How Many People Use Facebook Live[Facebook Live Video Statistics 2024]

Facebook Live Video Statistics 2023: An Ultimate Guide

In the fast-paced world of social media marketing, video has emerged as the dominant medium for engaging audiences. And when it comes to video, it‘s hard to beat the immediacy and interactivity of live streaming. Since its launch in 2016, Facebook Live has become a powerhouse platform for individuals and brands alike to connect with viewers in real-time.

But just how big is Facebook Live, and what kind of impact is it having? To answer those questions, we‘ve combed through the data to bring you this ultimate guide to Facebook Live video statistics for 2023. Whether you‘re a marketer looking to optimize your live video strategy or just curious about the state of streaming, these insights will give you a clearer picture of where the platform stands and where it‘s headed.

The Rise of Live Video

Before we dive into the numbers, it‘s worth zooming out to understand the broader trend of live video. In recent years, live streaming has exploded in popularity across social media and beyond. According to a report from Grand View Research, the global video streaming market is expected to reach $330.51 billion by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 21.3%.

So why are people flocking to live video? For starters, it offers an unparalleled sense of immediacy and authenticity. In a world of polished and heavily edited content, live video gives viewers a raw, unfiltered look at the people and brands they follow. It‘s a chance to connect in the moment and be part of a shared experience.

Live video also drives higher engagement than pre-recorded content. A study by Livestream found that 82% of viewers prefer live video from a brand over social posts, and viewers spend up to 8.1x longer watching live video than video on-demand. For marketers, that means more opportunities to build relationships, showcase products, and inspire action.

Now that we‘ve set the stage, let‘s take a closer look at how Facebook Live fits into the equation.

How Many People Use Facebook Live?

Facebook is far and away the world‘s largest social network, with over 2.96 billion monthly active users as of Q1 2023. But how many of those users are tuning into live video? Let‘s break down the numbers.

Monthly Facebook Live Broadcasts

One key metric of Facebook Live‘s popularity is the sheer number of live broadcasts happening on the platform. In 2020, Facebook reported that the number of Facebook Live broadcasts had doubled compared to the previous year, reaching a peak in June.

While Facebook hasn‘t released updated figures since then, it‘s safe to assume that growth has continued at a steady clip. A 2022 report from Restream estimated that 28.7% of video marketers use Facebook Live – a significant chunk considering the multitude of live streaming platforms available today.

Demographics of Facebook Live Users

So who exactly is tuning into all those Facebook Live broadcasts? The platform‘s broad user base means live video reaches a diverse cross-section of demographics. However, some key trends emerge when we look at the data.

Age is one notable factor. According to a 2021 survey by Vorhaus Advisors, Facebook Live usage is highest among the 35-54 age group, with 29% tuning in. Older users are close behind, with 23% of those 55 and up watching live video. Younger adults aged 18-34 clock in at 19% usage.

Gender also plays a role in Facebook Live viewership. A Meta report found that women are more likely than men to watch live video, with 38% of female users tuning in compared to 30% of male users.

Geographically, Facebook Live usage is growing fastest in emerging markets. India, Brazil, Mexico, and Thailand are among the top countries for Facebook Live viewership, reflecting the platform‘s expanding global reach.

User Behavior on Facebook Live

Numbers are one thing, but to really understand the impact of Facebook Live, we need to look at how users are engaging with live content. The data shows that live video drives significantly higher interaction than other post types.

According to a study by Socialinsider, the average engagement rate for Facebook Live videos is 0.46% – nearly double that of pre-recorded video posts at 0.26%. Longer broadcasts tend to perform best, with videos over one hour seeing the highest engagement levels.

Comments are a particularly powerful driver of engagement on live video. News Whip found that the top 10,000 Facebook Live videos received an average of 28,239 comments – over 10 times more than other top-performing post types.

