What is a Web Crawler Used For? An In-Depth Guide from a Data Scraping Expert

As a data scraping expert with over a decade of experience, I‘ve seen firsthand how web crawlers have become indispensable tools for making sense of the vast and ever-changing landscape of the internet. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore what web crawlers are, how they work, and the many ways they are used to power the digital services and insights we rely on every day.

What is a Web Crawler?

At its core, a web crawler is a program that automatically discovers and downloads web pages by following hyperlinks from page to page. Also known as spider bots or search engine bots, these programs are used to create a map of the internet that can be analyzed and indexed to provide relevant information to users.

Web crawlers are the backbone of search engines like Google, Bing, and Baidu, which use them to constantly scan the internet for new and updated content. According to a study by Incapsula, search engine crawlers account for over 50% of all internet traffic, making billions of requests every day to keep their indexes fresh.

But search engines are just one application of web crawling. As we‘ll see, these bots are used for a wide range of purposes, from monitoring price changes on e-commerce sites to gathering data for machine learning models.

How Web Crawlers Navigate the Internet

To understand how web crawlers work, it‘s helpful to think of the internet as a vast, interconnected network of web pages. Each page contains links (in the form of URLs) that point to other pages, forming a complex web of relationships.

Web crawlers navigate this network by starting with a list of seed URLs and following the links they find on each page. As they download and parse the HTML content of each page, they extract new links and add them to a queue of pages to be crawled in the future.

To avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop or repeatedly crawling the same pages, web crawlers use algorithms to prioritize which links to follow and how often to revisit a page. Some common algorithms include:

  • Breadth-first search: The crawler visits all the links on the current page before moving on to the next level of links.
  • Depth-first search: The crawler follows each link as far as possible before backtracking and exploring other branches.
  • PageRank: Developed by Google, this algorithm assesses the importance of a page based on the number and quality of other pages that link to it.

Crawlers also need to be respectful of website owners‘ wishes and technical limitations. They check for instructions in the robots.txt file and HTML meta tags that specify which pages should not be crawled. They also pace their requests to avoid overloading servers and getting blocked.

The Scale and Growth of Web Crawling

To grasp the scale of web crawling, consider these statistics:

  • Google‘s crawlers process over 130 trillion pages per month
  • Bing‘s crawlers discover over 100,000 new URLs per minute
  • The Internet Archive‘s Wayback Machine has archived over 475 billion web pages since 1996

As the internet continues to grow, the amount of data being crawled is also exploding. According to IDC, the global datasphere will reach 175 zettabytes by 2025, with much of that data coming from web-based sources.

This growth presents both challenges and opportunities for web crawling. On one hand, crawlers need to be constantly updated to handle new web technologies and content formats. On the other hand, the wealth of data being collected opens up new possibilities for analysis and insight.

Applications of Web Crawling

Web crawling is used for a wide range of applications across industries, including:

Search Engines

As mentioned, search engines are the most well-known users of web crawlers. By downloading and indexing the content of billions of web pages, they can provide relevant results to user queries in milliseconds.

Some key statistics on search engine crawling:

Search Engine Pages Crawled Per Day Total Pages Indexed
Google 20 billion 100+ trillion
Bing 5 billion 10+ trillion
Baidu 6 billion 50+ billion


Web crawlers are extensively used in e-commerce for tasks like:

  • Monitoring competitor prices and product assortments
  • Gathering product reviews and sentiment data
  • Identifying new sales channels and affiliate marketing opportunities

For example, Amazon uses web crawling to track prices on millions of products across the web and adjust its own pricing in real-time. According to a study by Profitero, Amazon makes over 2.5 million price changes every day based on data collected by its crawlers.

Marketing and SEO

Web crawlers are essential tools for digital marketers and SEO professionals who need to:

  • Analyze competitor strategies and backlink profiles
  • Monitor brand mentions and sentiment across the web
  • Identify influencers and partnership opportunities
  • Optimize websites for search engine ranking factors

For instance, SEO tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush use web crawling to build extensive databases of backlinks, keywords, and ranking data that help marketers optimize their strategies.


In the finance industry, web crawling is used to:

  • Monitor news and sentiment for trading signals
  • Gather data on company financials and stock prices
  • Identify insider trading and other compliance risks

Bloomberg, one of the world‘s largest financial data providers, uses web crawling to collect real-time data on over 1 million companies across 125 countries.

Academia and Research

Web crawling is a valuable tool for academic researchers who need to:

  • Collect data for studies on topics like social media, online behavior, and web demographics
  • Monitor citations and impact of published works
  • Identify research trends and collaboration opportunities

For example, the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence uses web crawling to build datasets for AI research, like the Semantic Scholar database of over 200 million academic papers.

The Web Crawling Process: A Technical Breakdown

Now that we‘ve seen some of the applications of web crawling, let‘s dive deeper into the technical details of how it works.

The web crawling process typically involves the following steps:

  1. URL Discovery: The crawler starts with a seed list of URLs to visit, which may be manually specified or generated from previous crawl data.

  2. URL Prioritization: The crawler assesses the priority of each URL based on factors like its relevance to the target domain, its PageRank, and how frequently it changes.

  3. URL Fetching: The crawler sends an HTTP request to each URL and downloads the content of the page, including the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files.

  4. Content Parsing: The crawler parses the downloaded content to extract key elements like links, text, metadata, and structured data.

  5. Link Extraction: The crawler identifies all the hyperlinks in the page and adds any new, unique URLs to its crawl queue for future fetching.

  6. Data Storage: The parsed data is stored in a structured format like JSON or XML for further processing and analysis.

Throughout this process, the crawler needs to handle various technical challenges, such as:

  • Crawl Efficiency: Balancing the need for comprehensive coverage with the cost of bandwidth and computing resources.
  • Content Diversity: Adapting to different content types, encodings, and protocols.
  • JavaScript Rendering: Executing client-side scripts to access content that is dynamically loaded.
  • Canonicalization: Identifying duplicate or near-duplicate pages to avoid redundant processing.
  • Politeness: Throttling the rate of requests to avoid overloading servers or triggering rate limits.

Emerging Trends and Future of Web Crawling

As the internet evolves, so too does the field of web crawling. Some of the key trends and future directions include:

  • Real-time Indexing: As users expect fresher and more up-to-date search results, crawlers are shifting towards real-time indexing of content, especially for breaking news and social media.
  • Visual Search: With the growth of image and video content online, crawlers are increasingly using computer vision and machine learning techniques to index and understand visual data.
  • Structured Data: The adoption of structured data formats like schema.org is making it easier for crawlers to extract rich, semantic information from web pages and provide more intelligent search results.
  • Voice Search: As voice assistants like Siri and Alexa become more popular, crawlers are adapting to serve results that are optimized for voice queries and natural language processing.
  • Machine Learning: Web crawling is increasingly being used to gather training data for machine learning models, which can then be used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the crawling process itself.


Web crawling is a complex and constantly evolving field that plays a critical role in making the vast amount of information on the internet accessible and useful. As we‘ve seen, crawlers are used for a wide range of applications, from powering search engines to gathering data for machine learning and analytics.

As a data scraping expert, I‘ve seen firsthand how web crawling has transformed the way businesses and organizations gather and utilize web data. By staying on top of the latest trends and best practices, we can harness the power of web crawling to drive innovation and insights across industries.

Whether you‘re a marketer looking to track competitor strategies, a researcher gathering data for a study, or a data scientist building machine learning models, web crawling is an essential tool in your arsenal. By understanding how these bots work and the challenges they face, you can leverage web crawling to unlock the full potential of the data at your fingertips.