The Best Time to Post on Reddit (and Why You Should Never Disable Windows Firewall)

Are you looking to maximize engagement on your Reddit posts? The time and day that you submit content to the "front page of the internet" can greatly impact how many upvotes, comments, and views your post receives.

In this guide, we‘ll dive into the data on optimal post timing for the Reddit audience. But we‘ll also tackle an important related topic—why you should never disable your Windows Firewall, even if it seems to be blocking access to some Reddit content. Stick around to the end for crucial tips on keeping your system secure.

Understanding the Reddit Audience

To determine the best time to post on Reddit, it‘s helpful to know some key details about the platform‘s user base of over 430 million active monthly users:

  • 63% of users are male, and 37% are female
  • 65% of users are between the ages of 18-29
  • 46% of users report a household income of $75,000 or more
  • 42% of users access Reddit primarily via the mobile app

With these demographics in mind, we can make some inferences about when Redditors are most likely to be browsing their feeds. Younger users may be more active in the evenings and on weekends, while the working professional crowd might scroll through posts during the workday.

The Best Time to Post on Reddit

Now for the data-backed recommendations on post timing from multiple studies and surveys of Reddit engagement:

  • Best Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
  • Peak Post Times: 6 AM – 9 AM EST, 12 PM EST, 5 PM – 8 PM EST

User activity tends to be lower on Thursdays and Sundays. The hours between 6-9 AM generate high engagement likely due to users checking Reddit early in the morning before school or work. Lunchtime around 12 PM also sees a spike in activity. And evenings from 5-8 PM are prime time as users wind down at the end of the day.

Of course, these are general guidelines and the ideal post time can vary depending on your specific subreddit audience. Use these recommendations as a starting point and then track your post analytics to identify patterns for your unique community.

Tips for Crafting Top-Performing Reddit Posts

In addition to timing, the content and formatting of your post is critical for getting that coveted front page spot. Some best practices:

  1. Write clear, catchy post titles under 120 characters
  2. Use high-quality images, gifs, and videos
  3. Add a "TL;DR" summary for longer posts
  4. Engage with comments to boost the comment count
  5. Follow all subreddit rules and Reddiquette

Why You Should Never Disable Your Windows Firewall

Now that you‘re armed with techniques to boost engagement on your Reddit posts, let‘s address a critical security concern. You may have been tempted to disable your Windows Firewall in order to access certain Reddit pages or links. However, turning off this essential security barrier can open up your entire system to cyberattacks.

Here are the top 5 reasons to always keep your Windows Firewall enabled:

  1. Prevent unauthorized remote access. When your firewall is off, hackers can infiltrate your computer‘s resources and steal sensitive data.

  2. Secure your device from potential threats. A functional firewall keeps your system private and secure by protecting against malicious services and phishing scams.

  3. Check system traffic. The firewall monitors all incoming and outgoing traffic, ensuring only safe and necessary programs make it through.

  4. Defend against malware. Although not a complete anti-malware solution, the Windows Firewall filters out many harmful programs to provide an initial line of defense.

  5. Protect your entire network. For networked computers, the Windows Firewall keeps the whole system secure by controlling access and permissions.

The Risks of Disabling Your Firewall

Convinced yet that your firewall is essential? If not, consider some of the consequences of switching off this vital security layer:

  • Your system is vulnerable to all types of cyberattacks, including data breaches and identity theft
  • Hackers have unrestricted access to your files and personal information
  • Malware can infect your machine and spread across any connected networks
  • In a worst-case scenario, attackers could completely shut down your system, leading to catastrophic data loss

While disabling your firewall may grant temporary access to blocked content, it‘s simply not worth the risk. Keep in mind that the Windows Firewall has been a trusted component of the operating system for decades—it was first released with Windows XP in 2001.

Configuring Your Firewall the Right Way

If you do need to tweak your firewall settings to access a specific app or website, there‘s a safer solution than shutting the whole thing off. You can create an exception or allow access through the firewall for a single program. That way, your overall protection stays intact.

To enable the Windows Firewall in Windows 10:

  1. Open the Control Panel and select "System and Security"
  2. Choose "Windows Defender Firewall"
  3. Select "Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off"
  4. Under "Customize Settings," turn the firewall on for both private and public networks

The process is similar in Windows 11 with a few updated menu names:

  1. Right-click the Windows logo and go to "Settings"
  2. Click on "Privacy & Security" then "Windows Security"
  3. Choose "Firewall & Network Protection"
  4. Toggle the switch on for your Domain, Private, and Public network profiles

The Bottom Line

Achieving virality on Reddit requires a combination of strategic timing, compelling content, and a bit of luck. While you can‘t control every factor, posting at the optimal times and following content best practices will set you up for maximum success.

Just remember that no amount of Reddit karma is worth sacrificing your digital security. Keep your Windows Firewall enabled at all times to protect your system from devastating cyberattacks. By taking a proactive approach to both your Reddit strategy and cybersecurity, you can boost engagement and upvotes while keeping your data safe.