What is an Open Source Developer and How to Become One

Have you ever dreamed of collaborating with a global team to build software used by millions? As an open source developer, you can fulfill that dream!

Let me walk you through exactly what open source development looks like day-to-day, the must-have skills to thrive, how to land that first job and set yourself up for career success. I‘ve been working full-time as an open source programmer for over 5 years now across some amazing communities and companies.

So if you feel that itch to contribute to projects larger than yourself or want freedom & flexibility in your work, read on!

Defining Open Source Software

But first, what exactly is "open source" software?

Simply put, it‘s software whose source code is freely shared to inspect, modify and enhance. This is in contrast to proprietary closed source apps where the programming code cannot be publicly viewed or altered.

To be considered fully open source however, a piece of software needs to have license terms allowing free redistribution and usage rights for all types of users.

As an example of open source licenses, copyleft licenses like GPL require derivative works to have the same permissions. Permissive licenses like MIT have fewer restrictions.

Some of the biggest open source projects today include operating systems like Linux and Android, web servers like Apache, databases like MySQL and MongoDB, programming languages like Python and JavaScript, web frameworks like React and Django etc.

So much of modern technology relies on freely available, community-driven code!

As per estimates, there are over 14 million open source developers worldwide working on over 800,000 projects spanning every domain you can imagine.

Open source statistics

Over 80% of companies now run apps powered by open source components according to industry surveys. Everyone from Google and Microsoft to Wall Street financial firms leverage open communities because the collaborative development approach creates better quality software. Products evolve faster with global talent contributing code.

The passion around the open source mission is what fuels this drive! Developers crave transparency and free exchange of ideas ultimately benefiting end users worldwide.

So what does day-to-day life actually look like for open source programmers?

Responsibilities of an Open Source Developer

My job entails coding new features based on community requests, fixing platform bugs as they get reported, answering questions from users, reviewing code submissions from other contributors and documenting software upgrades.

I collaborate largely via Slack/IRC chats, email lists and GitHub issues/pull requests rather than always coding in person together.

So compared to office-based development work, you need comfort operating in virtual teams with asynchronous workflows. I interact with people spanning a dozen timezones and cultures daily.

Staying on top of user pain points is key, so I spend time debugging issues raised on forums to isolate defects. Then I trace problems all the way back to their root causes in the source code. This leads to robust fixes benefiting the entire user base.

I also author tutorials to help developers integrate our libraries into their apps. And promote projects through tech talks and guest blog posts for increased adoption.

Ultimately much of my success lies in sustaining healthy communities, mentoring new coders, resolving conflicts and aligning people towards collective goals. Teaching others to fish is more impactful than just fishing for them!

Every few months, we ship major releases with upgrades that I spearhead through design reviews. I rely on support from seasoned peer developers who double check my approach. No single contributor can know everything!

It‘s intensely rewarding to see millions of people globally using infrastructure I help build. My code will live on forever since it stays open source in the public domain.

So in a nutshell, open source work keeps me challenged, connected with brilliant minds and contributing valuably as a programmer.

What specific skillsets make for effective open source developers then?

Must-Have Skills for Open Source Developers

Core Technical Chops

You need a rock-solid foundation in common software languages like Python, JavaScript, Java, C/C++ depending on the domains you target. Most open source projects run on Linux, so being handy with Bash scripting, servers and system administration is crucial.

Issues surface all the time, so debugging, troubleshooting and profiling abilities help resolve them efficiently. Automated testing expertise using frameworks like Selenium, JUnit, pytest etc. improves code quality proactively.

Cloud platforms/containers like AWS and Docker see heavy open source development, so cloud-native skills give you an edge. Database/storage optimization also arises frequently.

And domains like machine learning and blockchain thrive on open source coding. So specialized domain knowledge lets you penetrate hot fields.

Cross-platform skills are invaluable since open source software runs ubiquitously on devices worldwide. Optimization best practices avoid performance pitfalls.

Core Soft Skills

Beyond raw programming abilities, collaboration skills are indispensable:

  • Fluent written/verbal communication fosters positive community interactions
  • Public speaking ability lets you promote your projects at conferences
  • Content creation skills help author documentation and tutorials
  • Teamwork and remote working comfort as most coordination happens online
  • Leadership traits to guide projects through tough decisions

You spend lots of time peer reviewing code and exchanging feedback. So constructive criticism and conflict management abilities help keep discussions solution-focused.

Self-driven learning is essential since the landscape changes rapidly. Studying forums and digesting user feedback leads to valuable roadmap insights.

