How to Transfer Files With Robocopy on Windows: The Ultimate Guide

Struggling with slow file transfers on Windows? You need a better solution than drag-and-drop. Enter Robocopy, or "Robust File Copy," a powerful built-in command line tool for quickly copying files on Windows.

Whether you need to migrate data to a new PC or sync files between drives, Robocopy can speed up the process with faster, more reliable transfers. In this guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know to start using Robocopy like a pro.

What is Robocopy?

Robocopy is a command line utility that comes preinstalled on Windows 7 and later. The tool copies files and folders between locations with advanced options for mirroring, backup, and sync tasks. Key features include:

  • Faster copying: Robocopy uses multi-threaded copying and can restart transfers from where they left off after interruption
  • Advanced options: Includes switches for mirroring, backup mode, and retry settings
  • Preserves attributes: Transfers file metadata like date stamps and security properties

Robocopy has been a part of the Windows Resource Kit since the Windows NT 4.0 era and remains an essential IT admin and power user tool on modern versions. Here‘s what Microsoft has to say about this veteran utility:

"Robocopy is a powerful file copy utility that has been a core part of Windows for many releases. Robocopy has a ton of useful functionality, including many great options for IT Pros and power users."
Microsoft Docs

Robocopy vs. File Explorer

How does Robocopy compare to drag-and-drop in File Explorer? Let‘s break it down:

Feature Robocopy File Explorer
Speed Up to 2-4x faster 🐌
Pause/Resume ✔️
Multichannel ✔️
Command Line ✔️ (Required)
Mirroring/Sync ✔️
GUI ✔️

While File Explorer is simpler for basic copies, Robocopy‘s raw speed and advanced features make it the superior choice for large transfers and recurring backup/sync jobs. Once you know the command switches, Robocopy leaves drag-and-drop in the dust.

How to Use Robocopy: Step by Step

Ready to give Robocopy a try? Follow these steps to start transferring files faster on Windows:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt

First, open a Command Prompt window to access the Robocopy utility:

  1. Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog
  2. Type cmd and press Enter to launch an elevated Command Prompt
[Include screenshot of opening Command Prompt]

Step 2: Navigate to the Source Directory

Use the cd command to navigate to the location of the files you want to copy. For example, to change to the Downloads folder on the C: drive:

cd C:\Users\YourName\Downloads

Step 3: Enter the Robocopy Command

The basic format for a Robocopy command is:

robocopy [source] [destination] [file(s)] [options]

For example, to copy all files from Downloads to E:\Backup with default settings:

robocopy C:\Users\YourName\Downloads E:\Backup /E

The /E switch copies all subdirectories, including empty ones. We‘ll cover more useful options later.

[Include screenshot of Robocopy command and transfer progress]

Step 4: Wait for the Transfer to Complete

Robocopy will display the progress of the file transfer in the Command Prompt window, including the number of files copied, skipped, mismatched, failed, etc.

To get detailed stats after the transfer, append the /LOG:robocopy.log switch to your command. This saves a log file with all copied files, errors, and a summary.

Advanced Robocopy Commands

Want more control over your Robocopy transfers? Here are some key command switches to know:

  • /MIR: Mirrors a directory tree, deleting files at the destination that don‘t exist at the source
  • /COPYALL: Copies all file info (equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU)
  • /MAXAGE:n: Copies only files older than n days/date
  • /MOV: Moves files (deletes from source after copying)
  • /Z: Copies files in restartable mode (survives network glitches)
  • /LOG: Writes status to a log file (use /LOG+:file to append an existing log)

For the full list of 80+ switches, consult the official Robocopy documentation.

Here‘s a sample "power user" Robocopy command with multiple options:

robocopy "\\server\share\videos" "D:\Saved Videos" *.mp4 /Z /COPY:DATSOU /DCOPY:T /MAXAGE:20220101 /XO /R:5 /LOG+:vidbackup.log

This command copies all MP4 files from a network share to a local Saved Videos folder that are older than January 1, 2022 (/MAXAGE). The /XO switch excludes older files, while /R:5 retries failed copies up to 5 times. The /Z option enables restartable mode for network hiccups. A detailed log is saved to vidbackup.log.

Real-World Robocopy Examples

Need ideas for taking advantage of Robocopy‘s power? Here are a few ways sys admins and power users employ Robocopy:

  • Sync a Photos folder to an external backup drive
  • Transfer data from an old computer to a new machine
  • Create a "mirror" folder for shared network files
  • Run nightly backups of specific file types to a NAS
  • Copy the latest files from a network share to a local drive for offline work

Using the task scheduler, you can even automate Robocopy jobs to run unattended on a recurring basis. The possibilities are nearly endless.

Robocopy Error Codes & Troubleshooting

Encountering issues with your Robocopy transfers? Some common exit codes and their meanings:

  • 0 – No files copied (source and destination in sync)
  • 1 – Files copied successfully
  • 2 – Extra files or directories detected
  • 3 – Permissions issue accessing files
  • 5 – Disk write error
  • 8 – Failed copies

If you see a non-zero error code, check the Robocopy log file (robocopy.log by default) for details on what went wrong. The verbose output should point you in the right direction for troubleshooting.

Still stuck? Make sure your syntax is correct and you have the proper permissions for the source and destination folders. Double-check the full path to eliminate typos. Microsoft also maintains a Robocopy FAQ with answers to common issues.

The Future of Robocopy on Windows

While Robocopy has been around for decades, it remains a relevant utility for Windows power users. Microsoft continues to support Robocopy in Windows 11, recognizing its efficiency for file transfers compared to graphical methods.

Looking ahead, expect Microsoft to maintain Robocopy and possibly add new options to the already extensive feature set. The trend towards more advanced admin tools on Windows bodes well for the command line veteran.

At the same time, handy third-party Robocopy GUI front-ends have popped up recently, like RichCopy and Robocopy GUI. These tools make it easier for casual users to harness Robocopy‘s power without memorizing command switches.

One thing is certain: if you copy files on Windows, learning Robocopy is a must. This mighty command line tool can save you tons of time and eliminate unreliable transfers over the network or between drives. Give Robocopy a try on your next big file move!

Robocopy FAQ

Is Robocopy faster than xcopy?
In most cases, yes. Robocopy uses a more efficient multi-threaded copying process than xcopy, which can speed up transfers by 2-4x. Robocopy also includes many advanced features xcopy lacks.

Will Robocopy overwrite existing files?
Not by default. Robocopy is designed not to overwrite newer files at the destination with older ones from the source. To override this behavior, use the /IS or /IT switch.

Can Robocopy mirror folders with only new/updated files?
Yes. Robocopy‘s default behavior is to only copy files that don‘t exist at the destination or are newer than the destination version. The /MIR switch will then delete any extra files in the destination folder to make an exact mirror.

Is Robocopy available on Windows 10 or 11 Home?
Yes, Robocopy comes installed on all editions of Windows 10 and 11, including Home. You can access it from the Command Prompt or by typing robocopy in the Start menu search bar.

Final Thoughts

Whether you‘re a sys admin managing complex file servers or a power user moving files between PCs, Robocopy is an essential weapon in your IT arsenal.

Sure, command line tools can seem intimidating at first, but Robocopy‘s speed and reliability make it well worth learning. With multi-threaded transfers, restartable mode for network glitches, and granular command switches, Robocopy runs circles around File Explorer for big file jobs.

Follow this guide to get started with Robocopy‘s core features and you‘ll be well on your way to becoming a command line copying ninja. Once you see what Robocopy can do, you may never go back to drag-and-drop again!