How to Create an Amazon Account Without a Phone Number: The Ultimate Guide for Privacy-Conscious Shoppers

As a savvy online consumer, you know that Amazon is the place to find just about anything you need—and usually at the best prices. With over 300 million active customer accounts worldwide and net sales exceeding $386 billion in 2020 alone, Amazon has firmly established itself as an e-commerce powerhouse that‘s all but impossible to avoid.

But what if you‘re hesitant to hand over your personal phone number just to sign up for an Amazon account? Maybe you‘re fiercely protective of your digital privacy, or perhaps your primary phone number is already associated with a different Amazon account that you share with family.

Whatever your reasons, the idea of creating an Amazon account without a phone number might seem daunting at first glance. After all, a phone number has become a standard requirement for many online services and accounts these days.

However, you‘ll be happy to learn that it‘s completely possible to sign up for Amazon without a phone number. In this ultimate guide, we‘ll demystify the process and give you step-by-step instructions for creating an Amazon account while keeping your phone number to yourself.

We‘ll also explore some of the reasons why you might want to skip the phone number prompt, potential drawbacks to consider, and additional tips for maintaining your privacy and security as an Amazon customer.

Why You Might Want to Avoid Giving Amazon Your Phone Number

Before we get into the "how," let‘s talk about the "why." While Amazon positions adding a phone number as an optional step in the account creation process, the truth is that there are several compelling reasons you may want to avoid volunteering this piece of personal information.

1. Preserving Your Privacy

In an era of seemingly endless data breaches and privacy scandals, it‘s no surprise that many consumers are increasingly wary about sharing their personal details online. For some, avoiding unnecessary sharing of information like phone numbers is simply a matter of principle and wanting to maintain as much control as possible over one‘s digital footprint.

A 2019 Pew Research study found that 79% of Americans are concerned about how companies use the data collected about them, and 81% feel they have little or no control over the data that companies collect. If you count yourself among this privacy-conscious majority, you may instinctively recoil at the idea of giving out your phone number just to shop online.

2. Keeping a Separate "Burner" Account

Another potential motivation for wanting to create a new Amazon account without a phone number is if you already have an existing account that your phone number is tied to. This is a fairly common scenario for people who share a Prime membership with family members or roommates.

But what happens if you want to create a separate account just for yourself? Since Amazon requires each account to have a unique phone number associated with it, you‘re out of luck unless you‘re willing to get a new number or use an alternative phone number.

This leads some people to create a secondary "burner" Amazon account that isn‘t tied to their primary phone number or identity. Whether it‘s to make surprise gift purchases, take advantage of a Lightning Deal that‘s one per customer, or simply to maintain some separation between shared and personal accounts, a burner account can come in handy.

3. Cutting Down On Spam Calls and Texts

Last but not least, some shoppers simply don‘t want to risk opening the floodgates to more unwanted phone calls and text messages. While Amazon itself doesn‘t engage in rampant spam campaigns, the sad reality is that phone numbers are a highly sought-after piece of data that can and does end up in the wrong hands.

According to call blocking app YouMail, Americans received roughly 4.4 billion robocalls in April 2021 alone—and reports of scam SMS phishing texts are also on the rise. Given these sobering statistics, who can blame consumers for being hesitant to share their phone number unless absolutely necessary?

Amazon‘s Official Policy on Phone Numbers for Accounts

Now that we‘ve covered some of the most common reasons shoppers give for wanting to avoid tying a phone number to their Amazon account, you may be wondering what Amazon‘s actual policies are regarding phone numbers.

The official word from Amazon is that providing a phone number when creating your account is optional, not mandatory. As stated on Amazon‘s help page about account creation, "You can skip adding a phone number during registration."

However, the same help page goes on to note that there are a few key features and services that do require a phone number, such as:

  • Purchasing products sold by Amazon (as opposed to third-party sellers)
  • Signing up for Amazon Prime
  • Using Amazon Pay
  • Placing certain grocery orders via Amazon Fresh or Whole Foods Market

Additionally, if you ever need to contact Amazon customer service about an issue with your account or an order, not having a phone number linked to your account can limit the support options available to you.

So while it‘s true that you don‘t have to give Amazon your phone number to create an account, the practical reality is that not doing so will restrict your ability to use many core features of the site. For this reason, providing a phone number is still the recommended course of action for the vast majority of Amazon shoppers.

Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Your Amazon Account Without a Phone Number

If you‘ve weighed the pros and cons and have decided to move forward with creating an Amazon account without adding your phone number, the good news is that the process is quite straightforward. Here‘s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Go to and hover over the "Accounts & Lists" tab in the upper right corner. Click on the "Start here" link next to the "New customer?" text.

  2. On the account creation page, fill in your name, email address, and desired password. Be sure to use a strong, unique password that you don‘t use for any other online accounts.

  3. Click on the "Create your Amazon account" button. Note that you should NOT enter anything in the "Mobile phone number" field, as this is an optional step.

  4. Check your email inbox for a message from Amazon with the subject line "Verify your email address." Click on the link in this email to verify your email and complete the account creation process.

That‘s it! You should now be able to log in to your new Amazon account and start browsing products, creating wish lists, and taking advantage of features that don‘t require a phone number.

Potential Drawbacks and Alternative Solutions

While creating an Amazon account without a phone number is a relatively simple process from a technical standpoint, it‘s important to be aware of some of the potential drawbacks and limitations we mentioned earlier.

To recap, not having a phone number attached to your account means you won‘t be able to:

  • Place orders for products sold and shipped by Amazon directly
  • Sign up for an Amazon Prime membership
  • Use the Amazon Pay service to check out on other websites
  • Access certain customer service contact options like requesting a phone call

If any of these restrictions are deal-breakers for you, it‘s worth considering some alternative solutions that allow you to provide a phone number without compromising your primary number.

One increasingly popular option is to use a virtual phone number from a service like Google Voice, Hushed, or Burner. These apps allow you to generate a secondary phone number that forwards to your main device, giving you an extra layer of privacy and control.

Another possibility is to purchase a prepaid "burner" phone specifically for online accounts and services. This allows you to keep your main phone number private while still being able to provide a valid number when required.

Expert Tips for Maintaining Your Privacy and Security on Amazon

Regardless of whether you choose to provide a phone number when creating your Amazon account, there are several other steps you can take to safeguard your personal information and maintain a high level of privacy and security while shopping on the site. Here are a few expert tips to keep in mind:

  • Use a unique, complex password and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account if possible. Even if you don‘t want to give your phone number, you can often use an authenticator app or physical security key as an alternative 2FA method.

  • Be cautious about saving payment information like credit card numbers to your account. While Amazon‘s payment processing is secure, no online system is completely foolproof. Consider using a virtual credit card number or a service like PayPal for an extra layer of protection.

  • Review your account‘s privacy settings and communication preferences regularly. Make sure you‘re only sharing the minimum amount of information necessary, and opt out of any marketing emails or notifications you don‘t want to receive.

  • If you do choose to provide a phone number, be judicious about which numbers you give out. Avoid using your primary cell phone number for online accounts unless absolutely necessary, and consider setting up a separate Google Voice or other virtual number for this purpose.

  • Stay vigilant against potential phishing attempts and scams. Be wary of unsolicited calls, texts, or emails claiming to be from Amazon, and never give out your login credentials or payment information in response to an unexpected communication. When in doubt, go directly to or contact customer support using the official channels outlined on the website.

By following these tips and being proactive about your online privacy and security hygiene, you can enjoy all the benefits of having an Amazon account while still maintaining a high degree of control over your personal information.


In a perfect world, we‘d be able to shop online and access all the features and benefits of sites like Amazon without ever having to fork over our precious phone numbers. But in the absence of a major sea change in how companies approach customer data and privacy, the reality is that providing a phone number is often a necessary evil.

The good news is that creating an Amazon account without a phone number is possible, and we‘ve outlined the exact steps you need to follow to do so. We‘ve also explored some of the reasons why you might want to avoid giving out your number, as well as some potential alternative solutions and privacy best practices.

At the end of the day, the decision of whether to provide your phone number to Amazon (or any other online service) is a personal one that depends on your individual circumstances and comfort level. By weighing the pros and cons carefully and taking steps to safeguard your information, you can strike the right balance between convenience and privacy.

We hope this guide has been helpful in demystifying the process of setting up an Amazon account without a phone number. Armed with this knowledge, you can now make an informed choice about the best path forward for your online shopping needs. Happy (and secure) Amazoning!