How to Make Your Instagram Profile Attractive and Engaging

With over 1 billion monthly active users and 95 million photos and videos shared per day, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms. For individuals and brands alike, crafting an attractive Instagram profile is key to standing out in a sea of content, attracting followers, and achieving your goals on the platform.

But with immense competition, how can you make your Instagram profile catch the eye of potential followers and keep them coming back for more? We‘ve put together this comprehensive guide full of tips and best practices to help you create an optimized profile that shines.

Choose a Unique Username

Your username is one of the first things people see, so it‘s important to make a great first impression. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep it short and sweet. Limit to 15 characters or less so it‘s easy to remember.
  • Make it unique and memorable. Avoid generic names or adding lots of numbers.
  • Use keywords if your account focuses on a specific topic, such as "fitness", "travel", "food", etc.
  • Be consistent with other social profiles to help with cross-promotion.
  • Have fun and let your personality shine!

For example, National Geographic, one of the most followed accounts on Instagram, uses the simple yet memorable @natgeo handle.

Upload an Eye-Catching Profile Photo

Your profile photo is another important element for creating a strong first impression and letting people know what your account is about at a quick glance. Consider these tips:

For Businesses:

  • Use your company logo for easy brand recognition.
  • Choose the same version of your logo across all social profiles for consistency.
  • Make sure the logo is centered and utilize the circular space well.

Fruit drink company @Tropicana does a great job making their iconic logo the star of their profile pic. Even if users don‘t see the username, they immediately know whose account it is.

For Personal Accounts:

  • Choose a clear, friendly face shot. Avoid sunglasses, hats, or anything else covering your face.
  • Use a photo that represents the theme of your account – a travel shot, a pic of you doing yoga, etc.
  • Make sure the photo is high-quality and well-lit.
  • Pick a shot that‘s timeless, not specific to a certain season or event.

Actress @priyankachopra‘s profile photo is a great example – it‘s a beautiful, inviting shot that draws you in and meshes well with her account‘s glamorous aesthetic.

No matter what kind of account you have, make sure to use an image that‘s at least 320 pixels wide so that it appears sharp on all devices. And utilize an eye-catching color scheme that complements your photo.

Craft an Informative Yet Concise Bio

With only 150 characters to work with, your Instagram bio needs to pack a punch. Use the limited space to give visitors a taste of your brand voice and let them know what they can expect from your account.

  • Keep it concise yet descriptive. Avoid long, drawn out sentences.
  • Show off your personality! Don‘t be afraid to have a little fun.
  • Use emojis sparingly to add character and break up text.
  • Include relevant keywords about what your account focuses on.
  • Give a clear call-to-action, such as directing people to a link in your bio.
  • Add a branded hashtag to collect user-generated content.

Check out how @GoPro uses their bio space effectively. In just a few words, the brand explains what they do, includes a branded hashtag, and gives a CTA to check out a link. The airplane emoji is a nice, related touch.

If you have an Instagram Business profile, you can also take advantage of extra bio features like contact buttons and links to your other social profiles. Fill out your business category and contact info to give people additional ways to get in touch.

Maintain a Consistent Aesthetic

Once you‘ve nailed down your username, profile pic and bio, it‘s time to start thinking about the overall look and feel of your feed. The most successful Instagram accounts maintain a consistent theme and aesthetic throughout their content.

This doesn‘t mean every single post needs to look exactly the same. But there should be a cohesive style that ties everything together and aligns with your brand. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Stick to a color palette. Choose a handful of colors that complement each other and reflect your brand, then try to incorporate them in your photos.
  • Use consistent filters. Find an editing style you like, whether that‘s bright and airy or dark and moody, and stick with it.
  • Focus on a theme. Maybe your account is all about showcasing a certain product, destination, or activity. Keep your focus narrow.
  • Plan your grid. Use a visual planning app to see how your individual posts look alongside each other and create a cohesive feed.

Home decor brand @ApartmentTherapy does a great job showcasing their knack for interior design and DIY with a bright, colorful theme. Their use of consistent colors and photo layouts makes their feed flow beautifully.

Share High-Quality, Engaging Content

Now that your profile and feed are looking great, it‘s time to focus on your actual posts. In order to attract and retain followers, you need to be consistently putting out high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your audience.

No matter what type of photos you post, make sure to follow these tips:

  • Always use high resolution images. Blurry, pixelated photos are an instant turnoff.
  • Pay attention to lighting. Try to take photos in natural light for the best effect.
  • Utilize negative space. Don‘t overcrowd your shots – give the subject room to breathe.
  • Follow the rule of thirds for composition and place your focal point off-center.
  • Mix up your angles. Crouch down, stand on a chair, lean in close to get fresh perspectives.
  • Take advantage of burst mode and portrait mode on your phone.
  • Don‘t overdo the editing. A few tweaks are fine but don‘t go overboard with filters and effects.

Travel influencer @doyoutravel is a master at creating compelling content. His feed is full of stunning destination shots that transport you to another place. The photos are crisp, well-composed, and inviting.

Along with posting regular photos to your feed, take advantage of Instagram‘s other sharing features like Stories, Live, and IGTV. Mixing up the type of content you post will keep your account fresh and give your followers more ways to engage.

Be Consistent and Engage

Once you start regularly posting to Instagram, the key is to be consistent. You don‘t need to post multiple times a day, but you should try to put up at least one new piece of content daily. Create a schedule and stick to it so your followers know when to expect new posts from you.

According to studies, the best time to post on Instagram is during off-work hours – typically between 11am-2pm and 6pm-9pm. Posting during these high-engagement windows means your content is more likely to be seen.

If you‘re struggling to keep up, try using a scheduling app like Later or Planoly. With an Instagram Business account, you can schedule your posts to automatically publish at peak times.

Along with being consistent, it‘s also important to actively engage with your audience. Don‘t just post a photo and ghost – stick around and interact with people who comment on and like your posts.

  • Respond to comments and DMs in a timely manner
  • Ask questions in your captions to encourage responses
  • Comment on and like other users‘ posts
  • Participate in relevant conversations happening in your niche

Building a community takes time and effort, but it‘s so worth it. Having an engaged, loyal community is one of the best ways to grow your account and reach your Instagram goals.


With these tips, you‘re well on your way to creating the attractive, engaging Instagram profile of your dreams. To recap:

  • Choose a memorable username
  • Upload a high-quality profile photo that makes an impact
  • Write a punchy bio that shows your personality
  • Develop a consistent visual aesthetic for your feed
  • Post high-quality, varied content on a regular schedule
  • Make an effort to engage with your community

Put in the work and you will start to see real results – an increase in followers, likes, comments, and conversions. Just remember that true success on Instagram doesn‘t happen overnight. Keep putting your best foot forward and with time and consistency the results will follow.


What makes a good Instagram profile?

A good Instagram profile is a perfect mix of visually appealing and informative. It should include: a unique username, eye-catching profile photo, compelling bio with CTA, consistent feed aesthetic, and high-quality, engaging content posted regularly.

How do I create an effective Instagram bio?

Keep your bio short and punchy. Include keywords about what your account focuses on, a branded hashtag, a call-to-action and a link. Don‘t be afraid to show some personality and have fun with it, but keep it professional. Use emojis sparingly for added effect.