These heightened engagement levels spell opportunity for brands. By tapping into the interactive nature of live video – encouraging comments, answering questions, and creating a two-way dialogue – marketers can forge deeper connections with their audience and inspire action.

How are Marketers Using Facebook Live?

Now that we‘ve established the reach and engagement potential of Facebook Live, let‘s examine how marketers are putting the platform to work. The use cases for live video are as varied as the businesses leveraging them, but a few key trends stand out.

Live Events and Conferences

One of the most popular applications for Facebook Live is streaming live events. In fact, Wowza found that 76% of the most streamed content type on Facebook Live was live events.

The shift to virtual events during the pandemic accelerated this trend, with conferences, concerts, and other major gatherings pivoting to live streaming. Even as in-person events have returned, hybrid formats that include a live stream component have become the norm.

For marketers, live streaming events offers a powerful way to expand reach and engage remote audiences. By bringing the live experience to Facebook, brands can create FOMO, encourage real-time participation, and generate buzz before, during, and after the event.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Another popular use case for Facebook Live is offering behind-the-scenes glimpses of a brand or business. This could include office tours, employee spotlights, or sneak peeks of upcoming products.

The appeal of behind-the-scenes content lies in its authenticity. By pulling back the curtain, brands can humanize themselves and forge stronger connections with their audience. Live video adds an extra layer of intimacy and spontaneity to this content.

According to Wowza, 15% of marketers reported using Facebook Live for behind-the-scenes looks. As more businesses embrace authenticity as a key branding strategy, expect this number to rise.

Q&As and Interviews

Live video is also an ideal format for Q&A sessions and interviews. The real-time, interactive nature of the medium allows viewers to submit questions and get immediate responses, creating a dynamic and engaging experience.

Wowza found that 23% of marketers used Facebook Live for Q&As and conference panels. This format is especially popular among thought leaders, influencers, and subject matter experts looking to share their knowledge and build their personal brand.

By hosting live Q&As and interviews on Facebook, marketers can position themselves as industry authorities, provide value to their audience, and drive meaningful conversations around their brand.

Product Demos and How-Tos

Showcasing products and providing instructional content is another growing use case for Facebook Live. In fact, 12% of marketers reported using live video for product demos according to Wowza‘s study.

Live product demos offer a more engaging alternative to pre-recorded explainer videos or static how-to guides. By walking viewers through a product‘s features or demonstrating how to use it in real-time, brands can address common questions, highlight key benefits, and boost buyer confidence.

This format is especially valuable for complex or technical products that require more in-depth explanation. Live video allows brands to show, not just tell, and create a more immersive learning experience for potential customers.

Viral Facebook Live Videos

While the above use cases are tried-and-true tactics for any brand, sometimes a Facebook Live video takes on a life of its own and goes viral. These breakout hits offer valuable lessons in what resonates with the platform‘s enormous user base.

One of the most famous examples is Candace Payne‘s "Chewbacca Mom" video. In the simple yet joyful clip, Payne dons a Chewbacca mask and can‘t stop laughing at the sound effects. The video racked up over 180 million views, becoming the most-watched Facebook Live video to date and earning Payne widespread media attention.

So what made "Chewbacca Mom" such a smash hit? Its authenticity and relatability struck a chord with viewers. Payne‘s unbridled laughter and enthusiasm were contagious, and her everyman persona made the video feel genuine and unforced.

More recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has spawned its own crop of viral Facebook Live moments. In Italy, videos of quarantined residents singing together from their balconies racked up millions of views, spreading a message of solidarity and hope during a dark time.

These examples underscore the power of live video to capture raw, unfiltered moments and emotions. For brands, the takeaway is to embrace authenticity and not be afraid to show their human side. The most resonant Facebook Live videos often come from a place of genuine passion and personality.

Tips for Facebook Live Success

Now that we‘ve examined the data and key use cases behind Facebook Live‘s explosive growth, let‘s distill those insights into actionable tips for marketers looking to maximize their live video efforts.