Time management and project execution skills are vital for juggling fluid responsibilities across multiple projects.

The open source environment also demands an intrinsic learner‘s mindset. Established developers find mentees rewarding since teaching propels whole communities forward.

Key Mindset Shifts from Commercial to Open Source

  • Intrinsic passion for problem-solving – Your effort is fueled by personal interest rather than managerial obligations
  • Shared ownership and trust – No gatekeepers for access and anyone can participate
  • Show don‘t tell work ethic – Outcomes and help speak louder than credentials
  • Transparent operations – Discussions happen out in the open by default
  • Fail fast iterative mindset – Release early, release often and treat setbacks as learning opportunities

This culture attracts developers who value collaboration intrinsically rather than competition or hierarchy. The autonomy, mastery and purpose ties deeply into human motivations.

The commercial pressures of proprietary coding get replaced by a voluntary spirit serving a greater good. When your work directly touches millions, that collective impact feels incredibly meaningful.

Why Choose an Open Source Career?

So beyond fulfilling ideologies, what tangible career benefits come from open source coding work?

Upskill Rapidly

The scope of impact skyrockets which accelerates practical learning. Developers get exposed to an unprecedented diversity of real-world problems to tackle.

The exposure to hidden complexities behind large-scale deployments is invaluable. This unofficial apprenticeship with field experts speeds up mastery tremendously.

Learn from open source

And opportunities abound to publish writing based on projects handled. This cements your reputation as a thought leader.

Gain Flexibility

Remoteness is built into open source collaboration. This enables professionals to better balance work, family needs and personal wellbeing.

For those valuing location-independence like digital nomads, it‘s perfect. You can code from anywhere with an internet connection!

Most open source programmers work flexible schedules in lieue of on-call firefighting during nights/weekends. The distributed team setup prevents overreliance on just you.

Build Invaluable Connections

Relationships formed tend to become genuine friendships over time. Conversations get quite intimate aroundDesign reviews and brainstorming sessions often feel like jam sessions with awesome innovators worldwide.

You stay humble by seeing first-hand how many talented developers exist globally. This diversity of thought patterns is intellectually stimulating.

Open source connections

Gain Global Authority

Reputations carry over across organizations since credibility hinges on public performance. So opportunities naturally arise to consult, advise and invest in startups.

Well-known figures like Linus Torvalds and Guido van Rossum became celebrities purely based on open source project leadership.

To start crafting your own open source programmer journey, let‘s cover some first steps.

Getting Started with Open Source Contributions

Diving straight into large legacy projects can get overwhelming. Instead, start by fixing issues in relatively smaller apps.

Check out websites like CodeTriage and GoodFirstIssues highlighting friendly projects for new contributors.

Find Your Passion Project

Browse categories that resonate – Cloud, Blockchain, Journalism, Finance etc. Fork a repository of a tool you actively use to spark deeper interest.

Familiarity with an app‘s functionality helps contextually pinpoint worthwhile improvements. Sign up for project newsletters and chat channels to get a pulse of pain points.

Setup Your Environment

Install the languages, frameworks and platforms used by your target project locally. Developing apps riddled with security flaws? Spin up vulnerable VM sandboxes.

Steep yourself in the flows leveraged daily by end-users. Empathy for user journeys pays rich dividends.

Start Small

Tackle low-hanging fruit like updating Readme docs or adding comments to increase code clarity for new developers. These simple wins build confidence.

Next help triage defect reports by confirming bugs and logging detailed reproduction steps. This valuable debugging perspective sets up major contributions.

"Scratch your own itch" by fixing pet peeves in UIs. Even tweaks conveying usability improvements deserve praise.

Seek Feedback

Creating your first few Pull Requests? Request code reviews from project leads and humbly incorporate suggestions. Develop thick skin early on.

Ping experienced contributors on chat channels when blocked. Collaborative troubleshooting protects from rabbit holes. Circulate draft feature designs to gather inputs.

Stick With It!

Consistency demonstrates commitment. As your understanding grows, share that knowledge by authoring missing documentation. Spin up free blogs/videos educating others.

Leaders value those alleviating their burdens, so keep an eye out for draining issues and tackle those diligently.

Internalize that no contribution is too small. Uplift every project interaction through compassionate action.

Before you know it, maintainers will entrust you with formal roles! Now let‘s get you hired, shall we?

Finding Your First Open Source Job

Dedicated community participation seeds opportunities to transform passion into full-time employment.

