4 Ways to Install Python on MacOS [The Ultimate Guide]

Python is an immensely popular programming language that‘s only getting more critical to learn. It surged to the #1 spot on the TIOBE index in October 2021 and has stayed in the top 3 ever since. A 2022 Stack Overflow survey of 70,000+ developers found that Python is the 4th most popular language overall and the most wanted language that developers aren‘t using yet but want to learn.

So if you‘re a Mac user ready to dive into Python, you‘re in great company. The good news is that macOS makes it incredibly easy to install Python and start coding. In this guide, we‘ll explore 4 easy methods to get Python up and running on your Mac:

  1. Homebrew Package Manager
  2. Official Python.org Installer
  3. Xcode Command Line Tools
  4. Anaconda Distribution

Whether you‘re an experienced developer or completely new to coding, by the end of this article you‘ll be fully equipped to install Python on macOS and start your Python journey. Let‘s dive in!

Do Macs Come With Python Installed?

First, it‘s important to understand that all modern versions of macOS actually come with Python pre-installed. The version of Python will depend on your macOS version:

macOS Version Pre-Installed Python Version
Ventura 13 Python 3.9.6
Monterey 12 Python 3.8.9
Big Sur 11 Python 3.8.2
Catalina 10.15 Python 3.8.2
Mojave 10.14 Python 2.7.16
High Sierra 10.13 Python 2.7.16

To check which Python version you have, open the Terminal and enter:

python --version

So why install Python separately if it‘s already there? A few key reasons:

  1. The pre-installed version may be outdated. Python 3.9.6 and 3.8.2 are already several releases behind the latest Python version (3.11 as of November 2022).

  2. Apple‘s pre-installed Python can interfere with the Python you install yourself, causing confusion and hard-to-debug issues.

  3. Upgrading or modifying the pre-installed Python can break things in macOS that depend on it.

For these reasons, it‘s best practice to leave the built-in Python alone and install your own Python environment(s) separately. Here‘s how to do that using 4 popular methods.

Method 1: Install Python with Homebrew

Homebrew is a free and open-source package manager for macOS that makes it easy to install, update, and manage various command line tools, programming languages, and software packages. It‘s a favorite in the developer community for its ease of use and wide selection of packages ("formulae" in Homebrew lingo).

Here‘s how to use Homebrew to install the latest Python version on your Mac:

Step 1: Open the Terminal (you can find it in Applications > Utilities or using Spotlight search)

Step 2: Install Homebrew by entering this command and following the prompts:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

Step 3: Once Homebrew is installed, make sure it‘s ready to brew:

brew doctor

Step 4: Update Homebrew to get the latest package information:

brew update

Step 5: Install the latest Python 3.x with this simple command:

brew install [email protected]

(If you need to install an older Python version, just replace 3.11 with the version you want)

Step 6: Confirm Python installed successfully:

python3.11 --version

You should see the Python version number you installed.

That‘s it! With just a few Terminal commands, you can have the newest Python version up and running using Homebrew. Some key advantages of this method:

  • Extremely quick and easy
  • Installs the latest Python version by default
  • Homebrew makes it simple to upgrade Python to future versions
  • Python is installed in a separate location from the system Python, avoiding conflicts

The main downside is that Homebrew installs its packages in a unique location (/usr/local/opt/), so it doesn‘t always play nice with Python versions installed through other methods. But if you‘re a Homebrew fan, this is a great option.

Method 2: Install Python From Python.org

You can always get Python straight from the source at Python.org. They provide a macOS installer package that handles the installation process for you.

Here are the steps:

Step 1: Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/ and download the latest macOS installer (or your desired Python version)

Step 2: Open the downloaded .pkg file and follow the installation wizard prompts

Step 3: Once installed, open Terminal and verify your Python version:

python3 --version

Some notable points about the Python.org installer method:

  • Very beginner-friendly, as the installer walks you through the whole process
  • Flexible, allowing you to choose the exact Python version and installation location
  • No dependencies on third-party tools like Homebrew

The main drawback is you have to manually download a new installer package each time you want to upgrade your Python version. But for an easy, official installation method, this is an excellent choice.

Method 3: Install Python with Xcode Command Line Tools

Xcode is Apple‘s suite of developer tools for creating software for macOS, iOS, and other Apple platforms. While you probably won‘t need the full Xcode package just to use Python, installing the Xcode Command Line Tools provides some necessary components and makes it easy to then install Python with Homebrew.

Here‘s the process:

Step 1: Install Homebrew using the command from Method 1 above

Step 2: In the Terminal, check if the Xcode Command Line Tools are already installed:

xcode-select -p

If you see a file path like /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools, you already have the tools. If you get an error, install them with:

xcode-select --install

Step 3: Let Homebrew work its magic to install Python:

brew install python

Step 4: Verify Python is ready to go:

python3 --version

The key advantage of this method is that the Xcode Command Line Tools include some important packages for Python development like the gcc compiler. The catch is you do have to install the full 1.5GB+ Xcode package first. But it‘s a reliable method, especially if you plan to do other development on your Mac.

