The Ultimate Guide to Instagram Age Demographics in 2024:

What Age Group Uses Instagram the Most?


Instagram has come a long way since its launch in 2010, evolving from a simple photo-sharing app to a sprawling social media platform boasting over 1 billion active monthly users. But as the platform has grown, so too has the diversity of its user base, with people of all ages and backgrounds now using Instagram to connect, share, and discover.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll take a comprehensive look at Instagram‘s age demographics in 2024, using the latest data and expert insights to answer the question: What age group uses Instagram the most? We‘ll examine key trends shaping each generation‘s usage of the platform, discuss the implications for marketers looking to reach these audiences, and provide actionable strategies for success.

Instagram Age Demographics: A Detailed Breakdown

To kick things off, let‘s dive into the data. According to a recent report from Statista, here‘s the breakdown of Instagram users worldwide by age group in 2024:

Age Group Percentage of Users Number of Users
13-17 8.5% 117 million
18-24 31.2% 431 million
25-34 31.7% 438 million
35-44 16.4% 227 million
45-54 7.9% 109 million
55-64 3.1% 43 million
65+ 1.2% 17 million

As these numbers show, Instagram‘s user base skews heavily towards younger generations, with the 18-34 age bracket accounting for a whopping 63% of total users. This represents a slight shift from previous years, where the 18-24 group held a more dominant share.

Interestingly, the gender split within each age group also varies. While younger users are nearly evenly divided between men and women, the 35+ age brackets tend to have more female users. For instance, women make up 58% of users aged 45-54 on Instagram.

Instagram User Age Distribution Chart

So what‘s behind these age demographic trends? Let‘s explore some of the key factors at play.

The Gen Z Takeover

Born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, Generation Z has grown up in a world where social media is the norm. They‘re digital natives, comfortable with expressing themselves online and using platforms like Instagram to connect with friends, follow interests, and build their own personal brands.

It‘s no surprise, then, that Gen Z makes up such a significant portion of Instagram‘s user base. According to a report from Business Insider, 73% of 18-24 year olds use Instagram, making it the most popular social platform for this age group.

Gen Z‘s influence on Instagram is also shaping the platform‘s features and content trends. The rise of Stories, IGTV, and now Reels all reflect a shift towards more casual, in-the-moment sharing and bite-sized video content that appeals to younger users‘ shorter attention spans and desire for authenticity.

As one Gen Z user puts it: "Instagram is where I go to see what my friends are up to and get inspiration for my own life. I love how the app lets me express myself creatively and connect with people who share my interests."

Millennials: Instagram‘s Bread and Butter

Not to be outdone, Millennials (born between 1981-1996) also make up a huge chunk of Instagram‘s user base, with over 30% falling into the 25-34 age bracket. This generation has been instrumental in Instagram‘s rise to prominence, using the platform to share their lives, build communities around shared passions, and even launch businesses and personal brands.

For many Millennials, Instagram is a key part of their daily routine – a way to stay connected with friends, follow influencers and brands they admire, and get inspiration for everything from fashion to travel to food. In fact, a study by Facebook found that 60% of Instagram users say they discover new products on the platform, with Millennials being the most likely to make purchases based on what they see.

Millennials are also driving many of Instagram‘s commerce-related features, such as shoppable posts and the recently launched Shop tab. As a generation comfortable with online shopping and used to seamless digital experiences, they‘ve helped push Instagram to become a powerful tool for brands looking to drive direct sales.

The Rising Tide of Older Users

While Instagram may be dominated by younger generations, older age groups are increasingly adopting the platform as well. The number of users aged 35-44 has grown steadily in recent years, now accounting for over 16% of the total user base. Even the 45-54 and 55-64 age brackets are seeing growth, with these groups making up a combined 11% of users in 2024.

So what‘s driving this uptick in older users? For one, as younger generations age up, they‘re bringing their Instagram habits with them. Millennials who have been using the platform since their early 20s are now moving into their late 30s and 40s, but still turning to Instagram to stay connected and share their lives.

At the same time, older generations are becoming more comfortable with social media in general, using it to stay in touch with family, explore hobbies and interests, and even promote their own businesses. Features like IGTV, which allows for longer-form video content, have also made Instagram more appealing to older users who may prefer more substantive content.

As one 45-year-old user shares: "I initially joined Instagram to keep up with my kids, but now I use it to connect with other parents, get recipe ideas, and follow travel accounts for inspiration. It‘s become a really enjoyable part of my online routine."

The Implications for Marketers

So what does all this mean for businesses and marketers looking to reach their target audiences on Instagram? The key is understanding the unique preferences, behaviors, and content consumption habits of each age group, and tailoring your strategy accordingly.

Engaging Generation Z

For brands targeting Gen Z, authenticity and creativity are key. This generation responds to content that feels genuine and unfiltered, and they‘re drawn to accounts that showcase unique perspectives and visual storytelling. Influencer marketing can be particularly effective with this age group, as they trust recommendations from people they perceive as relatable and credible.

Some strategies to consider:

  • Embrace short-form video content, especially Reels, which are hugely popular with Gen Z users
  • Partner with micro-influencers in your niche who have a strong Gen Z following
  • Use trending hashtags, filters, and features to show you‘re in tune with the latest platform trends
  • Highlight your brand‘s values and mission, as Gen Z is known for supporting socially conscious companies

Connecting with Millennials

Millennials on Instagram are looking for a mix of inspiration, entertainment, and practicality. They respond well to content that showcases achievable lifestyle aspirations, whether that‘s a gorgeous travel destination, a stylish outfit, or a delicious meal. At the same time, they appreciate posts that offer real value, such as how-to guides, product recommendations, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

To reach this age group:

  • Invest in high-quality, visually striking content that tells a story and evokes emotion
  • Use Instagram‘s shopping features to create a seamless path to purchase
  • Share user-generated content to build community and showcase real customers
  • Offer exclusive promotions and experiences to reward loyalty and drive engagement

Appealing to Older Audiences

While older age groups may be a smaller portion of Instagram‘s user base, they still represent a valuable audience for many brands. The key is creating content that resonates with their interests and lifestyle, whether that‘s showcasing your product‘s practical benefits, sharing relatable stories and experiences, or providing a behind-the-scenes look at your brand.

Some tips:

  • Focus on building trust and credibility through informative, value-packed content
  • Use a mix of formats, including longer-form IGTV videos and carousels, to dive deeper into topics
  • Highlight customer testimonials and success stories featuring older users
  • Engage with your audience through comments and DMs to build personal connections


As Instagram continues to evolve and grow, understanding the platform‘s age demographics is essential for any business looking to build a successful presence. By diving into the data and exploring the unique preferences and behaviors of each generation, marketers can craft strategies that resonate with their target audiences and drive meaningful results.

Whether you‘re looking to engage Gen Z with authentic, creative content, connect with Millennials through aspirational lifestyle posts, or build trust with older audiences through informative, value-packed messaging, the key is tailoring your approach to the specific needs and interests of your desired age group.

By staying up-to-date with the latest age demographic trends and continually refining your Instagram marketing strategy, you can effectively reach and engage the users that matter most to your business – no matter their age.