1. Have a clear strategy

Before going live, it‘s crucial to have a well-defined plan in place. What are your goals for the broadcast? Who is your target audience? What do you want viewers to take away from the experience? Answering these questions will help you create focused, purposeful content that aligns with your broader marketing objectives.

2. Promote in advance

Don‘t rely on chance to attract viewers to your live broadcast. Promote the event in advance across your social channels, email lists, and other marketing touch points. Build anticipation by teasing the topic, special guests, or exclusive offers that will be featured in the video.

3. Invest in quality production

While authenticity is key, that doesn‘t mean you should neglect production values entirely. Invest in a decent camera, microphone, and lighting setup to ensure a professional look and sound. If you‘re broadcasting from a mobile device, use a tripod to keep the shot steady and minimize background noise.

4. Engage with your audience

One of the biggest draws of live video is the opportunity for real-time interaction. Encourage viewers to ask questions and share their thoughts in the comments, and make a point to acknowledge and respond to as many as possible. This two-way dialogue is what sets live video apart from pre-recorded content.

5. Repurpose your live content

Just because your live broadcast has ended doesn‘t mean its shelf life is over. Repurpose the recording by uploading it to your Facebook page or website, embedding it in blog posts, or splicing it into shorter highlight clips for other social channels. This will help you squeeze more mileage out of your live content and reach viewers who may have missed the initial broadcast.

6. Analyze and optimize

Finally, don‘t forget to track and analyze the performance of your Facebook Live videos. Use Facebook Insights to monitor key metrics like reach, engagement, and audience retention. Look for patterns in what types of content, formats, and promotion strategies drive the best results, and use those learnings to continually optimize your approach.

The Future of Facebook Live

As we‘ve seen, Facebook Live has already made a huge splash in the world of social media marketing. But what does the future hold for the platform? While no one can predict the future with certainty, the data suggests that live video will only continue to grow in importance.

One key trend to watch is the rise of virtual and augmented reality. As these technologies become more mainstream, they‘ll open up new possibilities for immersive live experiences. Imagine attending a product launch or conference in VR, or watching a live concert enhanced with interactive AR elements. Facebook has already invested heavily in this space with its Oculus VR platform, so expect to see more integration with Facebook Live in the coming years.

Another area of growth is e-commerce. Live shopping events, where viewers can purchase products featured in a live video, are already taking off in China and other markets. Facebook has been testing similar features, such as the ability to tag products in live videos. As more consumers embrace social commerce, live video will become an increasingly important sales channel for brands.

Finally, the continued rollout of 5G networks will be a game-changer for live video. With faster speeds and lower latency, 5G will enable higher-quality streams, more interactive features, and new use cases we haven‘t even thought of yet. As 5G becomes more widely available, expect to see a new wave of innovation in the live video space.


Facebook Live has come a long way since its debut in 2016. What began as a novel feature has quickly become a central pillar of the platform, driving unprecedented levels of growth and engagement. As this ultimate guide to Facebook Live statistics has shown, the numbers speak for themselves:

  • Live broadcasts on Facebook doubled in 2020 alone
  • Over a quarter of video marketers now use Facebook Live
  • Live videos see average engagement rates nearly double that of regular video posts
  • Broadcasts of live events make up 76% of the most streamed content on the platform

For marketers, the message is clear: Facebook Live is a powerful tool for connecting with audiences and driving business results. By understanding the key trends and use cases, and following best practices for production and promotion, brands can tap into the massive potential of this dynamic platform.

But the story of Facebook Live is still being written. As new technologies and consumer behaviors shape the future of social media, live video will continue to evolve in exciting and unpredictable ways. The brands that stay ahead of the curve and adapt their strategies accordingly will be the ones that thrive in this brave new world of real-time, interactive content.

So go ahead – dive into the data, experiment with new formats and ideas, and most importantly, have fun with it! With Facebook Live, the possibilities are truly endless.