Method 4: Install Python with the Anaconda Distribution

Anaconda is a popular open-source distribution for scientific computing, data analysis, and machine learning that bundles Python with hundreds of related packages and libraries. It also includes tools to easily manage different Python environments and versions.

Here‘s how to install Python on your Mac using Anaconda:

Step 1: Go to https://www.anaconda.com/products/distribution and download the Anaconda installer for macOS

Step 2: Open the downloaded .pkg file and follow the installation wizard prompts

Step 3: Once Anaconda is installed, open the Terminal and create a new Python environment:

conda create --name my_env python=3.11

(Replace "my_env" with your desired environment name and 3.11 with your desired Python version)

Step 4: Activate your new Python environment:

conda activate my_env

Step 5: Verify your Python version:

python --version

The key advantages of using Anaconda to install Python:

  • Ideal for data science and machine learning, as it includes all the major packages for those fields
  • Makes creating and managing multiple Python environments very easy
  • Consistent environment across different operating systems and machines

The main downside is that Anaconda is a large download (over 1GB) and installs a lot of packages you may not need for simple Python development. But for data science and scientific computing, it‘s a top choice.

Comparing the Python Installation Methods for Mac

Here‘s a quick comparison table summarizing the different Python installation methods covered above:

Method Difficulty Customization Disk Space Ideal For
Homebrew Easy High Low General Python development
Python.org Installer Very Easy Medium Low Beginners, simple Python projects
Xcode Command Line Tools Medium Medium High Mac developers
Anaconda Easy High High Data science, machine learning

In general, I recommend the Homebrew method for most users, as it offers a good balance of simplicity and flexibility. But the Python.org installer is the most beginner-friendly, Xcode is best if you‘re doing other development on your Mac, and Anaconda is ideal for data science.

Tips for Managing Python on Mac

Regardless of which Python installation method you choose, here are some tips to make your Python development on macOS as smooth as possible:

  1. Use virtual environments! Tools like python3 -m venv and conda make it easy to create isolated environments for different Python projects, so you can use different package versions without conflicts.

  2. Set up a Python-friendly IDE like PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, or Jupyter Notebooks (if you install Anaconda). IDEs provide code completion, debugging, and many other features to accelerate your coding.

  3. Get to know pip for installing and managing Python packages. Some key commands:

    • pip install [package] – Install a package
    • pip uninstall [package] – Uninstall a package
    • pip list – List installed packages
    • pip freeze > requirements.txt – Output installed packages to a file for easy environment recreation
  4. Bookmark the official Python documentation at https://docs.python.org – it‘s a goldmine for learning Python and troubleshooting issues

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which Python version should I install on my Mac?
A: In general, it‘s best to install the latest Python 3.x version (3.11 as of November 2022) unless you have a specific reason to use an older version. Python 2.7 is no longer supported as of January 2020.

Q: Can I have multiple Python versions installed on macOS?
A: Yes! You can install multiple Python versions side-by-side on your Mac using any of the methods above. Just be sure to use virtual environments to isolate each project‘s Python version and packages.

Q: How do I run a Python program on macOS?
A: First, open the Terminal and navigate to the directory containing your Python program file. Then enter:

python your_program.py

(Replace "your_program.py" with your actual Python file name)

Q: How do I update Python on my Mac?
A: The process to update Python depends on how you installed it originally:

  • Homebrew: brew update then brew upgrade python
  • Python.org installer: Download and run the installer for the newer Python version
  • Anaconda: conda update python

Conclusion and Further Resources

Congratulations, you should now be fully equipped to install and start using Python on your Mac! Python is a powerful and rewarding language, and macOS provides a great environment for Python development.

Some key points to remember:

  1. While macOS comes with Python pre-installed, it‘s better to install a separate Python version to have full control over your environment.

  2. You have multiple options for installing Python on Mac, including Homebrew, the Python.org installer, Xcode Command Line Tools, and the Anaconda distribution.

  3. The "best" installation method depends on your use case and level of experience. Homebrew is great for general Python development, the Python.org installer is the most beginner-friendly, Xcode is best if you‘re doing other Mac development, and Anaconda is ideal for data science.

  4. Using virtual environments, a Python-friendly IDE, and tools like pip will make your Python coding much smoother and avoid common problems like package conflicts.

To continue your Python journey, check out these resources:

I hope this guide has been helpful for you to install Python on macOS and start coding. The Python community is welcoming and supportive, so don‘t hesitate to reach out for help. Happy Pythoning!