How to Scrape Data from Google Maps: A Comprehensive Guide

Google Maps is an incredibly rich source of location data that can be extracted and leveraged for various applications, from real estate to market research to travel planning. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll walk through how to scrape data from Google Maps, including the tools and techniques as well as important considerations around data scraping.

What is Data Scraping?

Data scraping refers to the process of extracting data from websites and other online sources using automated tools or bots. Instead of manually copying and pasting information, data scraping allows you to quickly gather large amounts of structured data from across the web.

Common data points that can be scraped include:

  • Text content
  • Images
  • Product information and prices
  • Contact details
  • Reviews and ratings

The scraped data can then be saved in a structured format like a spreadsheet or database for further analysis.

Why Scrape Data from Google Maps?

Google Maps is a particularly attractive data source to scrape because of the vast amount of information it contains on over 200 million places around the world. For any given location, you can potentially scrape data points like:

  • Address
  • Geographic coordinates
  • Category or business type
  • Hours of operation
  • Photos
  • Reviews and ratings
  • Popular times
  • Phone number
  • Website URL

This location data can be valuable for a variety of applications, such as:

  • Analyzing competitors in a specific area
  • Generating sales leads based on location and category
  • Understanding foot traffic patterns
  • Monitoring brand sentiment based on reviews
  • Comparing prices of products/services in an area
  • Building location-aware apps and tools

The possible use cases are endless. By scraping Google Maps, you can extract large amounts of location data to fuel your research, analyses, and applications.

Is Scraping Google Maps Legal?

Before scraping any website, it‘s important to consider the legal implications. In general, scraping publicly available web data is legal in many jurisdictions. However, you should always check a website‘s robots.txt file and terms of service regarding their scraping policies.

Google‘s terms of service prohibits scraping that would negatively impact the functionality of their services for other users. Their Webmaster Guidelines also caution against "using automated tools to extract content or other data from Google websites."

That said, Google does offer sanctioned APIs for accessing much of their Maps data, which we‘ll cover later as an alternative to scraping. If you do choose to scrape, make sure to do so responsibly by:

  • Not overloading Google‘s servers with requests
  • Caching data to avoid repeated requests
  • Not reselling scraped data or using it for commercial purposes without permission

Scraping Google Maps is likely fine for personal research and small-scale projects, but be careful about building a business around this scraped data. When in doubt, consult Google‘s terms and a legal professional.

How to Scrape Data from Google Maps

Now let‘s get into the technical details of actually scraping data from Google Maps. We‘ll use Python and the Scrapy framework for these examples.

Step 1: Set Up Your Environment

First make sure you have Python and Scrapy installed. You can install Scrapy using pip:

pip install scrapy

You‘ll also want to set up a new Scrapy project:

scrapy startproject googlemaps

This will create a new directory called googlemaps with some starter files.

Step 2: Define the Data You Want to Scrape

Decide what location data points you want to extract from each Google Maps listing. For this example, let‘s scrape the name, address, website, phone number, and rating for restaurants in New York City.

Step 3: Inspect the Page Structure

Next, visit Google Maps and search for the data you want to scrape. In this case, search for "restaurants in New York City."

Right-click on one of the results and select "Inspect" to view the page HTML. You‘ll need to identify the CSS selectors for the data points you want.

For example, the title of each listing has a class of "rllt__link":

<a class="rllt__link" href="...">Joe‘s Pizza</a>

The address is contained in a span with class "Io6YTe":

<span class="Io6YTe">124 Fulton St, New York, NY</span>

Take note of these selectors as you‘ll use them to extract the data.

Step 4: Write the Scraper

In your Scrapy project, open the file googlemaps/spiders/ This is where you‘ll write the scraping logic.