Directly Apply for Open Roles
Many companies behind prominent projects have openings waiting to be filled by contributors. Check their careers pages and LinkedIn listings.

Top open source focused hiring firms like Red Hat, GitLab, Protocol Labs, Stripe, Mozilla, Indeed etc. cherish real-world coding experience.

Get Recruited
Once core developers notice your reliability solving tricky issues, they may pitch bringing you aboard!

Proving oneself trustworthy takes time though. Stick to projects for enough months building authority before subtly expressing interest to leads.

Attend Relevant Events
Tech gatherings like open source conferences offer unfiltered developer access. Schedule one-on-ones to bond over shared coding journeys.

Even broader software events contain open source tracks. Look out for project core team members on speaker panels and networking sessions.

Spread Your Story
Developers publically display work samples on GitHub profiles and personal blogs. Showcase contributions through talks at meetups or published articles.

These long-form pieces portray technical depth better than resumes alone. Plus having searchable achievements strengthens recruiter sourcing.

Activate Networks
Developers mingle in circles across Slack communities, Discord servers, subreddits and Twitter hashtags. Make inquiries about potential openings in these circles.

Join industry associations like OSI to nurture in-person relationships with corporate decision makers. Facebook Groups around coding topics bubble over with listings.

Practice Persistence
Understand that landing roles hinges significantly on timing. Be patient if options seem sparse during downturns. The beauty of remote work means even overseas jobs apply!

Now to set you up for long-term success, let‘s explore open source continuing education…

Resources for Leveling Up

Intentional learning helps open source programmers stay employable as technologies come and go.

Read Actively
Subscribe to authoritative blogs unpacking developments like Kubernetes evolutions, Rust adoption guides, AI ethics concerns etc.

Digest release notes from new language versions and framework upgrades. Follow thought leaders on Twitter for bite-sized insights.

Listen and Watch
Hundreds of podcasts like Open Source Security, Software Engineering Daily etc. deliver wisdom through audio only.

YouTube videos from conference talks expose bleeding edge innovations. Browser extension feeds automatically recommend fresh lectures.

Take Courses
Structured learning pathways provide credentials that traditional open source work may not.

Affordable dedicated platforms like Udacity, Udemy etc. offer robust open source curriculums. EdX hosts university classes like MIT‘s.

Attend Events
Hallway conversations at gatherings sow ideas more effectively than hours of reading. Session Q&As unlock perspective shifts.

Flagship open source conventions like FOSDEM see thousands flocking to bond around projects. But even small local meetups nurture communities.

Get Funding
Organizations like Red Hat‘s Women in Open Source award grants to address diversity gaps. So never hesitate requesting support!

Plus many open source mentorship initiatives exist paying stipends and providing equipment to volunteers wanting guidance.

Intentional, lifelong learning is key for impactful peer production. Now what possibilities shine over the horizon for seasoned open source developers?

Open Source Career Growth Trajectories

Seasoned open source programmers progress to maintain ownership over huge chunks of infrastructure globally. Users unknowingly interact with their code daily while browsing, transacting, communicating!

Their opinions shape standards discussions that cascade across industries. Firms desperately seek their blessing before launching offerings.

So what trajectory milestones manifest over decades of open source coding for those desiring leadership?

Own Widely Deployed Modules

Think kernel wizards, Python packaging czars, React core team etc. Their choices change development landscapes overnight!

Drive Foundations

Non-profits like Apache Foundation and GNOME Foundation elect prominent technologists onto their boards directing budgets and policy issues.

Author Influential Books

Legends author defining tomes cementing best practices for generations like Eric Raymond‘s Cathedral and Bazaar.

Keynote At Major Events

Visionary speakers headline conferences like OSCON, All Things Open etc. relaying trends they crystallized like open source licensing nuances.

Advise Governments

Geopolitical strategy taps open source experience given increasing societal digitalization. Open data/hardware initiatives seek guidance optimizing accessibility.

Teach At Universities

Stanford, MIT etc. invite trailblazers as professors and research fellows to inject curriculum with real-world lessons.

Launch Ventures

Prime opportunities abound to commercialize open source work. MySQL‘s founders showed how dual licensing and SaaS models build empires!

Retire Gracefully

After decades of community service, developers pass batons to next generations, while advising causes or playing angel investor.

Their legacies ripple down inspiring billions thrust into an increasingly digitized world!

So whether you seek fame, intellectual challenge or worldwide impact, open source beckons! Chart your own course – from tinkerer to leader.

Now go empower people by empowering advancements!