded app will restore its permissions and access to device features.
  • Offloaded apps are not password-protected and can be re-downloaded by anyone with access to your device.
  • Automatic offloading can remove apps without an explicit notification or approval.

To protect your offloaded app data, make sure your device and iCloud accounts have strong passwords and two-factor authentication enabled. You may also want to avoid offloading apps with sensitive information, such as banking or health records.

Offloading Apps on Different Devices

The offloading process and storage savings can vary depending on your specific iPhone or iPad model and configuration. Here‘s a quick comparison chart:

Device iOS Version Storage Tiers Avg. App Size Potential Savings
iPhone 14 Pro iOS 16 128 GB – 1 TB 200 MB 5-10 apps (1-2 GB)
iPhone SE (2nd gen) iOS 15 64 GB – 256 GB 150 MB 3-5 apps (450-750 MB)
iPad Pro 12.9" (5th gen) iPadOS 16 128 GB – 2 TB 250 MB 10-20 apps (2.5-5 GB)
iPad mini (6th gen) iPadOS 15 64 GB – 256 GB 180 MB 5-7 apps (900 MB-1.2 GB)

As you can see, offloading apps can have a bigger impact on space-constrained base models compared to higher-capacity devices. But even for a 1 TB iPhone, offloading a handful of unused apps can make room for thousands of additional photos and videos.

When Should You Offload Apps?

Wondering if offloading apps is right for your situation? Here are some common scenarios where it can be particularly useful:

  • Your device is running low on storage and you need to free up space for new content.
  • You have apps you rarely use but don‘t want to delete completely.
  • You‘re preparing to update to a new iOS version and need extra space for the install.
  • You want to temporarily remove games or media apps to avoid distractions.
  • You need to troubleshoot issues with a specific app but want to retain its data.

Offloading can also be a good alternative to deleting apps if you have a metered or slow internet connection, since you can choose when to re-download them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions about offloading apps on your iPhone or iPad? Let‘s address some common concerns and misconceptions.

What happens to subscriptions or in-app purchases when offloading?

Offloading an app does not cancel any active subscriptions or remove in-app purchases. You‘ll still be billed for recurring subscriptions, and previously purchased content will be restored when re-downloading the app.

Can offloaded apps be backed up or transferred to a new device?

Yes, offloaded app data is included in iCloud and computer-based backups. When restoring a backup to a new device, offloaded apps will appear on the home screen and can be re-downloaded with all linked data.

Do offloaded apps take up any space?

While the app itself is deleted, a small amount of space (usually a few megabytes) is still used to store the app‘s documents and data on your device.

How long does it take to re-download an offloaded app?

The re-download time depends on the size of the app and the speed of your internet connection. On average, expect a few seconds to a minute for most offloaded apps.

Can you offload default Apple apps like Safari or Messages?

No, default apps included with iOS and iPadOS cannot be offloaded or deleted. You can only offload third-party apps downloaded from the App Store.


Offloading apps is a powerful tool for managing storage space on your iPhone or iPad. By temporarily uninstalling unused apps while keeping their data and documents, you can free up gigabytes of space with just a few taps—and easily restore everything when you need it again.

Whether you choose to manually offload individual apps or utilize iOS‘s automatic offloading features, this flexibility can help you strike the perfect balance between app accessibility and storage optimization. Just remember to follow best practices for privacy and security, and regularly monitor your offloaded apps list.

By understanding the ins and outs of offloading apps, you can spend less time worrying about storage space and more time enjoying your favorite apps and content. Give it a try and see how much space you can save on your device today!