How to Find Someone on Instagram Without Their Username

How to Find Someone on Instagram Without Knowing Their Username


With over 2 billion monthly active users, Instagram has become one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide. Whether you‘re looking to reconnect with an old classmate, learn more about a potential date, or simply satisfy your curiosity, there are plenty of reasons you may want to track someone down on Instagram. But what if you don‘t know their username? Don‘t worry – there are still several ways to find them. In this guide, we‘ll walk through the most effective methods for finding someone on Instagram, even without their exact handle.

Search by Name

The simplest way to find someone on Instagram is to search for their name. Here‘s how:

  1. Open the Instagram app and tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen to go to the Explore page
  2. Tap the search bar at the top and type in the person‘s name
  3. Browse through the results to see if the person you‘re looking for appears

Keep in mind that if the person has a common name, you may have to scroll through many results or add additional keywords to find the right profile. To narrow it down, look carefully at profile pictures, biographical info, and any mutual friends or followers you may have in common.

[Include screenshots of Instagram search process]

Reverse Phone Number Lookup

If you happen to have the person‘s phone number, you can use it to find their Instagram account and other social media profiles. Websites like Spokeo, BeenVerified, and Intelius offer comprehensive people search tools that can link phone numbers to online identities.

For example, to use Spokeo for a reverse phone lookup:

  1. Go to and click "Phone" in the search bar
  2. Enter the phone number and click "Search"
  3. If Spokeo has information associated with that number, it will display the owner‘s full name, address, email addresses, and social media accounts, including Instagram if available
  4. You may need to purchase a subscription to access full results
[Include screenshots of Spokeo phone search process and results page]

While these people search engines can be very powerful, they‘re not always 100% accurate or up-to-date. The person may have opted out of the database, changed their number, or used a different phone for their Instagram account. However, it‘s still worth trying if you‘re willing to invest a small amount of money for the chance of finding who you‘re looking for.

Email Address Search

Similar to a reverse phone lookup, some people finder websites allow you to enter an email address to pull up associated Instagram accounts and other social media profiles. Again, Spokeo is a reliable option for email-based searches.

To use Spokeo to find someone on Instagram via email:

  1. Go to and this time click "Email" in the search bar
  2. Enter the person‘s email address and hit "Search"
  3. Check the results page to see if an Instagram account is listed under the Social Media Profiles section
  4. As with phone searches, full access to results requires a paid Spokeo membership
[Include screenshots of Spokeo email search]

Keep in mind that results may be incomplete if the person created their Instagram account using a different email than the one you searched for. They may also have set their profile to private, preventing it from appearing in Spokeo and similar people search engines. Nevertheless, an email lookup is a solid starting point if it‘s the main piece of information you have about the person.

Check Their Other Social Media Profiles

These days, many people link their Instagram account to their profiles on other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, or even personal websites and blogs. If you‘re already connected with the person on another platform, simply visit their profile page and look for an Instagram icon or username.

For instance, if you find your old coworker on LinkedIn, check if they‘ve added a link to their Instagram account in their Contact Info or "About" section. On Twitter and TikTok, users often list their Instagram handle right in their bio area for easy cross-promotion.

[Include example screenshots of Instagram link on Twitter, TikTok profiles]

However, keep in mind that if the person‘s Instagram account is set to "Private", you won‘t be able to view their photos, followers, or following list until they approve your request to follow them. Additionally, some users may choose not to publicly link their Instagram at all, so this method is not guaranteed to work every time.

Try a Reverse Image Search

If you have a clear photo of the person you want to find on Instagram, try running it through a reverse image search site like Google Images, TinEye, or Social Catfish. These powerful tools scan for visually similar images across the web and can potentially locate the same photo being used on someone‘s Instagram account.

To do a reverse image search on Google:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the camera icon in the search bar to upload your photo (or enter the URL of an image)
  3. Browse through the results to see if the person‘s Instagram profile or other social media accounts show up
  4. You can also try clicking on "visually similar images" to expand your results
[Include screenshots of Google reverse image search process and results]

Reverse image searches work best if you use a photo that the person is likely to have on their Instagram, such as a close-up headshot or well-lit full body shot. The more distinct the photo, the better your chances of finding an exact match. On the other hand, blurry, low-quality, or group shots may not produce any usable results.

Check Mutual Friends‘ Followers

If you and the person you‘re searching for have friends in common, your mutual connections can be a valuable resource for tracking down their Instagram. Here‘s how to check a friend‘s Instagram followers to find your target person:

  1. Navigate to your friend‘s Instagram profile
  2. Tap "Followers" at the top of their profile to bring up a list of accounts that follow them
  3. Use the search bar at the top to look up the person you want to find by name
  4. If your friend and the person you‘re looking for have interacted on Instagram through likes, comments, or tags, you may also see the person‘s account suggested when you look through your friend‘s posts
[Include a screenshot of an Instagram user‘s followers list with search bar]

This method works well if you‘re looking for someone who shares a common social circle, such as a high school classmate, a former coworker, or a friend of a friend. Even if you don‘t find them in one friend‘s followers, keep working through your list of mutual connections until you hit the jackpot. You never know who might be the key link to the person you‘re trying to locate.

Reach Out on Other Platforms

If all else fails and you still can‘t seem to find the person on Instagram, consider reaching out to them on another social media platform to ask if they‘d be willing to connect on Instagram. For example, if you found their Facebook profile but didn‘t see a link to their Instagram, try sending them a brief, friendly message like:

"Hey [Name], long time no see! I was trying to find you on Instagram to catch up but couldn‘t seem to locate your profile. If you‘re on there, I‘d love to connect. Here‘s my handle: [@yourusername]. No worries if not, just thought I‘d check! Hope you‘re doing well."

Of course, use your discretion and don‘t force the issue if the person doesn‘t seem eager to share their Instagram or doesn‘t respond to your message. They may prefer to keep their account private or reserve it for a smaller circle of close friends and family. Respect their boundaries and don‘t take it personally if they‘re not up for expanding your online connection.


Whether you‘re driven by nostalgia, curiosity, or the simple desire to put a face to a name, there are plenty of reasons for wanting to find someone on Instagram without knowing their username. Fortunately, with the strategies outlined above, you have a solid toolkit for tracking down even the most elusive Instagram users.

Start with the most straightforward options by searching for their name directly on Instagram and cross-checking their other social media profiles for linked accounts. If that doesn‘t pan out, try using third-party sites like Spokeo to run a reverse phone or email lookup, or upload the person‘s photo to Google Images for a reverse visual search. Don‘t forget to mine your mutual friends‘ follower lists for clues, and if you‘re feeling bold, reach out on a different platform to ask for their Instagram info directly.

While the thrill of the hunt can be exciting, always keep in mind that not everyone wants to be found. If your search comes up empty or the person declines to connect, respect their privacy and move on gracefully. At the end of the day, Instagram is just one of many ways to interact with friends and acquaintances online. With billions of active users, there are plenty more fish in the social media sea.