Update the file with the following code:

import scrapy

class MapsSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = ‘maps‘ start_urls = [‘‘]

def parse(self, response):
    for result in response.css(‘.rllt__details‘):
        yield {
            ‘name‘: result.css(‘.rllt__link::text‘).get(),
            ‘address‘: result.css(‘.Io6YTe::text‘).get(),
            ‘website‘: result.css(‘.QTdY9c::attr(href)‘).get(),
            ‘phone‘: result.css(‘.zdqRlf > span::text‘).get(),
            ‘rating‘: result.css(‘.PVSz7d > span::text‘).get(),

    next_page = response.css(‘.d6cvqb > a::attr(href)‘).get()
    if next_page is not None:
        yield response.follow(next_page, callback=self.parse)

This code defines a Spider called MapsSpider. The start_urls list contains the initial Google Maps search results page to scrape.

The parse function does the actual scraping work. It loops through each result on the page using the CSS selector ‘.rllt__details‘. For each result, it extracts the name, address, website, phone number, and rating using the CSS selectors we identified earlier.

The scraped data for each result is yielded as a Python dictionary.

Finally, the code checks if there is a next page of results using the ‘.d6cvqb > a‘ selector. If there is, it follows the link to the next page and calls the parse function again to extract data from the additional results.

Step 5: Run the Scraper

To perform the actual scrape, run this command in your terminal:

scrapy crawl maps -O output.json

This tells Scrapy to run the maps spider and output the scraped data to a file called output.json.

Depending on how many results pages there are, the scrape may take a few minutes to complete. Be patient and avoid running the scraper too frequently to avoid overloading Google‘s servers.

Step 6: Parse and Clean the Scraped Data

Once the scrape is finished, you‘ll have your raw scraped data in the output.json file. You‘ll likely want to do some additional parsing and cleaning of the data before analyzing it.

For example, you may want to:

  • Remove HTML tags and escape characters from scraped text content
  • Parse the address into separate fields for street, city, state, zip, etc.
  • Convert the rating from a string to a numeric format
  • Validate and remove duplicate or incomplete records

The specifics will depend on your data and how you intend to use it. But be sure to carefully examine the scraped data and clean it up as needed. Tools like Pandas can be helpful for data manipulation and cleaning.

Challenges of Scraping Google Maps Data

While scraping Google Maps data is relatively straightforward, there are some challenges to be aware of:

CAPTCHAs and IP Blocking

Google may detect your scraper and present a CAPTCHA to verify you are a human and not a bot. If you trigger too many CAPTCHAs, your IP address may be temporarily or permanently blocked from accessing Google.

To avoid this, make sure to:

  • Introduce random delays between requests
  • Rotate IP addresses and user agents
  • Use a headless browser like Puppeteer to make requests through a real browser

Inconsistent Page Structure

The layout and class names in Google Maps results pages may change over time, which can break your scraper. Make sure to regularly check that your CSS selectors still match the elements you want to scrape.

Rate Limiting

Making too many requests to Google Maps in a short period of time may result in rate limiting, where your requests are throttled or blocked. Respect rate limits by adding delays between requests and avoid making more calls than necessary.

Proxy Servers

To distribute your scraping requests across different IP addresses, you may want to use a proxy server. However, many proxy servers are slow and unreliable. You‘ll need to find a reputable proxy provider to avoid slowing down your scraper.

Alternative: Google Maps API

Instead of scraping, Google does offer official APIs for much of the Maps data, including Place Search, Place Details, and Geocoding. These APIs provide structured data in a machine-readable format without the need for scraping.

However, the APIs do have some limitations compared to scraping:

  • Many of the APIs are rate-limited or require payment depending on volume
  • Some data like popular times and full review text is not available through the APIs
  • The APIs only provide data for an individual place, while scraping allows you to extract data on many places at once

If your use case fits within the limits of the APIs, they are generally a more stable and sanctioned way to access Google Maps data compared to scraping. But if you need more flexibility or data than what the APIs provide, scraping can be a powerful alternative.


Scraping data from Google Maps can provide valuable insights and power various location-based applications. With the tools and techniques covered in this guide, you‘re now equipped to scrape Google Maps data yourself.

However, it‘s important to scrape responsibly and be aware of the potential legal and technical challenges. Make sure to consult Google‘s terms of service and consider the Google Maps API as an alternative to scraping.

Here are some additional resources to learn more:

Happy scraping!