How to Select Elements by Class in XPath: The Ultimate Guide

As a web scraping expert with over a decade of experience extracting data using Python, I‘ve found XPath to be one of the most powerful and flexible tools for pinpointing specific elements on a page. And one of the most common ways to locate elements is by their class name.

In this in-depth guide, I‘ll show you exactly how to select elements by class in XPath, including example code and best practices I‘ve learned over the years. By the end, you‘ll be equipped to scrape data from even the most complex and dynamic websites with ease.

What is XPath and Why Use It for Web Scraping?

XPath stands for XML Path Language. It‘s a query language for selecting nodes from an XML or HTML document. While originally designed for XML, XPath works great for web scraping because HTML has a very similar tree-like structure.

With XPath, you can write expressions to navigate through the hierarchy of an HTML document and extract specific pieces of data. It provides a concise way to select elements based on various criteria like tag name, attributes, class, ID, position, and more.

Compared to other methods like CSS selectors, regular expressions, or manual parsing, XPath offers several advantages for web scraping:

  • Highly precise targeting of elements
  • Ability to navigate up and down the document tree
  • Support for advanced filtering and functions
  • Works consistently across different programming languages and libraries

That‘s why XPath remains one of the most popular and widely used techniques for scraping after all these years. Alright, let‘s dive into the specifics of selecting elements by class.

Selecting Elements by Class Using contains()

The most flexible way to select elements by class in XPath is using the contains() function. It looks like this:


Here‘s what each part means:

  • //tagname selects all elements with the specified tag name (e.g. div, span, a, etc.)
  • [contains(@class,‘classname‘)] filters those elements to only the ones whose class attribute contains the specified class name

For example, to select all divs with a class of "card", you would use:


The beauty of contains() is that it will match elements that have additional classes as well. So it would select divs with: